Sunflower seeds and peanuts, one to gain weight, one to lose weight, check yourself, are you eating right?

Melon seeds and peanuts are the most common nut foods, and they are also a must-have snack for people when they are chasing dramas and chatting. When friends and relatives come, they always get together to eat Melon seeds, chatting about everyday life.

Although melon seeds and peanuts taste particularly good, both are high-fat and high-calorie foods , Frequent eating can easily make the body fat. Weight loss is the most popular topic at the moment. There are still many people who regard losing weight as a lifelong goal, and even many people will not eat or drink in order to achieve the goal of losing weight.


Eating melon seeds increases Fat or lose weight?

The common melon seeds are pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds and sunflower seeds. No matter what type of melon seeds, they cannot be removed. fat content in it.

The fat content of melon seeds is high. Excessive intake of fat will be used to synthesize its own fat as the body’s energy reserve, providing the body with Energy, because fat and carbohydrates consumed in ordinary diet have met the body’s metabolic needs, excessive intake of melon seeds can easily convert fat into energy storage in the body, It will also make the body gradually fatter.


How to eat sunflower seeds Healthiest?

1. Choose the right time to eat

We try to schedule the time to eat sunflower seedsabout an hour after meals. Eating too much sunflower seeds is easy to get flatulence, affects the normal digestion of food, so it is not advisable to eat sunflower seeds immediately after a meal, do not eat sunflower seeds before a meal, it will easily affect the appetite, and it will also bring a feeling of fullness.

2. Try to choose the original flavor

There are more and more types of melon seeds. Many merchants produce melon seeds with various flavors such as matcha, caramel, and cream. Although these melon seeds have a richer taste, it is not recommended to eat more.

Eating this type of melon seeds often will increase the digestive burden on the stomach and to the digestive tract. It also causes stress, and also to a large extent increases the body’s fat secretion, resulting in impaired gastrointestinal function.

Belonging to female friends during the weight loss period, for the sake of health, it is best to choose original melon seeds, original melon seeds can maximize the It can also retain nutrients and reduce the damage caused by additives to the human body.

3. Pay attention to the amount of sunflower seeds you eat

Try not to eat too many sunflower seeds at one time, otherwise discomfort such as abdominal pain and bloating will easily occur, and it will also have adverse effects on gastrointestinal function.

The repeated friction between the seeds and the tongue is easy to cause problems such as swelling, pain or blisters on the tongue, so when eating the seeds Be sure to control the dosage to avoid discomfort to your body.


Eat peanuts to gain weight or lose weight ?

Most people think that the oil content in peanuts is too high, and they must not eat more during weight loss. In fact, peanuts will not have much impact on weight loss. Eating some properly can even achieve the effect of weight loss. .

Peanuts are highly satiety, about 5 times higher than other high-carb foods /strong>, Eating peanuts properly can reduce the intake of other foods, and can also reduce the body’s total calories, and achieve the effect of losing weight. It also contains a variety of cellulose >, can help remove excess toxins and wastes from the body, so proper consumption is not easy to make the body fat.


What is the healthiest way to eat peanuts?

There are various ways to eat peanuts, such as eating raw, cooking and then frying, etc. Which is the most nutritious way to eat?

1. Raw

Chemistry’s strong satiety, which is rich in dietary fiber, is not easy to increase blood sugar after eating, but peanuts are a kind of Compared with hard foods, people with poor gastrointestinal function must stay away, otherwise it is easy to aggravate stomach problems.

2. Cook and eat

Protein and fat will be reduced when peanuts are cooked. The calories per 100 grams of cooked peanuts are only about 401 kcal, the fat accounts for 30 grams, and the protein is about 17 grams. Cooked peanuts are the same as raw peanuts. Compared with peanuts, it is not as hard and the calories are greatly reduced.

3. Don’t eat fried peanuts

The calorie and fat content of peanuts will increase when they are cooked, the calorie content of peanuts is much higher than that of raw peanuts, so it is not recommended for everyone to eat fried peanuts often.

In summary, cooking peanuts is the most nutritious way to eat, which will not burden the body, but also provide energy for the body And nutrition, for the elderly and stomach patients, eating boiled peanuts can be very good for digestion and absorption, and will not cause damage to the body.


skipping dinner to lose weight Does it fit?

Losing weight is a particularly difficult process. As long as you work hard, you will be successful one day.

Most women during their weight loss period feel that skipping dinner will result in higher weight loss, but this is not the case. skipping dinner not only stimulates The normal peristalsis of the intestinal tract will also affect the quality of sleep. The human body takes about 7-8 hours to fall asleep at night, and the body is abnormally hungry, which will cause excessive secretion of gastric acid to erode the gastric mucosa, and even induce chronic Digestive system diseases such as gastroenteritis.

People with poor self-control will eat takeaways to satisfy their hunger. Night is the time for the stomach to repair itself. Supper will keep the stomach working, If the stomach cannot digest food in time, fat will accumulate in the body and the body will get fatter.

Therefore, skipping dinner not only does not help us lose weight, but also damages our health, so we need to eat some light food at night to keep our bodies functioning properly.

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