Sunbathing can prolong life. It turns out that sunbathing has so many benefits, but can you really do it?

With the accelerated pace of modern life, people leave early and return late for study and work, eat takeaways, and stay indoors all day. As people less outdoor activities, they naturally spend less time in the sun.

But in fact, Sun exposure is very beneficial to people’s health. It is better to use the sun than to take medicine and nutrition to maintain health. Come free from disease.

The sun has these benefits

Studies have shown that Sun exposure can make you feel good. There is a neurotransmitter called serotonin in the brain, which can bring happiness and pleasure, and sun exposure can increase the turnover rate of serotonin in the brain, making people feel happy. Adequate sunshine can also promote the secretion of adrenaline and thyroid hormones in the human body, helping to improve bad mood. Therefore, psychiatrists often recommend that patients with depression go out in the sun more, which can help the recovery of depression.

Emotions can affect people’s physical health, often having a happy mood can delay aging, while negative emotions can cause certain diseases. The digestive system is a good emotional expressor. Many people feel anger in the stomach and can’t eat after being angry, because anger can stimulate the sympathetic nerve, promote the secretion of gastric acid, and damage the gastric mucosa.

In addition to gastrointestinal diseases, bad mood can also cause many other systemic diseases. Therefore, the good mood brought by the sun can avoid the occurrence of many diseases and keep the body healthy.

Sun exposure can also boost your immune system, making your body less sick. Regular sun exposure can increase the proliferation of monocytes, promote the transformation of monocytes into macrophages, and enhance the functions of immune cells such as macrophages in vivo. When viruses and harmful bacteria invade the body, the activity of immune cells can engulf and kill these bacteria and viruses to prevent immune diseases such as viral colds.

Also, regular sun exposure can protect against cardiovascular disease. Regular sun exposure can help maintain high levels of vitamin D in the body, which protects blood vessels by reducing inflammation in the body. Most cardiovascular diseases are initially caused by damage to the blood vessel wall, and the next step in the damage to the blood vessel wall is inflammation, which in turn leads to problems with blood circulation.

Vitamin D can activate the body’s immune cells to function, reverse the damage to the cardiovascular system, and better prevent cardiovascular hardening and Blockage maintains the elasticity of blood vessels and the smooth flow of blood, and has the effect of preventing high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and other diseases. [1]

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Cardiovascular disease is the most common chronic disease in middle-aged and elderly people, and regular sun exposure can reduce the risk of heart disease and myocardial infarction. With a healthy body, your life expectancy will naturally extend.

In addition to diseases of the cardiovascular system, osteoporosis is also a problem faced by middle-aged and elderly people, and sun exposure can play a role in preventing osteoporosis.

Sun exposure can supplement calcium

It has been reported that More than 70 million people in my country suffer from severe osteoporosis, which is one of the causes of osteoporosisOne is the lack of sunlight.

First we need to know how osteoporosis occurs. The human bone is “alive”, it is constantly absorbing and breaking down. With the increase of age, the body’s metabolic capacity declines, the formation of new bones decreases, and excessive calcium loss leads to bone density reduction, and the brittleness of bones increases, eventually leading to the occurrence of osteoporosis. The metabolism of bone requires the participation of calcium. When the calcium content in the body is insufficient, it will affect the synthesis of bone. In addition, in order to maintain the blood calcium concentration, the bone will release a part of it. Calcium into the blood, accelerates the occurrence of osteoporosis.

The main way for the human body to obtain calcium is from food. When calcium-containing food enters the gastrointestinal tract, calcium ions will enter the blood through ion channels on the mucosa of the small intestine. Vitamin D can increase calcium ion channels on the small intestinal mucosa, increase calcium absorption, increase blood calcium levels, and help calcium salt deposition in bones.

In the sun’s rays, it is mainly divided into infrared rays and ultraviolet rays, and ultraviolet rays can increase the conversion of active vitamin D in the body, so as to supplement calcium Effect.

In addition, osteocytes are mainly divided into osteocytes and osteoclasts. As the name implies, the main function of osteoblasts is to promote the formation of bones; while osteoclasts Mainly responsible for the destruction and decomposition of bones. Vitamin D can promote the generation of osteoblasts, increase the rigidity of bones, and play a role in improving osteoporosis.

Also, menopausal women are more likely to develop osteoporosis because of estrogen levels in the body before and after menopause > Significantly decreased, unable to effectively inhibit osteoclasts, resulting in accelerated bone destruction and dissolution, accelerated formation of osteoporosis.

Bone mass of the human body continues to decline after reaching its peak at 30 years old, and poor living habits such as lack of outdoor activities and unbalanced diet can promote the formation of osteoporosis.

Some people will think, “Since vitamin D can promote calcium absorption, why don’t I eat more foods supplemented with vitamin D?”. However, for vitamin D supplementation to promote calcium absorption, relying on dietary supplements alone is far from enough. Because of the active vitamin D in the human body, only 10% comes from food, and most of the rest are converted from sunlight exposure, so dietary supplements cannot replace sun exposure.

Infants and young children get more sun exposure to prevent rickets, rickets, teenage sun exposure can promote bone development, elderly people more likely Sun exposure can prevent osteoporosis and reduce the chance of fractures. [2]

Sun exposure can not only improve bone condition, but also promote brain development and exercise brain capacity.

Sun exposure can prevent Alzheimer’s

Regular sun exposure can help To promote the intellectual development of children’s brain and delay the mental decline of the elderly. This is also inseparable from the role of vitamin D. Ultraviolet rays in sunlight can convert 7-dehydrocholesterol in human skin into vitamin D3, which is an active vitamin.

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Vitamin D promotes the growth and development of nerve cells and promotes neurite The splitting of touch allows nerves and muscles to respond to external stimuli. Studies have shown that vitamin D is related to the synthesis of various brain proteins and plays a role in protecting nerves. If the body lacks vitamin D, it will aggravate the damage of nerve cells, leading to the occurrence of neurological diseases.

Vitamin D raises levels of glutamate in the brain, which maintains brain function, provides energy, and protects the brain Nerve center and cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex can maintain the normal conduction function between nerves, improve people’s cognition of things, and support the human body’s functions such as language, movement and mental activities.

Vitamin D can also promote the excitement of the hippocampus, which is a result of the degeneration of the hippocampus in the brain, which often occurs in the elderly. The hippocampus is mainly responsible for memory formation and storage. When the hippocampus degenerates, it will lead to memory loss and cognitive impairment. Studies have shown that lack of vitamin D can reduce the network of neurons around the hippocampus, making the neurons in the hippocampus lose connections, and ultimately lead to the decline of cognitive function.

For growing children, this period is the golden age of brain development. Sun exposure and vitamin D supplementation can not only prevent the occurrence of rickets, but also promote the development of brain neurons, improving children’s intelligence and learning ability. More outdoor activities can also cultivate children’s lively and cheerful personality and improve their ability to perceive nature.

For the elderly, the nerves in the brain will age with age, and more sun exposure can slow down the decline of the nerves in the brain and delay the decline of memory, has the effect of preventing senile dementia.

In addition, sun exposure can stimulate the secretion of dopamine, which prevents the lengthening of the eye axis and reduces the risk of myopia >.

Sunbathing is also learned, how to maximize its benefits?

How the sun should be exposed

Sun exposure is also a “technical activity” Children”, different age groups have different sun exposure methods, and mastering the sun exposure skills can better maintain physical health.

  • Pay attention to sun exposure

during the day , the best time to bask in the sun is before 10 am and after 4 pm. The sunlight in these two time periods is relatively mild, which can not only supplement vitamin D, promote metabolism, but also prevent excessive ultraviolet rays sunburned skin.

About 15-30 minutes of sun exposure per day for infants and young children is enough, teens can appropriately extend to 1-2 hours per day to promote For the growth and development of the body, middle-aged and elderly people can control the sun exposure time to 30-60 minutes per day. In summer, the sun exposure time can be shortened appropriately. In autumn and winter, pay attention to keeping warm and avoid cold wind.

  • Focus on these parts

Excessive sun exposure can boost immunity. There are many immune cells under the skin on the back of the human body, and sun exposure can activate them, help strengthen immunity, and also help calcium absorption.

Explore the top of the head to grow hair. Sunlight on the top of the head can help stimulate hair growth and help hair grow; It also promotes brain development in children, and can also help with closure of the bregma in babies.

Papers can help you sleep. Humans have very few palms. Sun exposure, more palms can help relieve fatigue, improve insomnia, and improve sleep quality.

More legs can prevent cramps. Many Everyone has “old cold legs”. Exposing the legs to the sun can promote blood circulation and help to expel the cold in the legs. Excessive exposure to the legs can accelerate the absorption of calcium by the bones of the lower limbs, effectively prevent leg cramps, and can also eliminate the fatigue of the legs. Sense.

  • Don’t bask in the sun through glass

Studies show that, Glass can block ultraviolet rays from the sun, and basking in the sun through glass will affect the effect of ultraviolet rays on the production of vitamin D, which greatly reduces the effect of sun exposure.

Also try not to wear white clothing when in the sun, as white clothing can reflect the more damaging short-wave UV rays on your face, which can damage your skin.

Doctors recommend

Sun exposure is arguably the simplest and cheapest health regimen way too. While it’s good for your body, everything is too much, and too much sun exposure can damage your skin and increase your risk of skin cancer. If you spend too much time outdoors, you can apply sunscreen appropriately and take sun protection measures. Remember to drink plenty of water after sun exposure to replenish the water evaporated from the body. You can also eat more fruits and vegetables to inhibit the production of melanin and prevent the skin from darkening to a certain extent.


[1] Sun Yongle, Wang Lihong, Che Hui. Vitamin D is in the heart Research progress of important role in vascular diseases[J].Journal of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Medicine,2021,30(06)

[2] Liao Xiangpeng, Zhang Zengli, Zhang Honghong, Zhu Hanmin, Zhou Jianlie, Huang Qiren, Wang Zhixu, Wang Liang, Liu Zhonghou.Guidelines for the application of vitamin D and bone health in adults (2014 standard edition)[J].Chinese Journal of Osteoporosis,2014,20(09)

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