[Summer Health] Dog days are coming, how to spend it scientifically?

The dog days are the hottest, humid and sultry days of the year that appear between the little summer heat and the end of summer heat. “Fu” means that Yin Qi is forced to hide underground by Yang Qi. In 2022, the volt time is July 16, and the “three volts” will last for 40 days, July 16 From July 25 to July 25, it is the first time, from July 26 to August 14, it is the middle time, and from August 15 to August 24, it is the last time.

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to “practice Sanjiu in winter and Sanfu in summer”, which is often referred to as “winter disease” Xia Zhi”. At this time, the yang of the human body is the most prosperous, the qi and blood are full, the qi mechanism is smooth, and the meridians are unobstructed. Therefore, spending the dog days scientifically helps the human body to resist external evils, thereby achieving the effect of preventing diseases.


Conditioning the mind and qi

People often say “a thousand health care, a thousand health care, a balance of mentality is the key”, a balanced mentality and emotional stability are the key to a healthy life key. Chinese medicine believes that summer belongs to the fire in the five elements, and it communicates with the human body and mind. Therefore, it is very important to regulate the mind and qi, and it is particularly important to maintain a happy mood.

For each of us, we should not be overly emotional, we should not be overjoyed, and we should not get angry easily. If the long-term or sudden mental stimulation exceeds the human body’s ability to bear, it will damage the five internal organs and cause diseases.

“Smile and smile, ten years younger. Worry and sorrow, white head”, learning to express and regulate emotions correctly, is particularly important for health.


Diet & Wellness strong>

Cold food should be avoided. In order to cool down the body, many people like to eat some cold foods, such as ice mung bean soup, popsicles, ice watermelon, etc. However, excessive consumption of ice drinks can easily cause damage to the function of the spleen and stomach, resulting in poor spleen and stomach transport and transformation functions, often manifesting as no appetite and not wanting to eat. Therefore, cold food should be eaten less in summer.

The diet is mainly appetizing and light. The weather in dog days is hot and humid, and many people have no appetite, so the diet in dog days should be appetizers to increase appetite. There are many appetizing foods, such as bitter gourd, dried radish, and shepherd’s purse. Light food can remove heat from the body, prevent heat stroke, and replenish the water discharged from the body due to sweating in summer.

Pay attention to replenishing Qi and removing fire. The dog days are stagnant and turn into fire, which consumes qi and damages the body. It is especially important to replenish qi and dispel fire. Lettuce, lettuce, celery, bitter gourd, loofah, cucumber, wax gourd and other vegetables not only contain the effects of clearing away heat and relieve heat, but also provide a large amount of electrolytes and trace elements such as calcium, potassium and magnesium lost due to excessive sweating . Meat can be eaten duck, fish and the like.

Pay attention to removing dampness. The human body feels weak and heavy, so pay attention to eliminating moisture in the diet. You can eat coix seed, red bean, white lentil, Gorgon, yam and other foods.


Chinese herbal tea

  • Honeysuckle: Cold in nature, sweet in taste, it has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, tonic and treat wind. It can be used to relieve sore throat, eye fatigue, skin infections and other symptoms. It can also achieve the effects of relieving heat, cooling and clearing heat, and external bathing can also prevent prickly heat in children.

  • Ophiopogon japonicus: sweet, slightly bitter, slightly cold in nature , has nourishmentYin Sheng Jin, lungs and cough and other effects, can relieve cough and dry mouth caused by summer heat.

    Mint: medicinal properties acrid, cool, with evacuation It has the functions of clearing the head, soothing the throat, dispelling rash, soothing the liver and activating qi, and can be used for sore throat and headache caused by summer heat. Priority is given to fresh mint, which can be soaked in single flavor or added to tea.

    Chrysanthemum: sweet, bitter, slightly cold. Detoxification can also achieve the effect of dispelling wind and heat, clearing liver and improving eyesight. It can also detoxify, lower blood pressure, and assist in the treatment of cold, headache and red eyes and swelling and pain caused by the disturbance of liver fire. In addition, chrysanthemum can not only relieve heat, but also assist in the treatment of syncope, heat stroke and dizziness.

    Scrophularia: sweet, bitter, salty, slightly cold in nature. It has the effects of clearing heat and cooling blood, nourishing yin and reducing fire, detoxifying and dispersing knots. It can relieve upset discomfort and dry mouth and thirst caused by heat, and assist in lowering blood pressure.

    Expert profile

    Meizhen Zhou

    Associate Professor

    Deputy Chief Chinese Medicine Physician

    Director of Chinese Medicine


    Expert Profile:

    Standing Member of Chronic Disease Management Professional Committee of Jiangxi Chinese Medicine Association

    Member of the Collateral Disease Committee of Jiangxi Chinese Medicine Association

    Member of Jiangxi Provincial Committee of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Gynecology

    Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine in Nanchang

    36 years of experience in clinical work. Participated in six provincial and municipal projects and published papers.

    Professional expertise:

    Mind and Brain Diagnosis and treatment of vascular disease, diabetes, chronic liver disease, pancreatitis, sarcoidosis, geriatric disease, gynecological disease, menopause and other diseases, as well as tumor treatment, and conditioning after radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

    Correspondent: Xia Shiqi Liu Zheng

    Editor: Huang Mengmei Zhou Yun

    Reviewer: Xie Tao

    Approval: Wan Hongxin

    Image: Part of the pictures in this article are from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author , if there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it.

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