Sufficient yang qi can eliminate all diseases, Chinese medicine teaches you a trick to slowly “raise yang”

The reason why people’s bodies are healthy is that righteous qi is stored inside, and evil cannot do it. Righteous qi has a defensive effect on evil qi. According to the viewpoint of yin and yang, righteousness can be divided into yin and yang, yin resists yang evil, yang resists yin evil, Life is inseparable from yin and yang. “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine” says: “If the yang qi loses its place in the sky and the sun, the longevity will be cut off.” Wait for the disease to come to you!

What is Yang Qi?

A person’s life is a process of yang decay, the so-called “living one breath”. This qi refers to the yang qi of the human body. The qi of the human body permeates the whole body and is ubiquitous. According to different distribution and characteristics, it can be divided into five qi, namely “primitive qi, zong qi, ying qi, Wei qi, and middle qi”, which are collectively referred to as yang qi.

Yang qi is actually the true qi of the human body, and its source comes from what we call Yuan Qi. Yuan Qi is stored in the kidneys and belongs to the innate foundation of the human body!

Yin refers to the physical body of human beings, and Yang refers to the energy possessed by the human body. In the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, it is said that yang transforms qi and yin takes shape. (Yang becomes the energy needed by the body, and Yin forms the body that can be seen and touched)

How to keep yang energy intact

Yang qi is the foundation of life, and health is to nourish yang.

Under normal circumstances, our diet should be balanced with cold and heat, mixing cool and warm foods, so that we can Stay positive. However, if the constitution is already weak and cold, it is necessary to eat more warm foods to improve the body’s yang.

Therefore, people with yang deficiency should pay attention to nourishing yang Yang, drinking ginger syrup in the morning, and usually eat less cold food; while people with a strong fire phase eat some cold fruits, it is healthier.

Modern Zhang Xichun’s “Medicine Zhongshen and Western Records of Medical Prescriptions”: “The vitality of human beings is rooted in the kidneys, It sprouts in the liver, cultivates in the spleen, and accumulates in the chest as the atmosphere to mediate the whole body.”

Yuanyin If the liver yin is not filled, and the liver qi rises excessively, dizziness, dizziness, and convulsions.

A person’s life is a mass of yang qi. If yang qi is strong, the vitality will be strong, and if yang qi is weak, the vitality will be weak. Mind is the manifestation of life. If the vitality is strong, the mind will be strong; conversely, if the vitality is weak, the mind will also be weak. The inner spirit is controlled by the heart, the fire of the heart is bright, the spirit is satisfied; the outside is displayed in the eyes, and the eyes are bright, the spirit is satisfied. Children have strong yang energy, so they can jump around all day without feeling tired; in fact, they are full of energy, and what they recite is the most difficult to forget.

Sleep is the best way to raise the sun, you need to rest at the right time, go to sleep at night, and get up in the morning, so that your daily life is in line with the laws of heaven and earth . Sleeping at night is to collect and store the yang qi and let the yang qi rest. When you wake up in the morning, the yang qi of the human body rises with the sun, full of vigor and vitality.

Sleep nap, that is to ensure that every day at midnight (23:00 pm to 1:00 am) and noon (noon) 11 am to 13 pm) sleep time.

“When the yang qi is exhausted, the sleep is stagnant, and the yin qi is exhausted.” The importance of midday sleep to nourish yin and yang. Zi Shi is at its peak during the day, when the quality of sleep is the best, and it is most able to nourish yin. At noon, yang qi is at its peak and yin qi is weak. Taking a nap can help relieve stress and maintain full energy throughout the day.

Naps to follow“Sleep at midnight, nap at noon” ” principles. Before going to bed, you should reduce exciting activities such as using mobile phones and playing computers, try to fall asleep before 11 pm, and take a nap for 15-25 minutes at noon.

Insufficient or blocked yang qi can lead to tumor, stone, hyperplasia

Life has yang qi, if the yang qi is clear, the haze will disperse and the whole body will not be sick. Occasionally, when the yang qi is insufficient or blocked, the body will temporarily pack the metabolites such as yin turbidity stasis poison, water and phlegm dampness and put it somewhere, and the manifestations may be lipoma, stone, hyperplasia, cyst, fatty liver, tumor, etc. . If the inspection reveals such things, it is a temporary physiological change. Once the yang qi is sufficient and the gasification function is strengthened, these products will disappear naturally.

As long as life exists, the body will have yang qi, and there will also be a gasification function. The energy in food that we eat every day is all dependent on the gasification function of yang qi. At the same time, the turbid and poisonous dregs after metabolism can be excreted normally, and it also depends on the gasification function. If the yang qi is strong and the qi transformation function is normal, the turbid toxins can be smoothly excreted in the body; if the yang qi is deficient and the qi transformation function is abnormal, pathological metabolites will be produced, and if they remain in the body, it is a disease.

Yang and Healing p>

Traditional Chinese medicine treats serious illnesses, focusing on strengthening the righteousness and eliminating pathogenic factors, because strengthening the righteousness can save lives, and eliminating pathogens can cure diseases. Righteousness is life, and righteousness is also a mass of yang. To save one’s life, it is necessary to protect this group of yang qi. Therefore, it is not allowed to abuse the cold and cool to destroy the yang qi, and it is also not allowed to indiscriminately apply exercises to draw wages from the bottom of the cauldron. Only nourishing Yang Qi is enough to save one’s life. If you deprive you of life that can last in order to cure a disease, this is not a medicine you can rely on, but a thief and a devil.

Some people found breast hyperplasia, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, liver hemangioma, lumbar spine hyperplasia and other diseases. . All hyperplasias, cysts, fibroids, masses, etc. belong to the stagnation of yin turbidity. Therefore, it is said that the key to curing diseases is to strengthen the yang and clear the yang, so that the yang qi is healthy and prosperous, then the negative metabolites such as turbid toxin, phlegm, water and dampness can be automatically excreted from the body, so as not to cause cohesion and blockage. Once the yang qi is connected, all the symptoms can be solved suddenly.

Many women have ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids. What’s the matter? Chinese medicine believes that yang transforms qi and yin forms. If the yang qi is insufficient, the qi transformation will be unfavorable, and the yin pathogens such as phlegm and water will be stagnant, and the blockage will be blocked, that is, negative pathological products such as cysts, hyperplasia, and lumps will become negative pathological products such as cysts, hyperplasia, and lumps. If the uterus is deficient in yang, it will become uterine fibroids; if the ovary is deficient in yang, it will become a cyst. The correct treatment method is to support the yang to transform the qi, and to open the yang to remove the turbidity.

Many diseases (such as various tumors, cysts, hyperplasia, fat, etc.) Tumors, hemangiomas, etc.) all need to clear the yang and expel turbidity. How to Tongyang? Or use ephedra, asarum, aconite, dried ginger, Evodia and other warm Chinese medicines, or use acupuncture, special moxibustion, which can nourish yang, strengthen yang, support yang, and clear yang, which is the best for yin and turbidity. Furthermore, in daily life, it is necessary to avoid wind and cold, live prudently, and control diet, the yang qi will not be damaged, which is conducive to recovery.

Currently, many people have blood stasis. On the skin, there are blood collaterals, which are blue or purple, black or red, and on the inside, there are lumps, hyperplasia, and various pains. The prevention of blood stasis is not only about taking some decoctions to activate blood and remove blood stasis, but also pay attention to nourishing yang. If the yang qi is sufficient and clear, the qi can be transformed, the blood can be dispersed, the meridians and collaterals are unobstructed, and naturally there will be no stasis. The method of unblocking yang, or using warm medicine, or using acupuncture, especially in midsummer, can best help yang and eliminate cold, move qi and dredge collaterals, activate blood and remove blood stasis.

People with yin and yang deficiency are easy to get sick, and most of them have three yin syndromes. On the one hand, yang qi is deficient in the interior, resulting in inability to rise and hair; on the other hand, yin cold, phlegm-drinking, damp turbidity, etc. both obscure and damage yang qi, thus forming a vicious circle, resulting in a continuous decline in physique. Kinetic energy raises the sun. Patients like this must insist on exercise, and can choose relatively relaxing exercises such as walking, Baduanjin, Taijiquan, and standing. And pay attention to a healthy life, diet, and daily life, so that the yang qi can be invigorated, and a part of the yin turbidity can be gradually evaporated. If moxibustion can help Yang, the effect will be better.

When a serious illness is recovering from a long-term illness, although the symptoms disappear, the viscera is still fragile, and the qi and blood are insufficient. Acupuncture can be used at this time. Under normal circumstances, two acupoints, Dazhui and Taodao (the first thoracic vertebra from Dazhui point is Taodao point), can support the yang qi of the Du meridian and enhance the resistance of the whole body; Zusanli can be appetizing and eating, and can also nourish the middle Jiao, Enhance the source of qi and blood biochemistry. The above three points can be acupuncture and moxibustion, all of which are effective. It is still necessary to pay attention to adjusting the diet, avoid wind-cold, live a regular life, and restrain sexual desire, then the righteousness can gradually be restored.

4 parts of the body for better health

▶ Top of the head: supplement Yang qi

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that “the head is the head of all yang”, that is, the place where all yang qi converges , All the blood of the essence of the five zang organs and the qi of the six fu-organs and clear yang all converge on the head. The Baihui point is located in the middle of the top of the head (the midpoint of the line connecting the two ears), where the Baimai meets.

When basking in the sun, be sure to let the sun shine above your head, and the best time to bask in the sun is< span>11-13 o’clock. This is when the sun is most abundant. After lunch, office workers may wish to go outside and let the sun shine on the top of their heads, which can smooth the pulse and adjust the yang qi.

▶ Back in the sun: regulating blood

The abdomen is yin and the back is yang. There is a meridian on the back that cannot be ignored – the Governor Vessel. It is known as the “sea of ​​yang veins”, and the governor is full of yang energy. When the back is warm and comfortable, the body’s yang energy will be sufficient.

< span>▶ Sunbathing legs and feet: dispelling cold

As the saying goes: “cold starts from the foot”. People have cold heads, legs and feet all year round. In this case, the most important thing is to bask in the legs and feet.

The sun can take away the legs and feet. It can also accelerate calcium absorption and help prevent osteoporosis. In addition, Zusanli acupoint on the calf (located on the four horizontal fingers under the outer knee of the calf and the edge of the tibia) is a very important health care point for the human body. It can strengthen the body and regulate the spleen and stomach.

▶ Sunshine palms: promote sleep

< p data-track="78">There is a very important acupoint in the palm – Laogong (naturally clenched fist, pointed under the tip of the middle finger). Laogong is an acupoint of the pericardium meridian, and the five elements belong to fire. Pressing and rubbing this acupoint has the effect of clearing the fire of the heart and reassuring the spirit.

Facing the palm of the hand to the sun, let the sun shine into the work Gong points can release stress, relieve fatigue, promote sleep, and strengthen the heart and Qi.

Warm reminder:Generally speaking , When 15% of the human body’s skin is exposed to the sun, young people can accumulate 40 minutes of sun exposure per week, and the elderly can get 60 minutes of sun exposure per week to ensure bone health.

Daily foot bath: nourishing essence and warming kidney yang span>

Bubbling your feet every day is equivalent to sealing an entrance to the disease. Don’t underestimate the foot bath, there is Yongquan acupoint on the sole of the foot; warming the Yongquan acupoint can not only help us warm up the qi of the kidney and yang, but also seal the entrance of a disease.

The so-called acupoints, simply put, are the many portals of the body. Acupuncture points are like doors, they need to be opened in order for the body to achieve a good relationship with the outside world.

When the door is closed, it is naturally soundproof and warm, but once it is opened, wind and cold will come in; this is why the older generation often teaches us not to Bare feet get cold; so soak them in hot water every night.

Daily tap the pulse: remove cold and dampness and activate yang

Daily tap the belt pulse, which is where the belt is tied. Knocking in this position not only strengthens the lower abdominal organs, but also has a certain effect on waist tightening and weight loss.

As the saying goes, “ten fat and nine false”, in my impression fat people should not be afraid Cold, but some fat people are more afraid of cold when they are fat, especially those who are so fluffy and fluffy that they can easily lose weight after starving for two meals. The reason is due to insufficient yang in the body and excessive cold and dampness.

In fact, the nutrition that people really need is yang qi. If a person really has enough yang qi, it will be like the sun in the body. Dispel the haze, dissolve the cold and dampness, and become a normal and energetic person.