Suffering from uremia, you must take good care of your body and pay attention to these 6 things, so as not to affect the treatment effect

The survey found that the incidence of chronic kidney disease in my country has exceeded 10%. In other words, one in 10 people has kidney disease, and almost half of them are prone to uremia.

Uremia is an inflammatory disease that damages human health, and dialysis is the main method to treat the disease.

Of course, there is more than one clinical treatment for this disease, and patients must pay attention to it. After all, uremia is a great threat to life safety.

The final stage of the development of chronic renal failure, the current stage requires long-term hemodialysis treatment, the detoxification of hemodialysis The capacity is only 1/10 that of a normal kidney.

In other words, the discharge of toxins is insufficient, and most of the toxins are still accumulated in the body, which can easily affect the survival period of patients. Therefore, in order to prolong the life span, to take care of the body need to pay attention to the following 6 habits.

First, prevent colds

For patients with uremia, frequent colds have a great impact on their health, especially the damage to renal function, which may reduce immunity, Reduce the effect of drug therapy.

Second, to ensure a stable mental state

Uremia patients have too much energy and stress, which may lead to an imbalance in their physical condition, that is, unstable mood lead to high blood pressure, which can have a significant impact on kidney function. Therefore, it is necessary for patients to maintain a stable mental and physical condition.

Third, basic care

patients Clothes should be changed according to the weather, keep warm, wear hats and scarves when going out to avoid colds, pay attention to personal hygiene, often replace and wash close-fitting clothes, and choose loose and breathable clothes.

In addition, uremia patients should exercise properly to improve their immunity, such as Tai Chi, walking or yoga, but not heavy physical labor and excessive work.

Fourth, control the intake of phosphorus and sodium ions p>

Phosphorus can strengthen bones, but the renal function of patients with uremia is decreased, which may accumulate the remaining phosphorus in the blood, resulting in increased blood phosphorus, itchy skin and bone damage.

Therefore, it is necessary to stay away from high-phosphorus foods in daily life, such as fermented products, animal offal, cola and dairy products. Excessive intake of sodium ions will increase blood pressure and lead to the body Edema, ascites, heart failure.

Therefore, the daily salt intake of each person should be controlled within 6 grams, and when cooking food, put less high-sodium condiments, such as chicken essence, monosodium glutamate and soy sauce.

Fifth, avoid infection

If the patient has elevated body temperature, chills, fatigue, loss of appetite, cough, thick phlegm, leukocytosis and other symptoms, symptomatic treatment should be done to improve, in order to avoid electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders.

At this time, it is recommended that patients follow the doctor’s arrangement to eliminate the possibility of uremic infection.

Sixth, the company of family members

For patients, after suffering from the disease, the physical and psychological pressure is great, will have< /strong>Reactions of despair, depression and impatience. At this time, medical staff and family members should give more care and love to patients with uremia.

In short, after the occurrence of uremia, there are many precautions that need to be understood, such as patients should develop a good Habits, change bad habits to ensure good health.

Especially for those who like to stay up late, they must change these bad habits and persist in the treatment process. Impact.