Suffering from osteoporosis, the reasons are different, after the age of 45, do 3 things to strengthen bones

Ms. Qian is 53 years old this year. After retirement, she is usually fine at home. She likes to sit in front of the TV and watch shows, or go to the activity center to play mahjong. Recently, she felt very uncomfortable in her shoulder and neck, and she suspected that she had cervical spondylosis, but She also said that she was not dizzy or numb, which made people more puzzled.

In addition, Ms. Qian also told the doctor a very important thing, that is, she went through menopause relatively early, will not come to my aunt when she is less than 45 years old. She has a small body and eats less. She often eats fruits and cold vegetables to satisfy her hunger. No wonder her figure is very thin.

The doctor has roughly guessed the cause of Ms. Qian. The subsequent examination results surprised Ms. Qian. She actually had severe osteoporosis, but in the doctor’s opinion, the examination result was reasonable. . He told Ms. Qian that if one day she didn’t pay attention to a somersault, she might break a bone, and now she must receive treatment as soon as possible.

Middle-aged women diet to lose weight, resulting in insufficient protein and calcium in the body, which will not only affect bone health, but also affect Ovarian function, Ms. Qian’s condition should have developed for a long time. It may be that she started losing weight and amenorrhea when she was in her 40s. However, Ms. Qian did not pay attention to it and did not supplement nutrition in time. The point is, people in their fifties, bone age in their seventies.

Another patient, Ms. Wang, who is only 40 years old this year, has been diagnosed with osteoporosis. The patient said that he was sore and uncomfortable sleeping. Later, the bone density was checked and it was -2.5. She is young, how can she get geriatrics? It turned out that the patient had been using hormone drugs for treatment, and the ingredients of the drugs would accelerate bone loss, and she usually did not pay attention to calcium supplementation, so her bone condition was very poor.

From the cases of these two patients, we can find that osteoporosis is also diagnosed, but the etiology of the two patients is different. One is unbalanced nutrition, less activity, and early menopause

strong>Cause, one is caused by long-term medication. Their case is typical and deserves attention.

4 categories of people need to be highly valued and are easily targeted by osteoporosis, so don’t take it seriously

< p>Elderly skinny people

menopausal women

people with high salt diet, inactivity, diet

People who take medicine for a long time due to illness

Some elderly people regard thinness as the standard of health, blindly advocating vegetarianism, and even becoming thin. Skin and bones, however, this body type is not good for bones, and it is easy to fracture. In addition, in a certain sense, the thin elderly may have problems of lack of nutrition and low resistance. Once they encounter a fracture, it is difficult to recover, and they have to stay in bed for a long time to recuperate.

Middle-aged women are prone to osteoporosis mainly due to two reasons, one is lower estrogen, the other is the body strong>Bone hardness decreases with aging, and the risk of two points acting on the female body at the same time increases. In addition, female friends have higher requirements on the body and are more restrained in diet. If protein and other nutritional supplements are not enough, bone problems are also prone to occur.

Bone health is also closely related to lifestyle, such as liking salty mouth, drinking strong tea, dieting to lose weight, not exercising, excessive sun protection, etc. Behavior can affect bone health. Take sun exposure as an example. Reasonable light is beneficial to bone cell synthesis. If you rarely do outdoor exercise and cover your skin as soon as you go out, the synthesis of vitamin D will be less, and the utilization rate of calcium will be lower. .

People who use a certain drug for a long time should also pay attention to check the bone density, such as cancer patients, rheumatic diseases, immune system diseases, and it is found that the bone mass decreases , Joint pain often, is to remind you to pay attention to calcium.

3 things to do after the age of 45 or to strengthen the bones

It is recommended that everyone after the age of 45 It is necessary to maintain bone health, especially joint pain caused by other diseases, not only to treat joint problems, but also to fundamentally solve the problem, do not let the primary disease gradually aggravate and cover up the truth, otherwise osteoporosis will become More serious, it is not so easy to improve by life intervention. Here are 3 remedies, it’s not too late:

First thing, put exercise on the agenda

Many people with broken bones are not People who like to exercise have less activity, stiffer joints, and lack of stimulation of bone cells, so osteoporosis will be more serious than people who exercise regularly. Human bones need to be exercised frequently. Only by moving more, it will become more flexible and rigid, and exercise can’t be done as soon as you remember it. It is best to do it regularly, and you can alternately perform various exercises, such as Brisk walking today, cycling tomorrow, and jogging the day after tomorrow will stimulate your bones and muscles differently.

The second thing, don’t be stingy in the sun

People are very worried about their skin in middle age If you have spots on your face, you will protect yourself every time you go out, especially female friends, who hate UV rays even more. In fact, bathing inUnder the sun, it is very good for the growth of bones. If you are afraid of sunburn, you can choose a time period that is not so sunburned.

The third thing, 2 kinds of food should be willing to eat

Be willing to drink milk, it is easy to absorb and easy to carry , you can take a bottle with you when you go out or go to work, and the price is affordable, everyone can afford it. To eat aquatic products, fish, kelp, shrimp, shells, etc., eat in different ways every week, it also has the effect of supplementing calcium and strengthening bones

I hope everyone has the problem of osteoporosis. To attract attention, it is like the pillar of a building. If there is a crack in the pillar, it will easily collapse in the face of violent storms in the future. In addition, you must learn the correct calcium supplementation method, and do not blindly eat calcium tablets or drink soup, which may have the opposite effect.


[1]The picture is clear | These truths about osteoporosis, it’s time to make it clear · Guangming.2020-10-20

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[4] Pentecostal woman has osteoporosis, and her bone age is in her 70s. -23

[5] Whole body aches and unexpectedly suffering from “elderly disease” 40-year-old woman’s long-term use of hormones causes osteoporosis.