Subversion of cognition! Peking Union Medical College new discovery: skipping dinner may improve blood sugar and be healthier

“If you don’t eat dinner, you may have a stomach perforation!”

A 20-year-old female college student was carried into the hospital by her roommate. I started losing weight before, skipping dinner every day, and then often skipping breakfast.

Recently, dieting has really worked. She has lost weight, but recently her stomach has been suffering from severe pain, and she is often nauseous. Today, classmate Zhao was so sore that his forehead was sweating, and he was sent to the hospital by his roommate.

After examination, the doctor diagnosed that the long-term diet has caused gastric dysfunction and indigestion. If this continues, it may lead to gastric ulcers and even gastric perforation.

Student Zhao regretted hearing the doctor’s words.

In the past, everyone knew that dieting and skipping dinner were harmful to the body, but a new study recently came up with the conclusion that skipping dinner is healthier, which is really surprising.

First, subvert cognition! The latest study of Peking Union Medical College Hospital: skipping dinner is healthier

Recently, Mao Yilei and Yang Huayu’s team from the Department of Liver Surgery of Peking Union Medical College Hospital conducted an experiment related to eating and metabolic health. This experiment is also the first clinical trial of time-restricted eating in non-obese healthy people.

A total of 90 healthy volunteers participated in this experiment. The researchers divided the reference group into two groups: eating in the morning and eating in the afternoon.

Morning eating group: The daily eating time was controlled between 6 am and 3 pm, i.e. no dinner;

Noon eating group: Noon eating is to control the daily eating time between 11:00 am and 8:00 pm, that is, skip breakfast.

Results: Eating in the morning is more effective in improving insulin sensitivity than eating in the afternoon. Morning eating improved fasting blood sugar, reduced weight and obesity, improved inflammation, and increased gut microbial diversity.

Through this experiment, “no food after noon” seems to be more beneficial to the human body.

Second, is it really okay for ordinary people not to eat dinner?

In recent years, various dietary studies and theories have emerged one after another. Compared with regular three meals a day, is “time-restricted eating” really more suitable for the body’s body rhythm?

For “morning eating”, that is, skipping dinner, Ma Jinping, Director of Gastrointestinal Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University reminded that normal people who do not eat dinner may strong>It’s not a big problem to last a few days, but for people who are malnourished or lean, partial eclipse and diseased, they need sufficient protein, fat, sugar and other nutrients every day, and it is very difficult to save dinner. It may result in a situation where nutrients are not sufficient for the normal functioning of the body.

Returning, since the experiment shows so many benefits of “morning eating”, for those who are healthy and want to control their diet, can they try it? ?

Wait, this study at Peking Union Medical College only lasted 5 weeks. But if you don’t eat dinner for a long time, the following reactions are likely to occur in the body:

1. Decreased sleep quality

After lunch, because of not eating for a long time, at 10 or 11 o’clock in the evening, it is very likely that you will feel hungry. During this time period, the human body enters the sleep period, but hunger will excite the brain, making it difficult to fall asleep.

2. Decreased immunity

Lack of nutrient intake for one meal is likely to cause nutrient shortages, resulting in decreased immunity. For example, if the protein is insufficient, it is impossible to synthesize immunoglobulins, resulting in a decrease in the body’s sterilization ability, thereby increasing the risk of various diseases.

3. Stomach injury

When the body feels hungry, the stomach will secrete gastric acid , If you don’t eat dinner, it will make the stomach acid without food to digest, but damage the gastric mucosa. In the long run, it is more likely to cause gastrointestinal discomfort, gastritis, gastric ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases, and may even lead to gastric cancer.

4. Damage the brain

The central nervous system of the brain needs glucose for maintenance. Loss of nutrients, hypoxia occurs. In the long run, it is likely to cause irreversible damage to the brain.

Third, dinner determines your lifespan, you might as well make three changes

Not eating after lunch is not suitable for everyone, compared to the risk of skipping dinner , At dinner, make 3 changes that may be more beneficial to your health.

1. Eating earlier dinner reduces the risk of cancer

Institute of Global Health, University of Barcelona, ​​Spain A study shows : The shorter the interval between dinner and sleep, the higher the cancer risk. Eating dinner too late will promote the secretion of a large amount of digestive juice, which will affect the repair of the gastric mucosa, thereby increasing the risk of gastritis and pancreatitis.

Suggestion: It generally takes more than 4 hours for gastrointestinal emptying. According to the sleep time between 10-11 o’clock, it is best to have dinner at 6-7 o’clock.

2. Eat less meat for dinner and reduce the risk of heart disease

A study by the School of Public Health of Harbin Medical University found that the Dietary fiber can be metabolized by the intestinal flora to produce short-chain fatty acids, which are helpful for cardiometabolism and cancer prevention.

Suggestion: Eat vegetables for dinner and reduce the proportion of meat.

3. Don’t eat too much for dinner, prolong life

Published in The Lancet Public Health, an article involving 15 A large-scale study of 430,000 people in the United States and North America, Europe, and Asia found that Eating too much or too little carbohydrates can reduce life expectancy.

Carbohydrates enter the body and are directly converted into sugars. A long-term high-carbohydrate diet, on the one hand, consumes too much sugar, and it will be converted into fat if it cannot be consumed; on the other hand, high-carbohydrate will cause the body’s blood sugar to rise, stimulate insulin secretion, and abnormal insulin and blood sugar regulation functions, which will lead to diabetes and complications disease and even increase the risk of dementia.

Suggestion: Eat more low-sugar carbohydrates, such as asparagus, mung beans, snow peas, strawberries, grapefruit, whole grains, etc.; Cookies, chips, etc.

A healthy diet should be a reasonable distribution of three meals according to your own situation. Not everyone is suitable for “don’t eat after noon”. For people who need to gain weight, malnourished, pregnant women, nursing mothers, children in development, gastrointestinal, liver and kidney diseases, it is still advisable to use time-restricted eating with caution. .


[1]《Randomized controlled trial for time-restricted eating in healthy volunteers without obesity》.Nature Communications.2022-02-22

[2] “Healthy Eating | New ideas on diet are emerging one after another, and should not be copied”. Qilu One Point. 2022-03-22

[3] “Eating too little “healthy” staple food can reduce life expectancy by 4 years! The Lancet has confirmed! “. People’s Daily. 2018-11-30