Su Jue opens the orifices, nourishes the yin and invigorates the kidney, and is a special acupoint for calming the liver and suppressing wind—Yongquan acupoint

Su Jue enlightens the orifices, nourishes the yin and the kidney, calms the liver and extinguishes Feng

Today, I will introduce a special acupoint with Su Jue opening the body, nourishing the yin and benefiting the kidney, and calming the liver and extinguishing the wind—Yongquan acupoint

< p data-track="3">Efficacy of Yongquan Point: Su Jue opens the orifices, nourishes yin and invigorates the kidney, calms the liver and quenches the wind. Frequent massage of Yongquan acupoint can nourish yin and invigorate the kidney.

Detailed positioning: On the sole of the foot, in the depression of the forefoot when the foot is rolled, about the 2nd and 3rd toe seam of the sole of the foot On the intersection of the front 1/3 and the back 2/3 of the line connecting the end and the heel.

When the second and third toes of the foot On the intersection of the anterior 1/3 and the posterior 2/3 of the line connecting the head end of the toe seam with the heel

[Indication] Heat in the heart of the foot, paralysis of the lower limbs, cholera and tendons, pain in the top of the head, dizziness, vertigo, insomnia, sore throat, dry tongue, aphonia, convulsions in children, epilepsy, fainting. Neurasthenia, trigeminal neuralgia, tonsillitis, hypertension, schizophrenia, hysteria, heat stroke, shock, etc.


1. Among the people, there is Su Jue The function of Huiyang to save the insurgency is mainly used to treat fainting, epilepsy and shock.

2. Equipped with Sishencong and Shenmen, it has the effect of clearing the heart and calming the nerves, and it is mainly used to treat dizziness, insomnia and hysteria.

Massage efficacy:

1. Balance yin and yang, benefit kidney:

Patients should first rub their hands to warm and massage Yongquan acupoint with Laogong acupoint located in the palm of the hand. Because the spring in the heart of the foot leads to the kidney, and the heart of the palm leads to the lower heart. This is a method of communicating with the heart and the kidney, which is helpful for the growth, development, reproduction, qi intake, and water metabolism of the human body.

2. Treatment of headache:

The patient is in a supine or sitting position. When rubbing Yongquan acupoint, the force should be heavy. When the condition is serious, it can be pressed with the fingertips, which can effectively treat the headache.

Headache Treatment

3. Personal massage operation:

Take a seat and place the foot to be massaged on the knee of the other leg. Hold the calf with one hand, the sole of the foot with the other, and place the thumb on the acupoint. Use the thumb pulp to push the acupoints from back to front, the intensity is suitable for soreness, and massage for 1 to 3 minutes. Massage the other acupoint in the same way. Massage the acupoints on both sides once a day in the morning and evening.