Strong recommendation: middle-aged and elderly people eat more of this dish, which contains a lot of selenium, which is delicious, inexpensive and appetizing

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Introduction: It is strongly recommended: after the age of 50, eat more of this dish, which contains a lot of selenium, which is delicious, inexpensive and appetizing!

I believe everyone knows that the weather is getting warmer and warmer in the current season every year, but the temperature difference between day and night is still very large. At this time, many friends are in a situation of dry mouth, poor appetite, and poor mental state. Then, the editor recommends that you must eat more vegetables and fruits with high nutritional value at the current time. , or some fresh meat products.

Because these kinds of ingredients are rich in a large amount of high-quality protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron minerals, amino acids and trace elements, which can help us increase appetite and promote Stomach peristalsis, enhance immunity, supplement the nutrients and water needed by the body, and at the same time can play a certain nourishing effect. So in this season, especially some middle-aged and elderly friends, they should eat more ingredients with higher nutritional value.

So today, I also share with you a lung-moistening dish that is especially suitable for our middle-aged and elderly friends. This lung-moistening dish is rich in a lot of The elements of potassium, iron, calcium, and a lot of dietary fiber and vitamins, if you eat it often, it is also beneficial to the body. Friends who don’t know it, quickly follow the editor to learn about it. This dish shared by everyone refers to chrysanthemum.

When it comes to chrysanthemum, everyone is not unfamiliar. At the moment, it happens to be a vegetable that is marketed in large quantities, which is what we call seasonal vegetables. , everyone should eat it in season. It has a very high nutritional value, is rich in a lot of nutrients, and is also rich in drying elements. It is now called “Emperor Cuisine” and “Longevity Cuisine”, and it has the best taste. , the practice is relatively simple.

So, there are many ways to eat chrysanthemum in daily life, whether it is directly used for frying or used for hot pot, it is very delicious . So today, the editor will also share with you a new way to eat chrysanthemum, which is to use chrysanthemum directly to steam it. It tastes very delicious. Interested friends will come and learn about it.

The first step, first of all, we need to go to the market to buy some fresh chrysanthemum, buy it back, clean it, cut it into pieces A small piece, don’t cut it too short. Then drain the water chrysanthemum, put it in a clean large pot, add an appropriate amount of flour into it and mix it with your hands directly, do not add too much flour, and add a little salt and pepper to it. Seasoning effect.

The second step is to put the chrysanthemum we stirred evenly on a steaming plate, and then place the steaming plate on the steaming pot. Boil the water in the pot and steam it for three minutes. It’s very simple. Because the chrysanthemum itself is very evenly heated, it only takes three or five minutes to steam it directly.

The third step, after steaming, we can add a sauce and prepare a clean small bowl, bowl Add the right amount of balsamic vinegar, light soy sauce, salt and chicken essence, as well as white sesame chili noodles, millet chili and minced garlic, then heat up the oil, heat a little hot oil, pour the hot oil directly into the seasoning sauce and stir Evenly, in this case, the sauce is ready.

The fourth step, the seasoning sauce can be served directly on the table. At this time, we can put the steamed chrysanthemum Dip it in the seasoning sauce, it tastes sour and spicy, appetizing, delicious and easy to eat. Friends who like it, you can try to make it at home.

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