“Strive for the first place, strive for the first”, why does Weifang dare to shout such a slogan

On April 13, the first session of the 18th Weifang Municipal People’s Congress opened. Mayor Liu Yun made a government work report to the conference.

In the report, a review of the past five years and 2021 highlights The transcript shows a picture of Fuchun’s “Kite Capital” of “economic prosperity, social harmony, and people’s happiness”.

Looking forward to the future, the whole city will not forget the original intention, forge ahead, take advantage of the situation, and achieve higher standards, better quality, better Fast speed, strive to “fight for the first place, strive for the first”.

Then why does Weifang dare to say, “Strive to step into the ‘Trillion Club’ in 2024, enter the ranks of second-tier cities and become a national big city in 5 years? Why do they dare to say the rhetoric of “striving for the first place, striving for the first place” with the goals of “Top 30 Mid-City”? Where is their confidence? What is the driving force? What is the background color? Where is the confidence?

Confidence stems from the rapid economic growth of Weifang City, and the comprehensive strength has been significantly enhanced.

In 2021, Weifang’s GDP will jump to 700 billion yuan, reaching 701.06 billion yuan, compared with Weifang’s GDP of 587.22 billion yuan in 2020 RMB 600 billion in 2021, with an increase of 113.84 billion yuan and a growth rate of 9.7%, ranking first in Shandong Province;

General public budget revenue exceeded 60 billion yuan, reaching 65.69 billion yuan;

The operating income of industrial enterprises above designated size exceeded 10,000 yuan

The total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery exceeded 100 billion yuan, reaching 118.35 billion yuan, ranking first in the province

The total import and export volume exceeded 200 billion yuan, reaching 265.7 billion yuan, with an average annual growth of 16.3%;

The balance of deposits in domestic and foreign currencies of financial institutions exceeded 1 trillion yuan, reaching 1,121.78 billion yuan;

The per capita disposable income of residents increased by 7.8% annually, and the income difference between urban and rural residents dropped from 2.09 to 1.94.

It can be seen from the chart that these indicators are also showing an upward trend in 2019, 2020 and 2021. Even in the unusual year of 2020, Weifang City has created extraordinary achievements, achieving a double victory in epidemic prevention and control and economic development. In 2021, the “acceleration button” of development will be pressed, and various indicators will achieve substantial growth.

The driving force is that Weifang City focuses on high-quality development, and its development vitality is continuously enhanced.

A few days ago, the results of the 2021 comprehensive performance appraisal of high-quality development of cities in Shandong Province were released. Weifang City Watch not only won the first place in the comprehensive performance assessment of high-quality development, but also ranked first in the two individual awards of the conversion of new and old kinetic energy and the rural revitalization strategy.

These “first-class, first-class” are all derived from Weifang’s continuous increase in development vitality, unswervingly promoting the transformation of new and old kinetic energy, industrial structure, industrial level Profound changes have taken place, and the momentum of high-quality development has become stronger.

It is reported that the added value of Weifang’s “four new” economy exceeded 200 billion yuan, accounting for an increase of 9.05 percentage points; p>

The province has 11 “geese formation” industrial clusters, ranking second in the province;

Various market entities reached 1.394 million, an increase of 91.7%.

17 national-level manufacturing champions; 83 provincial-level manufacturing champions, ranking first in the province.

Weichai was selected as one of the world’s top 500 companies, 4 companies including Chenming and Goertek were included in China’s top 500 companies, and 4 companies including Luli were included in China’s top 500 companies Top 500 private enterprises.

6 entrepreneurs were commended by the provincial party committee and the provincial government as outstanding entrepreneurs, industry leaders and outstanding entrepreneurs.

1,396 high-tech enterprises, accounting for 54.6% of the output value of high-tech industries, an increase of 21.5 percentage points.

National Fuel Cell TechnologyThere are 38 national-level scientific and technological innovation platforms such as the Technology Innovation Center, and 317 provincial-level scientific and technological innovation platforms such as the Shandong Provincial Laboratory of Weifang Modern Agriculture and the Provincial Key Laboratory of Photoresist.

Selected as the first batch of 22 “Good Products Shandong” brands.

The import and export volume to countries and regions along the “Belt and Road” reached 80.2 billion yuan. 1,878 projects over 100 million yuan were introduced.

There are 180 cooperative academicians, 62 national key talents, 194 Taishan series talents, 409 Yuandu series talents, and 2 people were elected Foreign academicians.

Weifang is a big manufacturing city, and its total industrial economy accounts for about 1/10 of the province and 1 percent of the whole country. Among the 41 major industrial categories in the country, Weifang has 37, including all 31 manufacturing industries. Weifang leads the high-quality development of advanced manufacturing industry with “industrial strong city”, and builds Weifang into the national advanced manufacturing capital.

The background color is that Weifang City is committed to creating a Qilu model of rural revitalization with “strong agriculture, beautiful countryside, and rich farmers” Advance area.

“China’s agriculture looks at Shandong, Shandong’s agriculture looks at Weifang” is Weifang’s resounding agricultural business card. The three models of “Zhucheng Model, Weifang Model, and Shouguang Model” collectively exerted efforts to build a pilot area for rural revitalization in Qilu.

Weifang is the only national comprehensive pilot zone for agricultural opening-up and development in China that has been approved. It was the first in the province to release the agricultural and rural modernization index system and to complete the reform of the rural collective property rights system.

A batch of “National Institutes of Modern Agriculture, Peking University, National Vegetable Quality Standard Center, National Livestock and Poultry Slaughtering Quality Standard Innovation Center, and National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park” have been established. Font Size” platform.

“Feida No. 6”, “Weimai 12” and “Good Day 6158” filled the gap of no new wheat varieties in our city in the past 20 years. Complete industrial chain projects such as 3.6 million laying hens, 100,000 dairy cows, 3 million pigs, 100 million white-feathered broilers, and double 10 billion shrimp and shellfish.

“Blockchain + Vegetables” has become the only project in the province to be selected for the national blockchain innovation application pilot project.

Weifang not only pays attention to stabilizing the agricultural side, but also the rural side. Develop new industries and new formats in rural areas, create opportunities for employment and increase income, allow farmers to share more of the value-added benefits of industries, and realize a new chapter of rural revitalization of “strong agriculture, beautiful rural areas, and rich farmers”.

The number of new agricultural business entities has grown to 36,000. There are 6,282 villages with collective economic income of more than 100,000 yuan.

The whole area was created as a national agricultural product quality and safety city. Completed 1.195 million rural toilet renovations, and the harmless treatment rate of rural household garbage reached 100%.

Create 214 provincial-level beautiful rural demonstration villages and 220,000 beautiful courtyard demonstration households. We will basically achieve “every household access” on rural roads and full coverage of fitness facilities. 33 resettlement areas outside the urban development boundary were built one year ahead of schedule and assigned to households.

Weifang City focuses on key tasks of rural development, rural construction and rural governance, and continues to promote the effective connection between the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation achievements and rural revitalization. Accelerate the creation of a Qilu model pilot area for rural revitalization.

In addition, the ubiquitous “gathering the masses, guiding the masses, cultivating people and becoming customs” in the new era of civilized practice activities has been integrated into The tide of rural revitalization in Weifang City has become the core force to innovate and upgrade the ‘Weifang Model’ and build a model pilot area in Qilu.

As of the end of 2021, Weifang has built 16 new era civilized practice centers, 152 civilized practice institutes, and 6962 civilized practice stations. Three-level coverage of counties, towns and villages;

carried out more than 3,100 theoretical publicity activities such as public lectures, serving more than 300,000 people; span>

Weifang has 1.468 million registered volunteers and more than 7,650 registered volunteer service organizations;

Cultivated 446 volunteer service projects above the municipal level, including the “Rural Revitalization, Civilization and Credit” project.

The inspiration comes from people-centered development thinking. What the people want, what the government wants.

This year’s government work report in Weifang, “people’s livelihood” has become a high-frequency word. Not only has there been a series of achievements in people’s livelihood and social undertakings in the past five years, but also in practice, the “people’s livelihood checklist” has been turned into the people’s “happiness bill” to bring real “development dividends” to the people.

In the past five years, Weifang City has created 529,600 new urban jobs.

Enterprise pension and regular benefits of work-related injury insurance were raised 5 times, urban and rural subsistence allowances and subsistence allowances were raised 7 times, and resident medical insurance government subsidies were raised 5 times The standard of the resident basic pension has been raised three times, and the education subsidy has been raised five times and expanded, and the guarantee standards for quantifiable livelihood projects have all reached or exceeded the provincial level.

277 new primary and secondary schools were built, increasing the number of places296,900, which historically solved the problem of “large class size”; 789 kindergartens were newly built, with an increase of 141,900 degrees.

Innovatively implemented “specialization of school doctors, corporatization of school buses, and age reduction of security guards”, which effectively solved a number of practical problems.

Won the International Peace City, the World “Handicraft and Folk Art Capital”, the Hometown of Chinese Folk Literature and Art, and the Hometown of Photography in China, and was confirmed It is a national-level Qilu Culture (Weifang) Ecological Reserve.

Realize the “Three Consecutive Championships” of the National Civilized City and the “Six Consecutive Championships” of the National Double Support Model City.

created as the first batch of national food safety demonstration cities. High scores passed the national health city review.

In 2022, it is proposed to realize the renovation and upgrading of 10 roads in the central city, build more than 10 convenience stalls, 45 sunshades, and 106 public toilets , Newly opened or adjusted more than 10 bus lines.

More than 120 new pocket parks have been built in the city, and the total number has exceeded 1,000. Citizens live in gardens. The city has 57 projects to renovate old communities with 72,000 households, and 3,581 new shantytown projects have been started.

Weifang City is committed to putting people’s worries and worries first, and then making people’s joys and pleasures, and devotes its efforts to solve the problems of the people’s distress and longing. Let the masses live a better life, and let happiness always fill the smiling faces of the masses.

From “powerful economic growth” to “innovation-led high-quality development”, from “Fu Village ‘Kite City’ Map” to “People’s Livelihood ‘Happiness Bill'” These are the confidence, motivation, background and confidence of Weifang’s courage to shout out such rhetoric as “striving for the first place and striving for the first”. (Text / Zhang Tongtong, Zhao Feng)