Strengthening the cooperation between prosecutors and lawyers to provide high-quality legal services

Recently, The Judicial Bureau of Kangbashi District, Ordos City, the District People’s Procuratorate and the law firms in the jurisdiction held a joint meeting on procuratorial work.

The Kangbashi District Procuratorate notified the work of procuratorial cooperation in terms of lawyer reception, rights protection and work cooperation in combination with its work functions The situation and the work ideas in 2022, and communicate with the participating lawyers on how to focus on protecting lawyers’ rights to practice and strengthen the coordination of civil, administrative, and public interest litigation work. Lawyers from Inner Mongolia Shuzheng Law Firm, Inner Mongolia Xinyang Law Firm, and Inner Mongolia Yikezhao Law Firm spoke enthusiastically, discussing their experiences, making suggestions, and coming up with ideas. Fully affirmed, and put forward opinions and suggestions on deepening the cooperation between prosecutors and lawyers, actively promoting the leniency system for admitting guilt and accepting punishment, ensuring that lawyers exercise their rights in accordance with the law, and pushing information on the process of case litigation.

The Kangbashi District Judicial Bureau and the District People’s Procuratorate jointly signed the “Implementation Opinions on Strengthening the Kangbashi District Procuratorate Cooperation Work” ”, to give full play to the active role of lawyers in handling major cases (events) by procuratorial organs, handling cases of pleas and punishments, serving non-public economic activities, procuratorial hearings, and handling petitions involving laws and lawsuits.

Kangbashi District Judicial Bureau will combine with the discussion on optimizing the business environment under the rule of law, and the District People’s Procuratorate, the district law firm Work together to protect the rights of lawyers to practice according to law, hold regular joint meetings of prosecutors, divisions and lawyers to study and solve problems in the cooperation and interaction of prosecutors and lawyers, continuously improve the quality and efficiency of cooperation and interaction, reasonably build a new relationship between prosecutors and lawyers, and jointly serve the Kangbashi District. High-quality economic development provides strong legal guarantees and high-quality legal services.