Strengthen self-monitoring of pregnant and lying-in women at home, and take online diagnosis and remote consultation if necessary

Original title: Self-monitoring of pregnant and lying-in women who are isolated at home can be taken online and remote consultation if necessary

During the prevention and control of the epidemic, the issue of medical treatment for pregnant and lying-in women who are isolated at home has attracted attention. Experts from the obstetrics department of the Third Hospital of Peking University reminded that pregnant women who are isolated at home do not seek medical treatment unless they are in an emergency, and pregnant women who have been released from isolation and observation can return to the original archived hospital to continue their obstetric examination.

Experts suggest that healthy pregnant and lying-in women should appropriately reduce the number of on-site obstetric examinations under the guidance of doctors. Some examination items can be completed in one medical treatment process. Self-monitoring should be strengthened according to doctors’ suggestions. Online diagnosis and treatment, remote consultation, etc. form to minimize risk during pregnancy.

Introduced by obstetric experts, during the epidemic prevention and control period, the Municipal Health and Health Commission coordinated various maternal and child health care institutions and community health service centers to fully guarantee maternal health care and treatment. In addition to regular outpatient clinics, some medical institutions have launched online medical services, and pregnant and lying-in women can conduct online consultations through online consultation without leaving home. In the event of an emergency situation for pregnant women, in order to avoid delay in treatment, they should contact 120 in time to escort them to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment.

During the quarantine period, if the pregnant woman arrives on the date of appointment for the obstetric examination, she should take the initiative to contact the community, and the community will contact the midwifery institution, and the doctor of the midwifery institution will evaluate and make an appointment for the obstetric examination. Obstetric experts remind: If you have any health problems and need to seek medical attention, it is recommended to take pictures and record them to facilitate the doctor to judge the condition.

What should pregnant women do when they approach the filing date during quarantine? Experts say that if you are in the first trimester, you don’t have to worry about filing problems. After the quarantine period expires, if there is difficulty in filing a file, you can seek help from the community health service center and the district/city obstetric quality management office.

In addition, pregnant women may experience some mild discomfort during pregnancy, and there is no need to be nervous, but if the symptoms are severe, they should seek medical attention in time. If there are abnormal conditions such as decreased fetal movement, headache, dizziness, palpitation, suffocation, or symptoms such as abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, vaginal discharge, etc., pregnant and lying-in women should promptly inform the person in charge of the community (village) or isolation observation point where they live, and contact 120 for assistance. Ambulance to hospital for treatment. (Sun Leqi)

(Qianlong Network)