Stop relying on not eating meat to reduce creatinine, these are the most useful ways to reduce creatinine!

Sera creatinine (hereinafter referred to as creatinine) is the most commonly used indicator of renal function. Elevated levels usually mean worsening kidney function. Therefore, changes in creatinine can also grab the hearts of kidney friends the most.

But partners must understand one thing: Creatinine also has a “deception” people” time. A decrease or increase in creatinine value does not always indicate improvement or deterioration of kidney function.

In order to reduce creatinine, many patients deliberately do not exercise or eat meat, and keep their body thin. There is no benefit to the decrease in creatinine; some patients take calcium dobesilate to measure creatinine and watch the creatinine value drop beautifully, but it is only because calcium dobesilate interferes with enzymatic detection. There are also many kidney friends who use certain drugs, adsorbents, and enemas that can increase intestinal excretion of creatinine and renal tubular secretion of creatinine. The reduction of creatinine by these methods does not mean the improvement of renal function.

On the contrary, when you stop using these methods, the increase in creatinine does not mean that your kidney function has deteriorated.

We guaranteethe real purpose of creatinine,actuallyis not the creatinine value, but It’s kidney function! Hope more kidney friends can distinguish the difference. Is there no really effective way to restore kidney function? These three points are really useful, move the small bench and listen to the class!


Correction of the causes of elevated creatinine

Nephrotoxic drugs, infection, hypovolemia, hypotension, obstruction are common triggers for sudden deterioration of renal function and elevation of creatinine.

If you take kidney-damaging drugs that should not be taken, stop them in time;

A variety of inflammatory infections in the body, such as colds and fever, tonsil inflammation, tooth periodontitis, pneumonia, gastroenteritis, abscess, sepsis, etc., find the appropriate doctor to control the infection in time; span>Low blood volume, such as vomiting, diarrhea, excessive blood loss, excessive diuresis, profuse sweating, etc., timely rehydration to correct hypovolemia; kidney stones, ureteral stones, prostatic hyperplasia, blood Clots and other problems lead to blockage of the urinary tract, and the blockage should be relieved in time; span>Your kidney function deteriorates, is there any of the above incentives? If there is, pay attention to it and solve it in time, it is very likely that the creatinine will drop and the renal function will recover partially or completely.


Timely control of active renal lesions

Although nephrons (glomeruli and renal tubules) cannot be regenerated, one less is completely scrapped. But that’s not to say that all kidney disease is irreversible.

In the pathology of renal biopsy, some are active renal lesions, such as cellular crescents, cellular infiltration , necrosis, hyperplasia, these descriptions imply the possibility of repair and are sensitive to treatment.

Fibrotic crescents, tubular atrophy, interstitial fibrosis, and sclerosis are described as chronic lesions , description of irreversible damage.

Your kidney function is deteriorating. Do you have more active disease and less chronic disease? If yes, through the self-repair of the kidneys and scientific and standardized treatment, it is possible that creatinine can be lowered, and renal function can be partially or completely recovered.


continues Control urine protein and other indicators

The kidney is an organ with a very powerful reserve capacity. A healthy person, donating a kidney will not have much impact on life expectancy. It is precisely because of the strong compensatory ability of the kidney that living-donor kidney transplantation can be carried out through medical ethics.

Each of us has about 2 million nephrons.When some nephrons completely lose their function due to kidney disease, don’t be discouraged, we still have remaining nephrons. Strive to control proteinuria, hypertension, hyperglycemia, anemia, acidosis, smoking, high-salt and high-protein diet within a safe range, and treat these kidney-damaging factors through regular treatment and lifestyle improvement , to reduce the burden on the remaining nephrons as much as possible, then the function of the remaining nephrons will be better and more durable. Clinically, we can also see that some patients with chronic kidney diseaseafter controlling urine protein and other indicators , along with the remaining nephrons, renal function stable and improved.

I understand the urgency of reducing creatinine in kidney patients, but don’t go to extremes. use scientific methods of diagnosis and treatment, through protection

span>kidneyFunctional methods to preserve and stabilize creatinine, rather than some extreme methodsloweringcreatinine value.

Many times, creatinine fluctuates steadily and does not increase rapidly, which is also a victory!

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