Stones may be “eat” out! Keep 3 dietary taboos in mind to avoid stones getting bigger and bigger

Lao Yang is 52 years old and an ordinary worker.

Twenty years ago, he went to the hospital for an examination with a low back discomfort. left kidney and ureter, and extracorporeal lithotripsy was used to break up the ureteral stones, but the kidney stones were not treated. For 20 years, Lao Yang has been eating and drinking normally, and gradually forgot about the stone problem.

Last week, Lao Yang suffered from frequent low back pain, and the pain was so severe that he had to go to the hospital for treatment. After a CT scan, the doctor found thatthe stone had filled up his left kidney, and he had to undergo immediate surgery. As a result, doctors removed 320 stones from his body, saying that “I have never encountered such a case.”

Why do people develop stones? Are stones related to food? Today, Xiao Jiu will tell you about the knowledge of stones.

1. Why do people develop stones?

Stones are the product of inorganic salts, organic substances and other substancesabnormal mineralization. When the process is out of balance, excess inorganic salts will wrap shed epithelial cells, mucus masses and bacterial masses to form stones, which are commonly found in areas such as teeth, stomach, gallbladder and urinary system >.

According to different components, stones are divided into calcium oxalate stones, calcium phosphate stones, magnesium amine phosphate stones, bladder acid stones and uric acid stones, 80% of clinical cases are calcium oxalate stones.

Anyone can develop stones, but most stones pass out of the body on their own with exercise or flushing with urine. Stones that cannot be excreted on their own need to be excreted or directly removed through treatment methods such as drugs and surgery.

Second, the old man said: Spinach tofu soup, eating raw persimmons on an empty stomach will cause stones, is it credible? ?

The rumor says: “Spinach and tofu cannot be eaten together, because spinach contains a lot of oxalic acid, which will combine with the calcium of tofu to form calcium oxalate, leading to kidney stones.”

In fact, this statement is wrong.

During cooking, oxalic acid and calcium combine to form calcium oxalate.Even if it is eaten, it will not Absorbed, but excreted in feces.

On the other hand,Spinach and tofu are a very nutritious food pair . Spinach is rich in potassium and magnesium, which can promote the body’s absorption of calcium, reduce calcium excretion, reduce urinary calcium concentration, and help prevent kidney stones.

It is recommended to blanch spinach for more than ten seconds to remove oxalic acid before cooking with tofu. As long as it is handled properly, spinach and tofu soup will not only not form stones, but also help calcium supplement, rich in nutrients and easy to digest, suitable for the elderly and children .

There are also rumors: “Eating persimmons on an empty stomach is easy to develop stones, because persimmons contain tanning acid, will combine with protein to form tannin protein, forming gastric stones.”

But in fact, whether eating persimmons will form stones is related to how much you eat and whether the persimmons are ripe. If you eat too many persimmons at one time, or eat immature persimmons, or eat persimmons with the skin on, it may lead to excessive intake of tannic acid and cause stomach stones.

Therefore, it is recommended to consume at most one medium-sized ripe persimmon per day, not with the skin on, to reduce the risk of stomach stones.

Three, some stones are indeed “eating out”

In real life, many stones are related to eating habits, and they may be eaten out.

1. Love to eat animal offal and seafood

The animal offal and seafood contain more Purine, and the metabolite of purine is uric aciduric acid. If you eat animal offal and seafood for a long time, it may lead to excessive uric acid.Increased risk of uric acid stones. In addition, when eating high-purine foods, it is recommended to try not to drink alcohol, because alcohol can synergistically promote the increase of uric acid levels.

2. More meat and less vegetarian

The eating habit of loving meat and not eating vegetables , which can easily lead to excessive protein intake. After protein is digested and metabolized in the body, will increase the acidity of urine, at this time, the body will regulate blood calcium level and release alkaline calcium to balance the pH of the urine, increasing the risk of urinary stones.

< p>3. Sweets

Sugar-sweetened beverages, milk tea, cakes, etc. all belong toHigh-sugar foods, chronic intake of excess sugar, especially lactose, blocks the body’s absorption of calcium, resulting in calcium loss , may cause calcium oxalate stones in the kidneys and uric acid stones in the urinary tract. Excess sugar also stimulates insulin secretion, leading to an imbalance in the ratio of cholesterol, lecithin, and bile acids in bile, increasing the risk of gallstones.

Therefore, if you want to prevent stones, you should have a balanced diet, eat less high-purine foods and high-sugar foods, eat meat in moderation, and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals and wheat noodles Wait for food to prevent stones from forming.

4. What should I do if urinary stones are found?

The treatment method of urolithiasis should be selected according to the size of the stone, the shape of the stone, and the history of related diseases. Generally speaking, if the patient meets the following points, can try conservative treatment to expel the stone on their own: p>

  • stone diameter <6 mm, smooth shape; strong>
  • No other medical factors obstructing the urinary tractsuch as benign prostatic hyperplasia;< /li>
  • stone blockage for no more than 2 weeks;

It is recommended that patients drink more than 2.5 liters of water per day, and adjust it according to the principle of “drinking more for those who are active, drinking less for those who are less active, drinking more in summer, and drinking less in winter”. Adequate water intake and sufficient urine output can help urine self-clean, reduce infection, and promote stone migration and excretion.

Reminder,regardless of the day Still at night, patients should drink plenty of water, because at night the urine is the most concentrated and more likely to form stones. If the stone exceeds the above criteria and does not pass on its own, other treatments are required to pass or remove the stone from the body.

Long-term poor eating habits may induce stones. Anyone who has had a stone should know thatpain is extremely intense, especially for kidney stones. No one wants this experience, so let’s start with prevention!

# Yao Zero Zero Plan#


[1]Why do “stones” grow in the body? The process of stone formation is revealed. Tencent Medical Code, 2021-04-09

[2]Many stones are “eaten” by yourself, so don’t eat them! .Health Times, 2018-05-04

[3] Editorial Department of “Journal of Urology (Electronic Edition)”. Interpretation of Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Urinary Stones (2): Treatment of Kidney Stones [J]. Urology Magazine: Electronic Edition, 2012(1):3.

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