Stomach is always “gurgling”? Joints are “clicking”? Your body is “speaking”, but many people don’t know…

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Review of this article: Chen Haixu, Second Medical Center, PLA General Hospital, Deputy Director, Master’s Tutor

Our body actually “talks”, the chin snaps when yawning, the crackling of the bones and joints when squatting up and down, the grunting sound in the stomach…Some At times, these sounds as physiological phenomena are irrelevant. But some voices indicate that something is wrong with his body. That is to say, when our body is about to “can’t carry it”, it may send a message in the form of “sound”. Did you receive it correctly?

Chin “click” when yawning strong>

I don’t know if everyone eats, laughs or yawns Do you suddenly hear your chin “click”? At this time, I often have to touch my chin to make sure it is still there before I feel relieved.

This kind of copyrighted image is not authorized to reprint. Symptoms considered Temporomandibular disorders. According to epidemiological surveys, its incidence is between 28 and 88%, and the prevalence of females is 2 to 5 times that of males.

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    What is the temporomandibular joint disorder?

The temporomandibular joint consists of three parts: the condyle above, the socket below, and the disc in the middle.

There is a sound when we open and close the mouth, that is, the joint disc does not move normally during the process of opening and closing the mouth, and it bounces back and forth. This is the temporomandibular joint disorder.

accompanying symptoms

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In addition to the sound when opening the mouth, there may also be pain in the temporomandibular joint disorder, which may be around the ear or around the chin Or head and neck pain; and can’t close the chin, or there is an obstacle pause after opening the mouth, and can open the mouth smoothly after a while; when the situation continues to aggravate, it may Chin dropped, mouth closed.

If the “chin drop” really occurs, you must seek a doctor immediately, restore it through the correct technique, and pay attention to limiting the opening and do not bite things. Don’t yawn indiscriminately, and even keep your chin up when laughing.

  • How to avoid “dropping jaw”?

1. Change the habit of unilateral chewing, pay attention to the balanced occlusion of bilateral posterior teeth, and use balanced force.

2. Avoid hard, tough, bulky foods, for example: toffee, beef jerky, sugar cane, oversized apples, etc.

3. Keep a happy mood, avoid prolonged mental stress and often clench your teeth.

clicking sound when you move the joint

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When I wake up in the morning, I twist my neck, and the result is a clear “click” sound; some people will make a “click” sound at the knee joint when they stand up; even after sitting and working for a long time, standing up and moving When you click your body, you will make a sound when you twist your waist. What’s going on here?

In medical terms, it is actually called “joint snap“, which is the articular cartilage Friction, collision, but not necessarily arthropathy.

Joint snapping is both physiological and pathological. Physiological:

Physiological joint snapping is generally believed to be caused by the joint capsule being stretched and expanded, resulting in a decrease in pressure and the sudden and violent precipitation of gas dissolved in the synovial fluid.

It is characterized byno pain and joint disturbance, just simple The sound is crisp and discontinuous, and requires no special treatment.

And appropriate physiological bounce is good for the body.

Because when the snapping occurs, the capillaries and peripheral nerves around the joint are benignly stimulated, which helps to relieve spasm, reduce inflammation, decompress and activate . This is one of the reasons why the massage therapist always makes the joints rattle when massaging.


Pathological snapping is a snapping sound caused by abnormal or damaged joint anatomy, such as Cartilage damage, joint inflammation, etc., are often accompanied by symptoms such aspain, numbness, weakness, etc. At this time, timely intervention must be taken to prevent aggravation .

Grumbling when not hungry >

Everyone has experienced stomach “gurgling”. It is easy to appear when you are hungry or have a cold, which is medically known asBowel sounds. When the intestines move, the gas and liquid in it will move along with it, resulting in an intermittent sound of gas passing through the water, that is, a cooing sound.

Under normal circumstances, bowel sounds are heard 4~5 times per minute, and the sound is relatively low and gentle, usually with the help of a stethoscope . When the stomach is hungry, or when the abdomen is stimulated by cold or heat for a short time, the violent contraction of the stomach will squeeze more air into the intestines, and the cooing sound is louder and easier to be heard.

However, if the frequency, pitch and sound of bowel sounds change greatly when the stomach is not hungry, it is likely thatindicating the stomach There is a problem with the intestines, pay attention!

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    Active bowel sounds, possibly acute gastroenteritis or gastrointestinal bleeding

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    If the number of bowel sounds increases, about 10 times per minute, the sound becomes louder but not louder , a feeling that your stomach is constantly moving, which may indicate acute gastroenteritis or gastrointestinal bleeding.

    Of which,acute gastroenteritismay also have a burning pain in the upper abdomen , nausea, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal distension, severe fever, coma and other symptoms; gastrointestinal bleedingmay be accompanied by hematemesis, black If the bleeding is excessive, symptoms such as palpitation, cold sweats and pale complexion may occur.

  • hyperactive bowel sounds, possibly intestinal obstruction >

  • If the number of bowel sounds increases significantly and the sound Loud, high-pitched, or even jingling or metallic sounds may be intestinal obstruction.

    Acute and chronic intestinal obstruction is prone to symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, inability to defecate, and may also lead to intestinal tissue spasm, paralysis, ischemia and even necrosis.

    heart pounding

    “Bang, bang, bang…” In our daily life, we can’t help but experience a thumping heart. After exercise, after smoking, drinking too much coffee or tea, or experiencing stress, Thrilling thing…

    But ifit will jump around in silence, or repeatedly, with discomfort, you need to be vigilant, it may be arrhythmia coming to the door!

    Arrhythmia is a major disease in cardiology, including atrial tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia, atrial flutter, supraventricular , the most common and most dangerous of which is atrial fibrillation!

    • Atrial fibrillation, an independent risk factor for stroke

    The heart rate of atrial fibrillation can reach 100-200 beats per minute, and in severe cases it can exceed 200 beats. At this time, the beating of the heart has no rhythm at all, and most patients will describe it as “heart beating violently”, “heart beating wildly”, “heart beating in the throat” and so on.

    At this time, cardiac current transmission is disordered, cardiac contraction is incomplete, blood cannot be fully pumped, and blood stasis is easily formed Thrombosis. Once shed with the bloodstream, it can enter the systemic blood circulation.

    When it enters the lower extremity vein, it can form lower extremity vascular embolism, and in severe cases, block blood flow and cause necrosis or amputation. It enters the brain and can cause cerebral embolism (stroke), mortality rate can reach 63%, and data show that the incidence of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation is 5-7 times more than those without atrial fibrillation!

    Therefore, in the event of an inexplicable heartbeat disorder, especially with symptoms such as dizziness, difficulty breathing, and chest pain, you must seek medical attention in time.

    Source: I am a doctor’s official WeChat

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