Still taking beverages as water? Be careful with this disease!

It is not uncommon for young people to drink beverages as water. Cases of ketoacidosis caused by excessive consumption of high-sugar drinks have occurred all over the country, and some people even died. Zhang Liang, director of the emergency department of the First People’s Hospital of Xuzhou City, told reporters that it is not uncommon for the emergency department to be sent to the hospital for rescue due to ketoacidosis.

Young people can’t escape the temptation of high-sugar drinks

So, what do today’s young people like to drink? The reporter interviewed several young people, and it was difficult for them to “escape” the temptation of high-sugar drinks.

Little A, who is 18 years old, is studying in a vocational and technical school in Xuzhou. She told reporters that the girls in their dormitory used to drink milk tea, but now they prefer to drink freshly made fruit tea.

Xiao A’s classmate Xiao B (boy) said that he prefers to drink milk tea, and he found that many male students in the class like to carry a cup of milk tea when they go to class. In addition to milk tea, he also likes to drink cola, especially It’s cola with ice.

Xiao K, a 13-year-old junior high school student this year, told reporters that if he was asked to choose between water and drinks, he would definitely choose drinks, but because of the strict control of his parents, he would not let her drink drinks as water.

On the Meituan takeaway platform, the reporter found that the monthly sales of various brands of tea beverage stores such as “Tea Baidao”, “COCO” and “Love in Honey City” range from 1,000 orders to 5 6,000 orders, and several top-ranked stores even reached 20,000 to 30,000 orders.

Diabetes and high-sugar diets are closely related

Wang Zhiming, director of the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Xuzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that clinically, many young diabetic patients have problems with high-sugar diets in their daily lives. Some people regard various beverages as water, or even as a must for three meals a day.

Diabetes is very insidious. In the early stage, the patient himself does not feel any discomfort. If he does not go through the test, he does not know that he has diabetes at all. If the body is already in the early stage of diabetes, if you continue to drink high-sugar beverages every day, it may turn a person’s invisible diabetes into explicit diabetes, and even lead to ketoacidosis. People with diabetes need to control their diet, and many of these people who develop ketoacidosis already have diabetes, but they don’t know it.

Children are more prone to diabetes

Most related to eating habits

Xue Ying, director of the Endocrinology Department of Xuzhou Children’s Hospital, told reporters that diabetes is very common in children. Diabetes can be said to be found in all age groups. She treats 3-5 new children with diabetes every month.

She talks about a recent case. There is a child who likes to eat sweets and fruits in the first three months of the disease. According to the mother of the child, the child especially liked to eat honey orange at that time. He could eat four or five kilograms a day. In less than a month, he developed polydipsia and polyuria. He went to the hospital for examination and was diagnosed with diabetes.

High sugar diet is more harmful

Experts say that a high-sugar diet can do more harm than just increasing the risk of diabetes.

First of all, fruit juice contains a lot of fructose. A large amount of fructose will cause uric acid gout attack; too much fructose intake will also cause skin acne; high-sugar diet will also cause obesity. Traditional Chinese medicine says that “one fat can cause all diseases”. Drinking a lot of carbonated beverages will also lead to calcium metabolism disorders, osteoporosis, and accelerate skin aging and vascular aging.

Experts suggest that beverages cannot replace water. It is best to drink boiled water regularly and quantitatively every day. If you really don’t like drinking boiled water, you can choose to drink tea. Tea is a very healthy drink and is beneficial to health. In addition, it is recommended to eat some fruits and drink less fruit juice.

(Metropolitan Morning News reporter Lei Ying Qin Yuan)