Still drinking milk for calcium? 12 home-cooked dishes that can supplement calcium, the effect is no worse than drinking milk!

When it comes to calcium supplements, most people think of milk first.

What many people don’t know is that in addition to milk, there are many foods that are also high in calcium. By combining them, the calcium supplementation effect of the resulting dish is comparable to that of milk.

In terms of calcium supplementation, there are 4 types of foods that are also super powerful, they are soybeans and their products, green leafy vegetables, nuts, aquatic products[1].

Some of these foods have more available calcium than milk (about 104 mg/100 g).

Though these foods are high in calcium, their overall absorption rate is not as high as that of milk.

For example, the absorption rate of calcium in tofu is only about 15%[2], while the calcium absorption rate of milk is more than twice that of tofu, about 31%[3].

Some green leafy vegetables are rich in oxalic acid, which can hinder calcium absorption. For example, the calcium content of chives is very close to that of milk, and the available calcium is only 34 mg/100 g[2].

Therefore, in order to have a good calcium supplementation effect, you must spend some careful thought and cook with science.

1. Pair with foods containing vitamin K

Vitamin K1 can be converted into vitamin K2 by intestinal flora. Studies have shown that vitamin K2 can promote osteoblasts and inhibit osteoclasts, thereby promoting bone calcification and helping calcium absorption [2].

Foods rich in vitamin K include beans, green leafy vegetables, liver and fish.

Tips: Because spinach, amaranth, spinach, etc. are high in oxalic acid, which will affect calcium absorption, blanch in boiling water for 1 minute to remove most of the oxalic acid.

2. Pair with foods containing vitamin D

Vitamin D not only promotes calcium absorption, but also reduces calcium excretion through the urine [2].

The content of vitamin D in natural foods is low, mainly concentrated in fatty fish (such as rainbow trout, salmon, etc.), animal liver, egg yolk, cream and sun-dried Fungus, mushrooms.

In addition to supplementing with vitamin D, it is best to go out in the sun, because ultraviolet rays can promote vitamin D synthesis. You can also consider taking vitamin D supplements appropriately under the guidance of your doctor.

3. Pair with magnesium-containing foods

Magnesium is involved in the regulation of bone mineral metabolism. Magnesium deficiency can alter calcium metabolism and calcineurin. Magnesium supplementation can improve bone mineral density [2].

Green leafy vegetables are the most abundant in magnesium, followed by whole grains and nuts such as cashews, hazelnuts, watermelon seeds, black sesame seeds, buckwheat, oats, kidney beans, lentils, shredded tofu, black rice, mushrooms, amaranth (green), fungus, spinach, celery.

4. Protein rich foods

Appropriate amount of protein and amino acids such as lysine and tryptophan can combine with calcium ions to form soluble substances and enhance calcium absorption [2]. However, if you eat too much protein, you won’t have this effect.

Meat, poultry, eggs, and soy are a good source of high-quality protein. The recommended intake of livestock and poultry meat, aquatic products, eggs, milk, and soybeans is 40-75 grams, 40-75 grams, 40-50 grams, 300 grams, and 25-35 grams per day, respectively [4].

In addition to these, the following 3 tips can also improve calcium utilization.

1. When making rice, soak the rice in water for a while, which can activate the phytase in the rice and destroy the phytic acid that affects calcium absorption [2].

2. The flour is fermented to make fermented pasta such as steamed bread and bread. The fermentation process can also destroy phytic acid and reduce the impact on calcium absorption [2].

3. Don’t eat too much vegetables, whole grains and potatoes. Recommended vegetables are 300~500 grams per day, whole grains and mixed beans 50~150 grams per day, and potatoes 50~100 grams per day. g/day because a uronic acid residue in dietary fiber interferes with calcium absorption.

Which of these calcium supplements have you eaten? Let us know in the comments section.

Contributing Author: Gu Chuanling| Registered Dietitian

Reviewer: Zuo Xiaoxia| Director, Department of Nutrition, Eighth Medical Center, PLA General Hospital


[1] Yang Yuexin. Chinese Food Composition Table 6th Edition Vol. 1 [M]. Peking University Medical Press, 2018

[2]Yang Yuexin, Ge Keyou. Chinese Nutrition Science Encyclopedia 2nd Edition (Volume 1)[M]. People’s Health Publishing House, 2019.109/116/184/199

[3] Chinese Medical Association. Calcium absorption of milk and calcium salts in the gastrointestinal tract [J]. Chinese Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

[4] Chinese Nutrition Society. Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016) [M]. Beijing, People’s Health Publishing House. 2018.

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