Sticking to it for 21 years, we grew up with our daughter with Down syndrome

The 3-year-old Tongtong is innocent and lovely, but her language development is delayed and she cannot speak well.

Rui Rui, 4 and a half years old, is hearing-impaired, and her mother Liu Heng is hesitant about whether she should attend a general education school or a special education school.

The 21-year-old Tang Shiyang finally finished special education school, but has no job so far. Her parents hope she can find a job to support herself, but her biggest wish is to find a boyfriend…

No matter their age, Tong Tong, Rui Rui and Tang Shiyang have a common name – people with Down Syndrome (“Down Syndrome” for short).

Parents felt “the sky was falling” the moment they learned they were Down’s children.

During the long upbringing process, parents of children with Down’s syndrome need to keep doing psychological construction for themselves and encourage themselves to support this day in the long life.

Rui Rui always wears hearing aids in his ears. Most of the time at home, he sits at the small table in the living room, watching animations on his mobile phone, or playing some preschool games.

The preschool education game requires Rui Rui to swipe with his finger to operate. Liu Heng held his hand and repeatedly said, “This is a tissue”, “Is it right to wipe it with a tissue”, but What you get is usually silence.

Rui Rui is still unable to say a complete sentence, and can only say a few words.

In addition, he has problems with physical coordination. When eating, Rui Rui held the spoon and could only reach forward with her mouth to bite the rice, but she didn’t know how to feed the rice back into her mouth with her hands.

In the first two years of Rui Rui’s birth, Liu Heng couldn’t understand why he gave birth to a child with Down’s syndrome because he did not fail every prenatal check-up.

It said “low risk” on her early Tang screening checklist, but she learned much later that “low risk” doesn’t mean no risk, and she’s an advanced mother who needs to pass Further prenatal diagnosis is required to confirm the diagnosis.

When she was born, Rui Rui did not cry loudly, her muscle tone was low, and her eyes were a little wide apart. Just after the full moon wine was finished, the husband avoided family members in the car and told Liu Xiang of the test results that the child was diagnosed with Down syndrome. When she first heard it, her heart sank, but she was not too sad. After checking the relevant information on the Internet, Liu Heng’s mood instantly collapsed.

Inform Liu Heng of the diagnosis result in the car. It was the last time that her husband mentioned this disease to Liu Heng. After that, she never communicated directly with her about the child’s condition, and the burden of taking care of Rui Rui fell off. onto her head.

Liu Xiang quit his job to take care of the baby full time at home.

She took the trouble to repeat various nouns in Rui Rui’s ear, hoping to hear them from his mouth one day.

This is a common problem in children with Down syndrome, where language learning is slow and it is difficult to express clearly even in adulthood. Rui Rui learned to walk only one year and eight months old. Normal children are not like this. He is too slow, really too slow. All this makes Liu Xiang disappointed in life.

Liu Xiang found that she could not bear the boring recovery life day after day. She could not see the end of such days. When Rui Rui was more than one year old, Liu Xiang decided to return to the workplace and started Arrange for the child’s rehabilitation and education.

Originally, Rui Rui was in the Hunan Provincial Rehabilitation Hospital for rehabilitation treatment. Each course of treatment was half an hour, and it took four hours to travel back and forth. Someone advised her to rent a house near the hospital for full-time rehabilitation, but she believed that the boring and cold rehabilitation environment was not good for Rui Rui’s growth.

Considering that the financial level cannot afford private education rehabilitation, Liu Heng hoped to ask a professional teacher to give him a set of rehabilitation courses, but in the end he was unable to do so. After much consideration, she chose to spend more money for rehabilitation at a private institution near her home.

Beyond rehabilitation is education. At the beginning, Liu Xiang wanted Rui Rui to enter the special education school, but the number of places was limited, and Rui Rui was rejected during the interview. Liu XiangbuI understand why the school will set this link to select children with a lower level, but Rui Rui, who needs special education more, cannot enter.

Then she learned from the side that the kindergartens in the community do not accept special children like Rui Rui. After many setbacks, she found a private kindergarten, 30 minutes away from home.

Rui Rui is 4 and a half years old and looks a little special in a small class. Most of the time, he stayed on the side quietly, without acquaintances, and the teachers knew the situation and would not make too many demands on him.

Now that Rui Rui is of school age, she is worried about whether to send her child to a special education school or a regular school. The former can take better care of Rui Rui, but there are also parents who believe that the general school can have a more normal social life.

Liu Xiang believes that even if it is now acceptable for the child to be a Down syndrome, there will always be regrets, “As one parent said, even if many people have come out, but The hidden sadness in my heart will always be there, and it will always be there.”

Different from Liu Xiang, Xiao Sainan and her husband Cai Zan have fully accepted that the girl child is a child with Down syndrome, and everything has been considered in a positive way.

“Thank you” is the most common word Tongtong says, and there is often a pause between two words for two or three seconds. Because of the language delay, she usually expresses most of her emotions with thank you. Xiao Sainan believes that language is not the only communication channel. She understands that Tongtong stretches out her hands just to kiss, and to say thank you is to express happiness.

At 37 weeks pregnant, Xiao Sainan was told by a doctor that Tongtong might have mental problems. Considering that she is an advanced mother, she only got this “precious child” through test tube. More importantly, the child is already full-term. After discussing with her family, she left this baby who may have intellectual problems with a bit of luck. .

As soon as Tong Tong was carried out of the delivery room, his father, Cai Zan, felt that something was not right—the child had six fingers, and his breathing was a little difficult. The doctor immediately sent Tongtong to the neonatal emergency department, and Cai Zan heard the term “Down syndrome” for the first time half an hour later.

Like every parent of Tang Bao, Xiao Sainan and her husband Cai Zan were a little broken when they first heard it. They thought that the child could only be paralyzed on the bed for the rest of his life, and that he had to be taken care of by someone to eat, drink, and lax.

But gradually, they found that accepting Tongtong was not as difficult as they thought.

Before giving birth to a child, Cai Zan kept telling his wife that he wanted a daughter and only wanted her to be healthy and happy. Cai Zan said with a smile that he has always “never forgotten his original intention”, and their expectations for the child have never changed. They only want her to be happy. In Tongtong’s current situation, “she will be this simple and happy all her life.”

Because of Tongtong’s slow response, Cai Zan felt that the child would appear more well-behaved and cute than ordinary children. Tongtong will deliberately attract their attention by sneezing, snot all over her face, then wait for her mother to give her a tissue, and then say “thank, thank you” to her mother after wiping.

What Xiao Sainan wants to correct the most is that Tongtong likes to throw things around. When he suddenly loses his temper, he throws everything on the table to the ground for fun. Even if she repeatedly warned Tongtong not to throw things on the ground, Tongtong just responded by throwing more things – with her current cognitive ability, it is indeed difficult to understand her mother’s warning.

At the time of Tang screening in the early stage of pregnancy, Cai Zan and his wife did not understand Down syndrome at all. If they could have understood at the time and asked them to make another decision, they would have chosen to induce labor without hesitation. But now that you have a cute Tongtong, it is a cruel thing to consider the original choice.

For the future, all he hopes is that Tong Tong will find a job that supports himself and stay by his side as they wish. What I can do is to work hard to provide Tongtong with better material conditions and create a better life.

A few days ago, Xiao Sainan told her husband that if there was a time machine that could let her go back in time, she would definitely go back to the moment before the child was born and tell herself not to be so sad I am worried that I will have a very cute and slow baby in the future.

Mother Yang Weiping is most worried that her 21-year-old daughter Tang Shiyang has yet to find a job that can support her.

When she was first born, the couple did not notice anything unusual about Shi Yang, only that she drank very little breast milk.

It wasn’t until Shi Yang went to the hospital for a cold when she was eight months old that she was diagnosed. The doctor told them that there is no way to treat this disease. The solution is to earn more money and give the children a relatively better living environment. After all, the material and labor costs of taking care of children are not low, and they hope that one day in the future Advanced medical methods can appear.

Shi Yang has a good level of education. When she finds that the other party cannot understand her words, she will write down what she wants to express with a pen. This is due to her previous study experience. She transferred to a special education school in the second semester of her junior year, and had been studying in a regular school until now. At the beginning of the first grade of elementary school, Shi Yang met a good enlightenment teacher, and once got 100 points in Chinese, but gradually, the gap began to widen. In the third and fourth grades, he could still get 80 or 90 points, and only in the fifth grade. It’s about seventy.

Every night when he comes home, his father, Tang Qizhi, will help Shi Yang until late at night, but he can still feel that Shi Yang’s logical thinking has always been a problem, and he has never passed the math. But Shi Yang has always been eager to learn, and Yang Weiping once found that her daughter started to endorse before she got up.

On the first day of junior high school, Shi Yang accidentally fell and missed a month of homework. Every day, Tang Qizhi still tutored Shi Yang for his homework, but he often couldn’t finish his homework by 11 o’clock. After barely finishing reading on the first day of the first day, Yang Weiping found that her lively daughter was becoming more and more silent. Shi Yang told her that her classmates said she was a weirdo.

In the second year of junior high, Yang Weiping found that Shi Yang could not learn to solve equations anyway. She thought that it would be useless to learn this knowledge by herself. The teacher also suggested that Shi Yang should transfer to another school. It was decided to send Shi Yang to a special education school to learn some practical skills.

It is very difficult to enter the special school midway, and there are only 12 places in a class. It was not until one of the classmates in the class died suddenly of congenital heart disease that one place was vacated, and Shi Yang had the opportunity to enter and study.

It takes two hours to take the bus to the special school. Tang Qizhi was worried that Shi Yang would get lost and quietly followed behind. Shi Yang went through the front door, and he went through the back door to the third time. When I found out that Shi Yang could arrive safely, I was relieved.

After finishing vocational high school, Tang Shiyang failed to find a job and entered a nursing institution closer to home. The agency does not specifically serve the mentally handicapped, there are also some mentally handicapped people. In order for the trainees in the institution to be self-reliant, the institution often provides some jobs. Last year, Shi Yang entered a courier station to work in a team of two, each responsible for one day.

(Tang Shiyang’s mother, Yang Weiping (left), is discussing her child’s education with Ruirui’s mother (right) Liu Xiang)

Yang Weiping cooks for Shi Yang every day and sends and receives express deliveries with Shi Yang, but she finds it difficult to complete the workload even if she does not stop all the time. Once, a woman claimed that she lost the courier, and the signature on the courier slip was not hers. It was not until she called up the surveillance the next day that she found out that it was she who took the courier away, and she claimed that she had forgotten it. Yang Weiping was worried that Shi Yang had poor reaction ability and didn’t know how to deal with emergencies. She couldn’t bear to see Shi Yang being involved and aggrieved, and finally took her away.

Since then, Shi Yang continued to do some manual work in the agency to earn pocket money. Once, a patient in the institution had a sudden onset of epilepsy. Shi Yang was frightened by witnessing his foaming at the mouth, and he no longer wanted to go to the institution.

(Children doing hand work in a care facility)

Recently, Yang Weiping considered sending Shi Yang to another institution that was further away from home but specialized in serving the mentally handicapped, but she did not want Shi Yang to spend her whole life in the institution to live a “retirement” life .

She also tried to find a cleaning job for Shi Yang, but the job opportunity didn’t fall to Shi Yang – Shi Yang’s disability rating was level 3, and the employer only hired Only persons with disabilities in the first and second levels can receive state subsidies.

Now, Shi Yang goes to a daycare facility during the day, goes home to play drums at night, and walks to a nearby square to dance after dinner. She also likes to sing, and has copied a thick book of lyrics. One of her favorite songs is Li Yuchun’s “Like You”.

In addition to looking for a job, her biggest wish is to find a boyfriend. When asked about the requirements, she said that she hopes to find a handsome and rich person. Although she is suffering from TangSyndrome, but like an ordinary child, he also longs for love.