Spring tea is good, and drinking tea has many benefits, but don’t make these mistakes!

Spring tea is good, and drinking tea has many benefits, but don’t make these mistakes! Original Yukang People’s Health Health People’s Health

Chinese tea culture

A long history

There are many benefits of drinking tea, we Chinese all know it. Tea contains a variety of substances that are beneficial to the human body. Studies have confirmed that there are tea polyphenols, caffeine, and tea polysaccharides.

Other common beneficial substances are crude fiber, gum, chlorophyll, vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin P, vitamin C, as well as a small amount of amino acids, various minerals, etc.

Drinking tea for a long time can help human health and reduce the risk of certain diseases. Middle-aged and elderly people should drink more tea in moderation.

Drinking tea|What are the specific benefits?

1. Drinking tea helps with antioxidants. Tea polyphenols in tea have powerful antioxidant effects and are scavengers of excess free radicals in the human body.

Studies show that 1 mg of tea polyphenols can scavenge harmful free radicals in the human body, equivalent to 9 micrograms of superoxide dismutase (SOD); moreover, tea polyphenols are 18 times stronger in antioxidant activity than vitamin E.

2. Drinking tea can help prevent and treat radiation damage. Tea polyphenols and their oxidation products have the ability to absorb radioactive substances.

In addition, animal studies have shown that tea extract has a certain improvement effect on leukopenia caused by radiation.

3. Drinking tea can refresh the mind, diuretic and relieve fatigue. The caffeine in tea has many positive effects on the human body. It can enhance the excitement process of the cerebral cortex, make people feel refreshed, and increase the ability of thinking and memory. Drinking tea also stimulates the kidneys, allowing urine to be quickly excreted from the body, improving the filtration rate of the kidneys and reducing the residence time of harmful substances in the kidneys. The caffeine in the tea can also remove excess lactic acid in the urine, helping to relieve fatigue as soon as possible.

4. Drinking tea can help reduce lipids, digestion and weight loss. The caffeine, vitamin B1, and vitamin C in tea can increase the secretion of gastric juice and help digestion.

The aromatic compounds contained in tea can also dissolve fat and prevent it from accumulating in the body.

Drinking tea|Which tea is better?

Some people say green tea is better than black tea, is that true?

Of course not, green tea and black tea, each has its own benefits. Because green tea is not fermented tea, its nutrients such as tea polyphenols and caffeine are retained more.

During the fermentation process of black tea, although nutrients such as tea polyphenols and caffeine are reduced, it is more suitable for people who are intolerant to caffeine.

In general, if you are intolerant of tea polyphenols and caffeine, and feel flustered and stomach pain after drinking, you can choose black tea. If you feel comfortable drinking green tea, you can choose green tea.

Green tea|Can prevent cancer, is this true?

Theoretically, green tea can indeed block nitrite from forming ammonium nitrite, and it should be able to prevent nitrite-induced cancers such as gastric, rectal, and colon cancers; component data.

Currently we are not sure about the anti-cancer properties of green tea, and again, we need more scientific evidence to prove it.

Drinking tea|Health problems to be aware of

The fresher the tea, the better

– First-

Because the polyphenols, alcohols and aldehydes in tea need to be oxidized before they can exert a positive effect on the human body.

For tea leaves that are too fresh (which are freshly harvested and stored for less than 1 month), these substances have not yet had time to oxidize. Drinking this new tea for a long time will irritate people’s gastric mucosa, and some people will also experience diarrhea and abdominal distension and other adverse reactions.

Tea is not

The fresher the better

In general, tea should be stored for a month before drinking; patients with gastrointestinal discomfort, let alone drink freshly picked tea.

Don’t drink strong tea


Drinking too strong tea will cause adverse reactions such as increased heart rate and even arrhythmia; it will also lead to symptoms of insomnia and excitement before going to bed; if drinking strong tea before going to bed, it will also make people more prone to osteoarthritis Looseness; drinking strong tea may also cause stomach ulcers. Light tea is a better drink. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, tea can be alternated with boiled water, which is very beneficial to health.

Milk tea is not necessarily a good drink


Because theophylline and tannins in tea will combine with calcium in dairy products to form water-insoluble calcium salts that are excreted from the body, greatly reducing the nutritional value of milk.

Take medicine without tea

– Fourth –

The tannic acid in tea will precipitate with the ingredients in many medicines, thus affecting the efficacy of the medicine.

Content source:

People’s Health Publishing House published “Doctor Xiehe: Persist in doing these things well for a healthy life”

The author of this article: Yu Kang, Peking Union Medical College Hospital