Spring often gets angry, four tips to prevent getting angry, remember to collect

People sometimes experience anger symptoms in their daily lives, such as mouth ulcers, swollen gums, etc. Drinking plenty of water or eating more fruits and vegetables can relieve the symptoms of anger, but this practice sometimes fails.

Getting angry sometimes affects people’s daily life and work, so for those who love getting angry For those who do not, they should understand the reasons for getting angry and common ways to defeat the fire in order to better control the situation.

In general, fire-prone people take the following measures to prevent fire.

1. Eat more fruits and vegetables and less sugar

Frequently eating some fruits with high sugar content, such as oranges, lychees and longan, can easily increase the accumulation of sugar in the body. The body’s glucose metabolism requires the participation of vitamin B. Excessive intake of sugar can easily lead to insufficient B vitamins in the body and cause symptoms of anger. In addition, sugar can easily breed bacteria in the mouth and damage teeth, so try to eat some fruits with lower sugar content in daily life, such as grapefruit, orange, apple, etc.

2. Eat less refined food and more whole grains and cereals

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Refined food seriously destroys the original nutritional value in the process of food processing, and some refined food sometimes contains additives, It is easy to make people angry, and whole grains and cereals are rich in B vitamins and other substances, which can not only promote peristalsis, but also prevent getting angry.

3. Eat less fried and grilled food

Fried and grilled foods contain very few nutrients, but they are high in cholesterol. People often eat fried and grilled food, which can easily increase the body heat and produce symptoms of anger.

4. Add enough water, pay attention to rest and exercise

Sometimes, people with weakened immune systems can also experience flare-ups. Adequate water intake every day can promote human metabolism, expel toxins from the body, ensure adequate rest, strengthen physical exercise, and improve human quality and immunity.

There are several ways to defeat the fire, but there are also many reasons for the fire diverse. Eating foods that are high in sugar, tough in texture, and high in androgens, as well as seafood or high-protein foods, are all prone to fire.

People should take appropriate firefighting measures based on their cause and situation. In daily life, they should adjust their diet reasonably, eat less high-calorie and high-sugar foods, drink more water, and increase the intake of whole grains and cereals. In addition, they should learn to control their bad emotions, minimize anger, and control the situation at the source.

What to do about diet

1. Drink boiled water

You can drink more boiled water if you are a little angry. I often use this method. A mild pain usually causes a sore throat. Drinking plenty of water can reduce inflammation and detoxification in time.

2. Fruits

Fruits are rich in vitamins, which can supplement various vitamins that the human body lacks. People who don’t eat fruit regularly are more likely to get angry because they don’t have enough vitamins in their daily diet and need fruit supplements. So we should develop the habit of eating fruit regularly.

3. Take medicine

If the fire gets worse, drinking water will be useless. Eat some summer mulberries, chrysanthemums or isatidis. If the condition is more serious, go to the hospital for injections.

4. Medication

In the case of mouth ulcers, to relieve the pain, some topical medication should be used, such as ice cola powder. This will stop the pain quickly and relieve the pain.

5. Light meals

You can’t eat spicy food and snacks. Finally, your The daily diet will be lighter. We should also pay attention to the choice of vegetables. We can eat more vegetables, such as bitter gourd.

6. Mung bean soup

Mung bean soup has the effect of clearing heat and reducing fire. Especially in hot weather, you often drink mung bean soup to reduce fire and heat.

Conclusion: The above is about getting hot. I hope you understand that in some dry seasons you have to pay attention to hydration to prevent getting hot and It is essential to develop good eating and living habits.