Spring is here, how should we deal with seasonal changes and adjust our health habits?

Let’s take a look at a few things to watch out for in the changing seasons today

Spring Health Guide

01 Daily Rules

When spring comes, the human body will Yang qi appears, the skin stretches, the peripheral blood supply increases, the sweat gland secretion increases, the load on various organs of the body increases, the central nervous system produces a sedative and hypnotic effect, and the limbs are sleepy.

In order to adapt to this climate change, you should go to bed and get up early in your daily routine. You should take frequent walks outdoors, on shady paths and in the woods to become one with nature.

02 Diet and Recuperation

In the spring, the metabolism of the human body also becomes active, and the food should be spicy, sweet and mild. Spring diet should avoid eating greasy raw and cold food, eat more foods rich in vitamin B and fresh vegetables. Spring is the time when the liver is most prosperous. Eating more acidic foods will make the anger more prosperous and damage the spleen and stomach.

We should eat more foods that are sweet and bland, rich in protein, sugar, vitamins and minerals, such as lean meat, eggs, milk, honey, soy products, fresh vegetables, fruits, etc. .

03 Emotional Wellness

People The spiritual activity must adapt to climate change. The time when the human body is most affected by the season is the transition season, especially the spring when winter and spring alternate. In the spring, we should pay attention to emotional health, maintain an optimistic and cheerful mood, make the liver qi smooth, and play the role of disease prevention and health care.

Spring in March is the season when all things are born. At this time, we should avoid anger, let alone depression, and be open-minded and optimistic; the body should be relaxed, comfortable, natural, and full of energy.

04 Regular exercise

After the spring, we should adapt to the characteristics of rising yang and strengthen exercise. We can run, exercise, walk and play badminton in nature, breathe fresh air, make the body exhale the old, absorb the new, and stretch the muscles and bones.

People who exercise regularly in spring have strong disease resistance, quick thinking, less fatigue and high efficiency. You can try some “jumping” exercises, which not only stimulate the vitality of the body’s various systems, but also make the body more “flexible”.

05 Keep warm and prevent disease

With the arrival of spring, the weather warms up and pathogens and viruses grow and multiply, with infectious diseases such as influenza, measles and pneumonia most likely to occur. “Spring and autumn cold” is a climatic statement.

06 Hydration

When the seasons change, the skin can become dry, flaky, and even wrinkled and cracked, so we must do Good protection work.

It is recommended to control the water temperature at about 20-36°C when washing your face, and choose a moisturizing product with better moisturizing effect according to the nature of the skin. In addition, it is recommended to drink more hot water and add a certain amount of water, which has a certain effect on health.

07 Open windows to improve air circulation

The doors and windows of heated rooms are often closed, which is not conducive to indoor air exchange and is prone to respiratory infections. If it’s not too cold, be sure to open more windows to breathe and keep the air flowing.

It is recommended to open the windows for ventilation 2-3 times a day for 15-30 minutes each time according to outdoor weather changes.

#Health Star Program# #Health2022#