Spring is coming as scheduled, and the epidemic will eventually pass | Shining Brilliant · Herald Cancer Summit Forum was successfully held!

On March 19th, the “Shining Shine – Simcere Oncology Summit Forum” sponsored by the Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO) and co-organized by Simcere was successfully held.

This conference is divided into two venues in Jinan and Guangzhou at the same time, and multiple places will participate online and offline.

The Jinan venue was chaired by Professor Li Baosheng from Shandong Cancer Hospital, Professor Wang Ping from Tianjin Medical University Cancer Hospital, and Professor Wu Gang from Huazhong University of Science and Technology Union Hospital. Professor Zhao Lujun from Tianjin Medical University Cancer Hospital, Prof. Yang Zhe from Shandong Provincial Hospital, Prof. Liu Hong from Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, and Prof. Yang Jie from the Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University served as the chairmen of the conference.

Guangzhou Venue is chaired by Prof. Fu Xiaolong from Chest Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University, Prof. Wang Luhua from Shenzhen Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Cancer Hospital, Prof. Lin Qin from the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University, and Prof. Prof. Li Tao from Cancer Hospital, Prof. Yang Kunyu from Union Hospital of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Prof. Bu Junguo from Guangdong Second People’s Hospital served as the chairmen of the conference.

A total of 50 well-known clinical oncologists participated in this conference, with the theme of radiotherapy diagnosis and treatment in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer, small cell lung cancer, esophageal cancer, and nasopharyngeal cancer. , carried out a series of in-depth academic discussions, summarized the latest progress of radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and anti-vascular therapy, and reviewed the latest achievements of Simcere Cancer Research Fund research projects.

Guangzhou Venue Agenda

Professor Cai Xuwei from Shanghai Chest Hospital shared “Progress in Immunotherapy of NSCLC”. Professor Cai introduced the domestic and foreign mainstream clinical research progress on non-small cell lung cancer at different stages in the past two years. The results of the study show that the combination of Endoto and immune checkpoint inhibitors has a synergistic effect, and the combination with various PD-1 mAbs has a good tumor inhibition rate, which is safe and controllable, and can effectively reduce RCCEP, etc. Adverse reactions occurred. The population benefiting from immunotherapy continues to expand, and some specific groups excluded from clinical studies, such as lung cancer brain metastases, EGFR/ALK drug resistance, and elderly patients, have been constantly updated and made breakthroughs in treatment methods. It is believed that changes in the mode of administration, such as subcutaneous injection, may bring new hope for the clinical benefit of more patient populations.

Professor Wu Jianfeng from Jiangsu Cancer Hospital gave a report titled “New Advances in Anti-vascular and Targeted Therapy for NSCLC”. From the perspective of radiotherapy, Professor Wu explained the new progress in the research of anti-vascular and targeted therapy for NSCLC in 2021. For locally advanced NSCLC, Endurance can help chemoradiotherapy by improving the curative effect and reducing the occurrence of pneumonia.

Professor Fang Wenfeng from Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Hospital shared the “2021 Update of CSCO Guidelines for Recurrent and Metastatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma”. Professor Fang said: According to the CSCO guidelines, for recurrent and metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma, the first-line treatment regimen of “cisplatin+gemcitabine+endo” is recommended. This treatment plan can effectively shrink tumors, control disease progression and improve prognosis, which is comparable to the current treatment plan using PD-1.

Professor Li Jiancheng from Fujian Cancer Hospital gave a report titled “Interpretation of the Mechanism of Recombinant Human Vascular Endostatin Combined with Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy and Research Progress in Locally Advanced NSCLC”. Professor Li shared about the mechanism of Endostat combined with chemoradiotherapy and research progress in locally advanced NSCLC: Compared with bevacizumab, Endovir effectively reduced the incidence of grade 2 or higher pneumonia in patients with locally advanced NSCLC treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy It is also suitable for patients with poor cardiopulmonary function.

Professor Li Zihuang from Shenzhen People’s Hospital reported the topic “Progress and Reflections on Treatment of Small Cell Lung Cancer”. Prof. Li introduced in detail the clinical application of PD-L1 in common thoracic tumors, and the first domestic phase I/II clinical study of subcutaneous injection of PD-L1 inhibitor envolizumab. The mOS of PD-L1 inhibitor combined with chemotherapy in the first-line treatment of ES-SCLC is more than 1 year, and immunotherapy has been recommended by clinical guidelines for the first time; Envolizumab is a new generation of subcutaneous PD-L1 inhibitor, which is characterized by molecular weight Small size, high affinity, stable structure, and the use of subcutaneous injection ensure its excellent short-term efficacy, significantly improve patient compliance and quality of life. At present, the exploration and research of Envida in small cell lung cancer is ongoing, which is worth looking forward to. !


Professor Liu Ningbo from Tianjin Medical University Cancer Hospital shared “Progress in NSCLC Immunotherapy”. Professor Liu shared the new progress of immunotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer. According to the literature released by WCLC, ESMO and CSCO in 2021, he introduced the clinical research of early stage, late stage, advanced stage and some special groups of non-small cell lung cancer immunotherapy at home and abroad. . Multiple clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy and safety of Endostat combined with immunotherapy, and the combination of anti-angiogenic drugs and immunotherapy is stillThere is infinite space to explore.

The topic reported by Prof. Liu Xijun from Shandong Cancer Hospital is “New Advances in Anti-vascular and Targeted Therapy for NSCLC”. Professor Liu said that the latest research on anti-vascular drugs has proved that there is no significant difference in the therapeutic effect of recombinant human endostatin in the treatment of NSCLC between continuous pumping and intravenous infusion, and it is an alternative route of administration. And Endostatin combined with concurrent chemoradiotherapy can reduce the incidence of radiation pneumonitis and improve safety.

Professor Wu Hui from Henan Cancer Hospital shared the “Key Points of CSCO Guidelines for Nasopharyngeal Cancer Update – Comprehensive Treatment of Advanced Nasopharyngeal Cancer”. Professor Wu reviewed the key points of the guidelines for the comprehensive treatment of advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma in 2020, interpreted the update of the guidelines for the comprehensive treatment of advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma in 2021, and looked forward to the future development trend of the treatment plan for advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Professor Wu said that the Endo-GP combined with GP program was added to the first-line treatment program of the 2021 CSCO Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines for nasopharyngeal carcinoma, proving that its effectiveness has been recognized.

Professor Lu Haijun from the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University reported the topic “Recombinant Human Vascular Endostatin Combined with Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy and Interpretation of Research Progress in Locally Advanced NSCLC”. In addition to the research progress, Professor Lu also reviewed Endu’s HELPER research. He reviewed the clinical trials in the treatment of advanced non-small lung cancer, and proved that Endoto has a sensitizing effect on radiotherapy and chemotherapy and can produce a “1+1>2” effect.

Professor Wang Tiejun of the Second Hospital of Jilin University shared the “Interpretation of Research Progress of Recombinant Human Vascular Endostatin Combined with Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy – Extrapulmonary Field”. Professor Wang’s research progress of Endotherapy combined with radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the field of extrapulmonary, mainly nasopharyngeal cancer, esophageal cancer and cervical cancer. Prof. Wang said, Multiple studies have verified the sensitizing effect of Endotherapy on radiotherapy and chemotherapy and its excellent safety, as well as its effectiveness in the treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer, esophageal cancer and cervical cancer, and won the 2020 recommended in the “Chinese Guidelines for Radiation Therapy of Esophageal Cancer”.

The topic reported by Prof. Zhu Hui from Shandong Cancer Hospital is “Application of PD-L1 Inhibitor Combined with Radiotherapy in Cancer Treatment”. Prof. Zhu introduced in detail the clinical application of PD-L1 in common thoracic tumors, as well as the first domestic phase I/II clinical study of subcutaneous injection of PD-L1 inhibitor nvolimab. Envolumab is characterized by its small molecular weight, high affinity, stable structure, and subcutaneous injection route, all of which ensure its excellent short-term efficacy and significantly improve patient compliance and quality of life.

Finally, the chairman of the conference concluded today’s meeting and expressed his expectation for future anti-angiogenic drugs and the combination of immunotherapy and radiotherapy.

Academic Conference Preview

The conference ended successfully, but the pace of academic progress kept going. On May 19th, the Second National Finals of Target Area Delineation Competition will be held on the basis of the annual meeting of the Chinese Medical Association, and on June 10th, the second phase of Radiation Field・Science Oncology Research will be held Foundation Review Committee.

Simcere Pharma has always been adhering to the mission of “enabling patients to use more effective medicines as soon as possible” and keeps moving forward.