Spring health preservation, disease prevention, need to keep in mind “two threes, one two” to prevent diseases before they get sick

Just after the vernal equinox, due to the direct sunlight of the sun, the day and night in the northern and southern hemispheres on the day of the vernal equinox will have the same length. Moreover, after the vernal equinox, traditional Chinese medicine also pays more attention to “yin and yang” in terms of health preservation. balance”.

What is “Yin-Yang Balance”?

Yin-Yang balance means the body maintains coordination, neither excessive nor deteriorating, showing a state of coordination . However, the body is in a “balance of yin and yang”, which is a goal pursued by all Chinese medicine.

If a person’s body is in a yin state, there will be chills in the limbs. At this time, people will like warmth more; In the state of partial yang, there will be dry mouth, irritability and other phenomena. Therefore, for Chinese medicine, a person with a balance of yin and yang will be healthy and energetic; a person with an imbalance of yin and yang will suffer from illness and premature aging.

How to achieve the balance of yin and yang?

Environment: When reading martial arts novels, it should happen to everyone. The same is true in terms of health care, it is necessary to adapt to the climate. After the vernal equinox, it is the time for all things to recover, but it is also a time when all kinds of “flu” are prevalent. At this time, the first thing to pay attention to is to prevent influenza. Moreover, when maintaining health in spring, we must pay attention to “covering in spring and freezing in autumn”. In spring, we must pay attention to “the bottom is thick and the top is thin, so that Yang can be nourished and yin can be nourished”

Mentality: As the temperature gradually rises, the body’s Body temperature will also gradually rise. At this time, the anger of the human body is often more vigorous. At this time, everyone must pay attention to their emotions and avoid anger from attacking the heart.

Movement and stillness: “Using movement to maintain stillness” has always been one of the main states of health preservation. Movement is the nourishment of the line, and proper movement is conducive to the health of body functions. In the spring, people often feel sleepy. At this time, they need proper rest to nourish their energy and spirit.

In addition, Chinese medicine pays more attention to diet in terms of health preservation, pays attention to seasonal diet, eats less acidic food, and eats Ganping food as standard.

How to eat healthy?

In terms of diet, we should pay attention to “two threes, one two ”

Eat “Three Vegetables”

·Let’s Lettuce: Let’s Lettuce is also called “Fragrant Lettuce” , Lettuce is also a seasonal vegetable in spring. Eating some lettuce properly in the daily diet can play a role in moisturizing dryness and moistening the lungs, soothing the nerves and helping sleep.

·Spring bamboo shoots: “Spring breeze blows, war drums beat” is also the time when spring bamboo shoots break out of the picture. Spring bamboo shoots are not only crisp and delicious, but also rich in nutritional value, such as: vegetable protein , vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other elements, appropriate adaptation to some, help to increase immunity. And spring bamboo shoots are high in fiber, which can play a role in preventing constipation.

·Shepherd’s purse: Shepherd’s purse is a natural wild vegetable. The annual spring equinox is when shepherd’s purse grows vigorously. At this time, it is very suitable to eat shepherd’s purse. Shepherd’s purse contains carotene, iron , calcium and other elements, high nutritional value, and shepherd’s purse is called “natural antihypertensive vegetables” appropriate consumption of shepherd’s purse, helps to regulate blood pressure, play a role in protecting the cardiovascular.

Eat “Three Fruits”

·Loquat: Due to winter During the spring communication, if you are not careful, you may catch a cold. At this time, everyone can eat some batches, which can clear the lungs, moisten the throat, relieve cough and reduce phlegm.

·Strawberries: There should be no one who doesn’t like to eat strawberries in daily life. Compared with strawberries in winter, the price of strawberries in spring is much cheaper, and the strawberries at this time are much cheaper. It is more sweet and sour, and has a certain effect of clearing away heat and relieving heat. In the face of the spring when the anger is strong, eating strawberries can play a role in reducing the fire.

·Pineapple: Spring is the time when pineapples are on the market. At this time, the taste of pineapples is relatively less sour, with a few more portions of sweetness, and pineapples contain vitamins and A variety of natural minerals can effectively decompose the fat accumulated in the body in winter. And pineapple is a fiber food, and a proper diet can prevent constipation.

Drink “two tea”

·Green tea: this period Most of the green tea is freshly picked, the tea leaves are fresh and tender, and the nutritional value is the highest. At this time, if you drink some green tea properly, you can not only taste the fragrance of tea, but also adjust the function of the human body and increase the immunity of the human body. In addition, the anger of the human body is relatively strong in spring. Drinking some green tea at this time has the effect of reducing fire.

·Black tea: During social interactions in winter and spring, the temperature always fluctuates from cold to hot, and everyone is particularly prone to getting sick at this time, but black tea is warm, so drink it during the spring equinox Drinking black tea can help you warm up. And in spring, people often feel sleepy, because black tea contains a certain amount of caffeine, which can refresh the mind.

Summary: The specific content of spring health preservation is almost the same here. However, after the spring equinox, the most important thing in health preservation is “balance of yin and yang”. Everyone You need to arrange your own rhythm of life, not too fast, but pay attention to complying with the solar terms.

Reference materials:

[1] “Today’s Spring Equinox | Pay attention to these 4 points in health care, so that you can keep your body and mind in a good state!”·Healthy China·2022-3-20

【2】 “The spring equinox is here, and the balance of yin and yang begins! Do these 4 things well, nourish the liver and gallbladder, calm yin and yang, and not disturb all diseases” · Beiqing Net · 2022-3-20

[3] “The Spring Equinox” Here, the six treasures of health care are indispensable! Supplement yang, enhance immunity, suitable for the whole family to eat” · Beijing Satellite TV Health Hall · 2022-3-19