Spring health common sense, we must keep three points in mind!

After the shock

The number of sunshine hours gradually increases

The temperature rises faster

But it’s still warm and cold

The weather changes greatly, and the wind and evil are prevailing

Susceptibility to seasonal diseases such as colds

Therefore, everyone should pay attention to health and wellness

How to keep healthy in spring?

Note the following points!

Spring Wellness Essentials

01/Anti-spring sleepiness

In the spring, do you feel sleepy when you wake up in the morning, or sleepy when you wake up? This is what we often call “spring sleepiness”.

After the beginning of spring, the temperature gradually rises. At this time, the capillaries of the human skin expand, the effective circulating blood volume decreases, and the oxygen supply to the brain decreases, and people are prone to drowsiness. This is a normal physiological response.

How to avoid “spring sleep”?

First of all, we need to pay attention to rest, to develop the habit of going to bed early and getting up early to ensure adequate sleep.

At the same time, you can wash with warm water in the morning, which can make people feel comfortable and spiritual.

Finally, proper physical exercise is the best way to relieve “spring sleepiness”. It is necessary to avoid early morning exercise, especially for the elderly. It is recommended to go out for exercise after 10:00 in the morning. Warm up before exercise and proceed gradually , do what you can.

02 / Protection against cold and dampness

Although it has entered mid-spring, the temperature changes greatly, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is large. At the same time, in southern China, including Shenzhen, the temperature will start to warm up and the humidity will start to rise, commonly known as “Back to the South”< /strong>, there will be humidity at this time, and the human body will feel “cold and wet” in severe cases.

Therefore, we should pay attention to keeping warm, pay more attention to the weather forecast, avoid wind and cold, and add clothes in the morning and evening to achieve “spring cover” (when the temperature is below 10 ℃) to prevent the occurrence of seasonal diseases such as colds and flu.

In addition, we also need to keep the room fresh and dry, which can be dehumidified with dehumidifiers, charcoal, quicklime and other dehumidification tools, which can effectively reduce the air humidity and reduce the breeding of indoor bacteria, thereby Avoid rheumatism.

03 / Prevent liver depression

With the arrival of spring, the warm climate makes people’s metabolism become more vigorous and blood circulation is significantly accelerated, thus the nutrients needed by the human body also increase to meet the needs of various physiological activities of the human body.

The main tone of the liver is to avoid depression. Spring is a period of vigorous activity of the liver. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the maintenance of the liver, so that the liver can be regulated, ensure the normal function of the liver, and adapt to the changes in the climate, thereby reducing the occurrence of diseases.

Nourishing the liver in springFirst of all, we should pay attention to emotional maintenance. You should avoid depression or anger. You must learn to relax and keep your mood comfortable. You can listen to music, watch the beautiful scenery, and exercise properly. In order to make the liver Qi up.

Secondly, It is advisable to eat some green onions, coriander, etc. in the daily diet. These foods are warm and divergent, which are suitable for the spring climate and are beneficial to the health of the liver.

Spring Health Medicated Diet

The climate changes in spring, the liver is strong, and the mood fluctuates greatly. If it is not adjusted properly, symptoms such as depression and insomnia are prone to occur.

Therefore, it is advisable to soothe the liver and strengthen the spleen in the diet. Here is a recommended food for you to strengthen the spleen and soothe the mind-Poria lotus seed cake.

Poria cocos dilutes dampness, invigorates the spleen, calms the heart, and calms the nerves; lotus seed flesh nourishes the kidney and solidifies the essence, invigorates the spleen and stops diarrhea, nourishes the heart and calms the nerves; Phlegm to relieve cough.

Poria lotus seed cake

Materials: 500 grams of Poria, 500 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, 500 grams of lotus seeds, 100 grams of flour, 20 grams of sweet-scented osmanthus, 200 grams of white sugar.


①Rinse the lotus seeds, remove the lotus cores, and cook them for later use.

② Weigh 500 grams each of Poria, Ophiopogon japonicus, and lotus seed flesh, grind to a fine powder and sieve.

③Pour 100 grams of flour into the sifted fine powder, add 20 grams of osmanthus, 200 grams of white sugar, a little water, stir well and knead into a dough, then cover the surface of the dough with a damp cloth and let it stand for 20 minutes (wake up noodle).

④ Knead the dough into strips, divide them into equal parts, then form into a circle, insert it into the mold and press it out. Put it in a steamer and cook for 20 minutes.

Spring is here

The sun is shining and I’m in a good mood

Health can’t be held back

Written by: Liang Lichang

(Department of Preliminary Treatment, Shenzhen Hospital, Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine)