“Special Treatment” for “Special Patients”


“When I went to the doctor that day, because I couldn’t buy a low-iodine liquid diet and wanted to save money as much as possible, he didn’t eat lunch, so he ate two steamed buns for dinner, and fainted in the hospital.” Hu Huiping is from Hunan Province. The head nurse of the Department of Thyroid Medicine of the Cancer Hospital/nuclide therapy department, she described that he was a special patient admitted by the department after the year, Mr. Shi from Xiangyin.

Hu Huiping introduced that Mr. Shi is 32 years old and unmarried. There is only one old father and one older brother in the family, and neither has a fixed income. Fourteen years ago, he suffered from nasopharyngeal cancer and underwent radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Thyroid cancer was diagnosed in 2021. For his poor family, it was really worse. Since the treatment of the disease, all the expenses required are government assistance and the combination of relatives and friends. In February 2022, he came to the Department of Thyroid Medicine / Radionuclide Therapy of Hunan Cancer Hospital alone for iodine 131 treatment. Due to the side effects of radiotherapy, he had hearing loss, so he could only wear hearing aids; he had difficulty swallowing, and he could only eat low-iodine liquid; he was not accompanied and needed special care during treatment.

On the day of fainting, the department sent a nurse to take care of him at the bedside. The next day, Shi Feng, the head of the department, personally escorted him to an MRI in a wheelchair. In the face of such a special patient, the medical staff in the department gave him more love and help, allowing him to enjoy different “special treatment”, providing free low-iodine liquid diet, all examinations are accompanied by medical staff, etc. .

“Thank you very much for your concern and care for me…” When he was discharged from the hospital, Mr. Shi sent two short words to the head nurse Hu Huiping using WeChat on his mobile phone. Thousands of words were combined into one sentence. The medical staff of the Department of Thyroid Medicine/Department of Radionuclide Therapy of Hunan Cancer Hospital are grateful and grateful!

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