Special groups in Ciyun Town enjoy free health checkup

Jiangjin Rong Media News (Correspondent Yan Lun Yang Xiaojuan) On February 23, in the small square in front of the office of the two committees of Liaoyue Village, Ciyun Town, elderly people over 65 years old in the village were undergoing medical examinations in an orderly manner. This is the three consecutive days that medical workers from Ciyun Health Center have conducted free physical examinations in the village.

There are nearly 5,000 elderly people over 65 years old in Ciyun Town, nearly 1,700 people with hypertension and nearly 600 people with diabetes. From February 1st, Ciyun Town has fully launched the free health checkup work for these special groups. In addition, the town has carried out extensive publicity campaigns, using propaganda boards, slogans, radio, WeChat and other means to publicize this policy of benefiting the people, so that eligible people can actively participate in it.

Specific examination items include body temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pressure, weight, waist circumference, hip circumference, skin, lymph nodes, heart, abdomen, and routine examinations such as vision, hearing, and limb mobility, as well as blood tests. Fasting blood glucose, urine routine, blood lipids, liver and kidney function, electrocardiogram, B-ultrasound (liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen) are routinely added. Medical staff will also ask about physical exercise, diet, smoking, drinking, chronic diseases, common symptoms, previous diseases, and hospitalization.

After the results of the physical examination, the medical staff will follow the requirements of the “Resident Health File Management Service Specification” and the “Elderly Health Management Service Specification” to establish the elderly over 65 years old, high blood pressure, diabetes, heavy sperm patients Health records, and gradually realize the informationization of health management of this part of the population.