Soybean sprouts and mung bean sprouts stand aside, choose them first when eating sprouts in spring! Protect blood vessels, prolong aging… Eating like this is more replenishing

Peanuts are known as “longevity fruit” because they have the functions of tonifying deficiency, invigorating the spleen and stomach, regulating qi and nourishing blood. However, its oil content is relatively high, and eating a large amount alone can easily lead to abdominal distension, indigestion, and even aggravate the three highs and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Therefore, Director Wei Yun of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Dongfang Hospital recommends another way of eating, which can not only upgrade its nutritional value, but also reduce the drawbacks, and at the same time, it can also help to grow yang in spring. This way of eating is to make peanuts into peanut buds.


“longevity sprouts” that experts are eating

nutrition beyond your imagination


Peanut sprouts are also known as “longevity sprouts”, not only because they sprout from “longevity fruit”, but also because of their excellent nutritional value and health benefits. What are the differences in nutrition and efficacy between peanut sprouts and peanuts?

1Vitamin C content increased

The vitamin C content in peanuts is relatively low, but after germination, its vitamin C content will increase significantly, and may even exceed soybean sprouts, green bean sprouts.

2The content of resveratrol increased

Resveratrol is a natural antioxidant, which can keep blood vessels unobstructed and slow down the aging speed of the body. The study found that the content of resveratrol in peanut sprouts was 5 times higher than that in unsprouted peanuts, and was comparable to the resveratrol in grapes.

3 protein content increased

The protein content of peanuts is relatively rich, but after 5 days of germination, its content will be further increased by about 8.4%. Not only that, many proteins in peanut sprouts are also hydrolyzed into amino acids, which are easier for the human body to absorb and utilize.

4Reduced fat content

Another obvious change in the nutrition of peanuts after germination is the reduction of fat content, which can be reduced by about 28% compared with peanuts, and it is not easy to feel greasy after eating.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, although peanuts can nourish the lungs, nourish the blood, strengthen the spleen and replenish qi, but eating too much will nourish the stomach and hinder the stomach. Helps heat and generates dampness, so adults can only eat a small amount of it every day, about 25-30 grams, and the elderly, children, and patients with chronic diseases should eat less.

Peanut sprouts do not have these problems. It can not only nourish blood and nourish blood, grow hair and help yang, but also has the characteristics of nourishing but not dry, nourishing but not greasy, especially suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach and people who are deficient and cannot be nourished.


There are 3 steps for spontaneous peanut sprouts

It is safe and secure to do so

Director Wei Yun often cultivates peanut sprouts on his balcony, which not only adds fun to life, but also is very healthy and environmentally friendly. However, there are also a lot of particulars and tricks in planting peanut buds, so you can eat them with confidence.

Selecting peanuts

The selection of peanuts will directly affect the germination rate. It is generally recommended to choose fresh peanuts with shells, and the germination rate will be higher than that of old peanuts. In addition, it is also important that the particles are full, not broken, and normal in shape and not deformed.

Choose a container

Choose a container with eyes at the bottom, such as a vegetable basket with large holes in your home, you can also directly Buy a sprout. The container should be cleaned before use, and there should be no oil on the surface.

Bubble germination

Wash the peanuts, pour them into clean water to cover 2/3 of them, soak them for 10 hours to make them fully Absorb swelling. Then remove some of the shriveled particles, hold off excess water, and lay flat on a container lined with paper towels. Put another pot under the container and fill it with an appropriate amount of water to ensure that the amount of water will not cover the peanuts; cover the peanuts with two layers of moist gauze, and then move them to a dark and ventilated place.

Frequently spray the gauze with water to keep the gauze always moist. After about three or four days, the peanuts will begin to sprout. Wait until they are the right length to eat.


After the peanut shell is damaged, it is very susceptible to mold infection, which produces aflatoxin, which is highly carcinogenic. If the peanuts that have been kept at home for a long time suddenly sprout, or the sprouts of peanuts with poor quality and staleness are used, it is not recommended for everyone to eat them for safety reasons. Buying peanut sprouts should also choose regular markets and channels.


Eating peanut sprouts like this

nutritious and delicious.

The eating method of peanut sprouts is similar to that of soybean sprouts and mung bean sprouts , can be cold, can be fried, can be soup, the taste is fresh and crisp, very delicious.

Pannut sprouts bursting with three kernels

Method: Put the peanut sprouts into a pot and blanch in water, pick up and set aside. Pour oil into the pot, add shrimp and peanut sprouts, stir fry for a while, add pea kernels and walnut kernels, add an appropriate amount of oyster sauce and water, and add a little salt to taste when the ingredients are cooked.

This is a dish created by Director Wei Yun. Among them, peas can clear the intestines and relieve heat, walnuts can nourish the kidneys and strengthen the brain, peanut sprouts are mainly vegetable protein, and shrimps are rich in animal protein. The combination of these things is rich in nutrients, and can also play a good role in strengthening the spleen and kidney, nourishing qi and nourishing blood.

Fragrant eggplant and pepper stew

Method: Put eggs and soy sauce in a bowl, stir well, add chopped peppers and sesame oil, and steam for 15 minutes to make a stew son. Cut the eggplants into strips and salt them for use. Take the oil pan, put in the shredded pork loin, eggplant strips, minced green onion and ginger, braised sub, and boiled peanut sprouts, stir fry evenly and serve.

Peppers contain a lot of vitamin C, eggplants are rich in anthocyanins, vitamin P and other substances, eggs are known as “full nutrition”. food”. These kinds of ingredients are eaten together with peanut sprouts, which can bring certain benefits in balanced nutrition, protection of blood vessels, and strong physique.

(I am a big doctor official WeChat)