South Korea’s new crown confirmed more than 100,000 cases in a single day, the highest in three months

[Source: Overseas Network]

[Introduction] According to Yonhap News Agency, South Korea’s Central Epidemic Prevention Countermeasures Headquarters reported on July 27 that as of 0:00 that day, South Korea’s More than 100,000 new confirmed cases of new crown in a single day, the highest in three months

July 25th, People line up for nucleic acid testing in Seoul, South Korea.

According to Yonhap News Agency, South Korea’s Central Epidemic Prevention and Countermeasure Headquarters reported on July 27 that as of 0:00 that day, more than 100,000 new confirmed cases of new crown were added in a single day in South Korea, the highest number in three months.

According to reports, South Korea reported 100,285 new confirmed cases of the new crown in a single day, with a total of over 19.44 million confirmed cases; 25 new deaths, a total of 24,932 deaths, and 177 new critically ill cases.

Author: No
Editor: Tian Qiyin

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