South Korea’s 130-pound plus-size model has a perfect hourglass figure. Female strength training is very important

In the Chinese aesthetic standards, the standard for measuring a girl’s body is weight. In fact, being thin is not equal to beauty, nor is it equal to being sexy. If you have been exposed to strength training, you will find that the quality of your body depends on the overall body proportions. And muscle lines!

Today, I would like to introduce a Korean fitness expert. Her name is Kim Tae-joo. She is 168 in height and weighs 130 pounds! Do you have the feeling of a fat girl in your mind? In fact, Kim Tae-joo’s body doesn’t seem to be fat at all.

On the contrary, what is presented to everyone is a body curve that is bulging forward and backward, and the body is tight and stylish. Jin Taizhu and most girls who first came into contact with fitness In the same way, she rejected strength training and only did aerobic training. Later, she found that although she was thin, she lacked a sense of line, so she began to try strength training.

This practice has undergone earth-shaking changes. In her dynamic, the most posted fitness photos, fitness check-in, rain or shine, exercise has long been Be a part of life! She has more than 410,000 followers on INS.

A good figure in long-term fitness, as we have confirmed: weight is by no means a measure of whether the body is good or not, girls over 100 weight, muscles and body The combination is the most sexy.

For women, they need strength training more than boys. Next, coach Paul will introduce the benefits of strength training for women.

Increase muscle mass

Increase in muscle mass will reduce fat mass and create beautiful muscle lines , looks more beautiful, such as full and upturned buttocks, clear vest lines, and smooth back lines all require muscles to be achieved.

Increase muscle strength

Girls have less than 50% of the muscle content of boys. Less muscle content will make it very difficult for women to perform physical work in life. The increase in muscle content will allow women to cope with the physical work in life with ease, such as holding children, washing clothes, and doing housework will become very easy. Activities are also less likely to cause injury.

Bone density increases and joints are stronger

There is data showing that through strength training, women’s vertebrae The calcium content of calcium can be increased by 13% in just half a year, which can not only increase bone density but also resist joint aging.

Heart and Cerebrovascular Protection

A study by Dr. Franklin of William Beaumont Hospital in Michigan found that, Strength exercises can reduce the amount of “bad cholesterol” in the body and increase the amount of “good cholesterol”, while also relieving high blood pressure.

Increase self-confidence and resilience

A Harvard study found that subjects who experienced 10 weeks of strength training can effectively relieve depression, and its treatmentIt is more effective than psychological counseling. Through strength training, women can enhance their self-confidence and improve their ability to resist external pressure.

Next, I recommend a set of whole body strength training exercises for you, which can help us effectively improve the muscle content of the body and build a better figure.


Russian Twist (for abdominal muscles)

Standing Dumbbell Press (for shoulder muscles)

Dumbbell Bench Press (for chest muscles) strong>

Prone row (for core and back)

Bent-over row (targets back muscles)

Romanian deadlift (for glutes and legs)

Concluding remarks:

Before training All joints and ligaments of the body are warmed up, which can not only effectively avoid accidental injury during the following exercise, but also make our target muscles exert more force. Choose the situation, and don’t forget to relax and stretch your muscles after training.