“Softening blood vessels” has lied to Chinese people for 30 years, but there is only one truth!

< p>Source:Health Times (ID:jksb2013)

Myocardial infarction, cerebral infarctionCardiovascular disease is a common and terrible health killer.

Vascular stent surgery

Many people are afraid of taking medicine and stents, so they The remedies, foods, and even health supplements that “soften blood vessels” and “make blood vessels younger” have spread everywhere, and many people are convinced.

Baidu Index: The keyword search volume of “food that softens blood vessels” has continued to rise in the past 5 years

There are sayings about “softening blood vessels” Many, for example, a glass of red wine every day, vinegar every day, fungus, black beans, onions, etc. every day. But do these “coups” and “remedies” really work?

Can vinegar soften blood vessels? Fake!

According to the doctor, drinking vinegar or being jealous to soften blood vessels is a matter of course! Because the human body itself is a very powerful buffer system, vinegar must participate in the normal metabolism of the human body and be metabolized into carbon dioxide and water. It is impossible for vinegar to directly reach the blood vessels, and the internal environment will not be easily affected by the acid-base system of food sources, so it is impossible to soften blood vessels by drinking more vinegar.

Not only that, drinking a lot of vinegar directly, the acidity of vinegar is too high, it will also damage the gastric mucosa, and excessive consumption will burn the esophagus.

Image source: /p>Can drinking red wine soften blood vessels? Fake!

“Red wine contains resveratrol, So drinking red wine can soften blood vessels.” We hear this statement a lot, but it’s actually a complete “scam”.

“Resveratrol” is an antioxidant, which is found in grapes and blueberries. It was discovered by scientists in 1939. In the nearly 60 years since resveratrol was discovered, people didn’t think it was so powerful. But a scholar named Dipak Kumar Das pushed resveratrol to the “altar” at the end of the last century.

Dipak Kumar Das

Dipak Das was the director of the Cardiovascular Research Center at the University of Connecticut, known for his research into the beneficial properties of resveratrol.

In 1990, a Connecticut scholar, Dipak Kumar Das, proposed that although French people often eat unhealthy foods with high cholesterol,Its cardiovascular morbidity rate is only 1/3 of that in the United States. So he thinks the resveratrol in wine is the main reason. This also quickly aroused curiosity about resveratrol from all walks of life.

However, who would have thought that behind the halo is fraud and shady. According to information on the official website of the National Library of Australia, an investigation by the University of Connecticut found that nearly 150 articles published, including on the effect of resveratrol in red wine, were suspected of falsifying data. In 2012, Dipak Kumar Das was arrested by Connecticut for falsifying papers The university was expelled, and many authoritative scientific journals had withdrawn their papers.

Not only that, it can be said to be “harmful but not beneficial” if you want to protect your cardiovascular system by drinking alcohol.

In August 2018, the world’s top medical journal “The Lancet” published an article stating that drinking directly caused 2.8 million deaths worldwide. At the same time, alcohol is directly related to cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases.

Several studies have confirmed that no matter how much alcohol is consumed, it is harmful to the human body. As for softening blood vessels, it is even more nonsense.

The Lancet article concluded that the safe drinking amount is “0”

Therefore, the Lancet recommends that the safest amount of alcohol consumption is 0, that is, no alcohol can be good for health!

Eat onions, mushrooms, fungus… soften blood vessels? Fake!

Many people believe that foods such as onions, Fungus, eggplant, ginger, garlic, tomatoes, mushrooms, hawthorn and so on.

Careful friends will find that these foods are all plant foods, which conform to the principle of healthy diet, but there is no scientific basis for whether they have the effect of softening blood vessels.

If you only want to soften blood vessels through diet and refuse to cooperate with the doctor’s guidance and treatment, it may aggravate blood lipid disorders, which is a very dangerous behavior for some elderly people!

mistakenlyeating deep-sea fish oil can soften blood vessels? Not reliable! In the past two years, deep-sea fish oil products have been selling very well. Merchants claim that deep-sea fish oil can moisturize and soften blood vessels, resist thrombosis, lower blood pressure and blood lipids, dredge blood vessels, and prevent atherosclerosis.

The polyunsaturated fatty acid content of deep-sea fish oil is indeed higher than that of freshwater fish, and polyunsaturated fatty acids do have a certain blood lipid-lowering effect, but it cannot directly act on blood vessels to soften blood vessels.

The fish oil products we usually buy belong to health food, and it is difficult to play a role in maintaining blood vessels. Moreover, the quality of fish oil on the market is uneven, so it is not recommended for everyone to buy and eat at will.

There is only one truth< span>vascular aging can only be delayed, not reversed!

We often compare blood vessels to water pipes, water pipes Over time, it will age, harden and become brittle. And so do our blood vessels.

Having said so much, you may be asking, what can I do to truly “soften the blood vessels”?

In fact, once the blood vessels age and harden, it is difficult to return to the “soft” state of youth. What we can do is “delay vascular aging”.

Because arteriosclerosis is like human skin wrinkles, it is a mark made by time, which can only be delayed but not reversed. Everyone’s blood vessels will have arteriosclerosis and plaques will appear, just like life, old age, sickness and death are irresistible natural laws!

What we can do is to delay the aging and hardening of blood vessels through some methods, such as controlling blood lipids, blood pressure, diet, and increasing exercise.

remembertrue 4 Ways to Benefit Your Blood Vessels!

What methods can make blood vessels age and harden slower? Recommend 4 ways to really benefit blood vessels:

1. Maintain healthy eating habits


A lot of arteriosclerosis is related to genetics. According to the doctor, just like “the relationship between rabbits and wolves”, rabbits are herbivores. Do animal experiments and give rabbits egg yolks or meat for a few days, and the walls of blood vessels will be hardened; Atherosclerosis is particularly difficult, which is determined by their respective genetics.

Humans are omnivores, and their genes determine that the food they eat should be diverse and rich. If they focus on meat for a long time, they will get the same food as rabbits As a result, atherosclerosis develops, so it is necessary to develop good eating habits.

Therefore, we should try our best to maintain good eating habits and improve the diet structure. Eat more whole grains, vegetables and fruits, and eat less meat, especially red meat. Limit pickled and chemically processed foods, grilled and fried foods.

Image source: pexelsg>2. Increase exercise and body control

Atherosclerosis prefers people with big belly and belly fat, such people are relatively The time and speed of arteriosclerosis are higher than others. The omentum on the human stomach is used to store fat. If you eat a high-fat diet for a long time or eat too much, the excess fat that cannot be digested will be stored in the belly first. However, if the fat intake is still increasing, the stomach will be full and it will be transferred to the blood vessels and liver, which will cause lipid deposition in blood vessels and accumulation of cholesterol, resulting in arteriosclerosis.

3. Keep an optimistic attitude and learn to relax crowd. Long-term mental stress and anxiety will inevitably cause sympathetic nerve excitation, vasoconstriction and spasm, and vascular pressure will also increase, resulting in vascular endothelial damage, lipid deposition and arteriosclerosis.

4. Control blood pressure, blood lipids, and blood sugar

If arteriosclerosis occurs in the heart, brain, and kidneys parts are more dangerous. Among them, it is very easy to cause coronary heart disease and sudden myocardial infarction in the heart.

The coronary blood vessels of the human body are only 1-3 mm thick, and the thickness of the blood vessel wall is less than 0.5 mm. In such a small space, the lipids deposited in the blood vessels, Cholesterol will form atherosclerotic plaques, just like a bun. If more and more deposits are deposited, the filling in the bun becomes larger and the skin becomes thinner and thinner. With the increase of tension and inflammatory stimulation, once the skin is broken, it will be damaged. It can cause blood clots and sudden myocardial infarction.

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