So many follicles, why not get pregnant?

Polycystic ovary syndrome, such a tongue-in-cheek name often makes newly diagnosed patients overwhelmed and full of doubts: I have so many follicles on my ovaries , why can’t I get pregnant? So where do so many follicles come from? Where do they go? Can they ovulate normally? The following will reveal the mysterious relationship between polycystic and infertility.

What is polycystic ovary syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome, abbreviated polycystic ovary syndrome, English abbreviation is PCOS, it is the most common endocrine in gynecology one of the diseases. People with this disease often come to the hospital because of “irregular menstruation”, and they are easily “recognized” by doctors in the crowd, because they have some typical characteristics: fat, and their faces are covered with “beautiful acne.” ”, along with some masculine features such as long beards.

The harm of polycystic ovary to women

Polycystic ovary syndrome can have adverse effects on women’s fertility, and can affect the normal function of the ovaries, and also Accelerating the aging speed of women’s bodies will seriously affect the health of the skin, and will also lead to obesity in women. Polycystic ovaries will have very adverse effects on women’s health. Severely can cause female infertility.

“The Harm of Polycystic Ovary to Women”

Polycystic ovary syndrome can adversely affect women’s fertility and affect the normal function of the ovaries. It will also accelerate the aging speed of women’s bodies, which will seriously affect the health of the skin, and also lead to obesity in women. Polycystic ovaries will have a very adverse impact on women’s health. Severely can cause female infertility.

“Why not get pregnant with so many follicles”

It turns out that these so many follicles are immature follicles. Low levels of stimulant hormone) and high levels of LH (luteinizing hormone) cause these small follicles in the ovary to stop developing and fail to produce “dominant follicles.” At the same time, a large amount of androgens inhibit the maturation of follicles, LH secretion is aperiodic, and LH peak cannot be produced, which in turn leads to anovulation. That is to say, although there are many small follicles, they cannot produce “dominant follicles” and ovulate, so there is no “egg” use.

Polycystic treatment methods

The treatment of PCOS is a long-term treatment process, and the treatment methods for different patients will be different. Treatment methods are as follows:

Exercise + weight loss

Currently considered to be the primary and key treatment for PCOS. Increase the intake of fruits and vegetables. Keep exercising, exercise more. Lose 5-10% of body weight. The study found that PCOS patients have strict requirements for BMI control, and the ideal BMI is below 24. For patients with BMI greater than 26 Kg/m2, it is recommended to control the weight before pregnancy, otherwise the pregnancy rate will decrease and the pregnancy miscarriage rate will increase.

Adjusting the menstrual cycle

Some patients think that I don’t want to have children, and I don’t have a period, which is good, saves a lot of trouble, and saves money The money for sanitary napkins is good, isn’t it? Why do you still need to take medicine to promote menstrual cramps? Because of the imbalance of hormone secretion, a small amount of estrogen is continuously secreted, and there is no menstrual cramps, resulting in thickening of the endometrium, and the occurrence of uterine Risk of endometrial cancer.

Pay attention to dietary control

Reduce the intake of high-fat and high-protein foods, prohibit spicy and spicy foods, and ensure a balanced diet.

Good sleep and mood

Research shows that good sleep is essential for health, especially for people with polycystic disease. Don’t stay up late, ensure a good sleep, and at the same time maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, a good attitude is half the success.



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