Small wounds also have big hidden dangers. These three types are especially dangerous and can be fatal in severe cases! Be more careful in summer

There will inevitably be some bumps and bumps in life, and skin damage will occur, such as: accidentally cutting your hands when cutting vegetables, cutting when opening a can, being stabbed when washing seafood, accidentally touching a nail in a cabinet, etc. But also because these wounds are small, the first reaction of most people is to wait for it to heal on its own, or simply stick a Band-Aid~

But, you know, some wounds are small, but not so simple…


Uncle Li, a construction worker, accidentally cut his left finger by a machine while working. At that time, he casually took a tissue and wrapped it.

Three days later, the co-workers found that he had twitching limbs, slurred speech, sweating profusely, and a wry smile. They immediately sent him to a nearby hospital, where he was diagnosed with tetanus, and was urgently transferred to a critical condition. In the medical department, the left finger infection is serious and requires amputation, and is still not out of danger…


Scratch a small hole

Possibly a deadly crisis

The weather is hot in summer. Many people like to go barefoot at home and wear soft-soled slippers when they go out.

1 Infection with tetanus, the fatality rate is as high as 30-50%

Tetanus is an acute infectious disease caused by Clostridium tetani.

If there is no timely treatment, the mortality rate of severely ill patients is close to 100%; even after active treatment, the global mortality rate is still as high as 30-50%, which can be said to be an extremely serious and potentially fatal disease.

2 Clostridium tetani is widespread, and the following symptoms are dangerous

This special bacteria is very common in nature, including soil and mammalian feces. It invades the human body through wounds with damaged skin or mucous membranes, reproduces in an oxygen-deficient environment, and produces exotoxins.

Exotoxins will directly enter the spinal cord and brain and act on the central nervous system, causing severe neuromuscular function changes. Patients will experience muscle spasms and rigidity throughout the body. In severe cases, laryngospasm, suffocation, lung infection and organ functional failure.

3 These wounds recommend a tetanus vaccine

What kind of wounds can get tetanus?

Experts say wounds of all types and sizes can theoretically be contaminated, but the probability of infection varies between wound types – if it is a minor skin abrasion, these wounds are shallow and relatively clean, and the chance of infection just small.

However, if the following characteristics are met, tetanus antitoxin needs to be injected in time.

①Open wounds, such as severe fractures, large-area contusions, and skin contusions;

②Wounds with rust or dirt;

③Small and deep wounds;

④Burns, scalds, especially when the area is relatively large.


I was stabbed by seafood

Possible risk of amputation

Eating some seafood and drinking some drinks in summer is more comfortable, but when handling seafood, my hands are caught by crabs, and my skin is pierced by fish bones. These small accidents happen from time to time. But you must not underestimate such a small hole, it is extremely lethal!


Mr. Wu accidentally stabbed his middle finger when he was buying fish. Although the wound immediately bleeds, the wound was not very large, so he did not do much treatment.

However, at two or three o’clock in the middle of the night, things started to go wrong – Mr. Wu’s fingers began to turn black and painful, and he also developed symptoms of fever and chills… The family rushed him to the hospital.

After the doctor’s consultation, Mr. Wu was rushed to the ICU for treatment, and he had a middle finger amputation to save his life. What caused this tragedy was the marine Vibrio bacteria that 38.6% of seafood contained.

1The danger of marine vibrio

Marine Vibrio vulnificus, also known as human-eating flesh-eating bacteria, attaches to marine products such as marine fish, shrimps and crabs. After infection with the bacteria, the onset is rapid, the progression is rapid, and the probability of death due to systemic multiple organ failure within 48 hours up to 75%.

It can enter the human body through eating and skin trauma, and release many toxins (such as hemolysin, exotoxin, endotoxin, etc.), leading to local skin ulceration and decay; at the same time, it can also enter the blood circulation and infect the whole body various organs. If left untreated, it can lead to multiple organ failure, or even fatal.

It should be noted that marine Vibrio vulnificus is not only carried in seafood, but may also be deposited in some raw meat, so raw meat must be thoroughly cooked before it can be eaten.

2 to deal with marine vibrio, do 4 points

①It is best to wear gloves when picking or cleaning seafood.

②Seafood should not be eaten raw. To completely kill Vibrio vulnificus, it must be boiled in boiling water for 4 to 5 minutes before eating.

③Do not touch seawater with wounded skin.

④If you are accidentally scratched by seafood, do not use saline or saliva to clean the wound, otherwise it will accelerate the growth of bacteria. The wound can be washed with water, and disinfected with alcohol or iodine in time to avoid infection.

If there is foreign body residue in the wound, or the wound is narrow and deep, it is recommended to rinse it with clean water and then go to the hospital for debridement.


Squeeze acne is more harmful than you think

Frequently eating heavy oil or spicy food, or not cleaning the face properly, or staying up late and getting angry, acne is easy to develop on the face, and looking at these bulges, many people always endure it Can’t stop squeezing pimples… Cocoa reminds you: hurry up and stop!


Not long ago, Ms. Ji developed a pimple the size of a grain of rice above her lips. After she squeezed it out, her lips became red and swollen, the left side of her face became more swollen, and her eyelids could not be lifted. Soon she fell into a coma.

After being rushed to the hospital by her family members, the doctor found that Ms. Ji had bilateral pneumonia and a small amount of fluid in her chest after examinations such as head MRI and chest CT. Her brain signals were abnormal, and she was diagnosed as a danger triangle. Cavernous sinusitis caused by infection.

Fortunately, after a series of treatments, Ms. Ji was gradually out of danger.

1 The dangerous triangle of the face, do not pick it casually

The danger triangle is the area enclosed by the three-point line connecting the bridge of the nose and the corners of the mouth, which can reach the cavernous sinus in the skull.

The cavernous sinus is a communication hub for blood vessels in the head, where blood from the middle cerebral, ophthalmic, and central retinal veins all converge.

In the process of squeezing acne, external bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus, etc. may enter the blood, and then reflux into the intracranial cavernous sinus, causing meningitis and encephalitis , even life-threatening.

2How to properly treat acne?

For people with severe acne, it is the top priority to go to the hospital for dermatology treatment in time. Do not blindly use acne products to avoid delaying the disease or causing adverse consequences.

If it is the occasional acne caused by greasy diet, staying up late, etc., in addition to improving living habits, generally you only need to pay attention to the cleaning of the affected area. The human immune system will kill the bacteria and make the acne disappear. If necessary, topical retinoids (such as adapalene gel) can also be used to help inhibit bacteria and promote healing.

Small wounds may lead to major hidden dangers. The prevention and treatment of the above small wounds should be paid enough attention to.

(Source: National Health Care)