Small coup for palace cold conditioning, 5 tricks to teach you to regulate palace cold

Have you felt dysmenorrhea, cold hands and feet, diarrhea and other symptoms during your period?

This is very likely to be uterine cold, which is a common gynecological disease. probability will also decrease.

So if you want to get pregnant, you need to adjust your body first to reduce the various risks that may occur during pregnancy.

Does cold affect pregnancy?

The uterine cold will affect pregnancy. When the uterus is cold, it will be frostbitten after the sperm and egg combine, so infertility will occur.

Many women with uterine cold will delay their menstruation, some for about ten days, some for two or three months, and some for nearly No period for a year. And through the B-ultrasound, it will be found that these women do not ovulate, and of course they will be infertile.

Gonghan, in traditional Chinese medicine, refers to the coldness of the female uterus (including fallopian tubes, ovaries, etc.). The physical manifestations of uterine cold may firstly be dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, and the worst is that the temperature of the uterus is too low, which is not suitable for fetal growth.

In addition, women are inherently weak, and some women do not pay attention to it, they like to eat desserts, drink milk tea, especially Some frozen, frozen foods.

There are also girls who wear very little to be beautiful, and even wear navel-baring clothes. But I don’t know that the cold in the palace has something to do with these. The cold air entering the body will cause the uterus to suffer from cold, resulting in dysmenorrhea and even difficult pregnancy.

/p>How to deal with palace cold

01< /strong>Pay attention to your diet

Female friends with conjunctivitis should pay more attention to their usual diet, and eat less raw and cold stimulation food, especially during menstruation.

02Keep warm

Keep warm every day to avoid cold belly. It is also necessary to pay attention to other parts not to catch cold, especially to keep the head, chest, abdomen, and feet warm, and do not let the lower back get cold.

If you are a woman who has been sitting under the air conditioner in the office for a long time, she should go out for a walk during the lunch break at noon, bask in the sun, and get rid of the cold on her body.

03Ensure adequate sleep time

Female friends, especially at night, should not stay up too late, otherwise they will As a result of physical weakness, you must ensure that you have at least 8 hours of sleep every day, so as to relieve your condition.

04Maintain the amount of exercise

It is recommended that female friends should exercise more in normal times, but this does not mean Depending on how vigorous a woman must exercise, she can choose some activities that are more suitable for her, such as walking slowly, playing badminton, dancing and so on.

05Modify your mindset

Keep an optimistic mood and keep your mood happy. overStrain can also damage the yang qi of the body. Sadness, pessimism or irritability will affect the operation of yang qi, resulting in a cold palace.

It is recommended that women who are still doubting whether they have uterine cold should not hesitate to go to the hospital for examination immediately. After the cold, it is best to use traditional Chinese medicine for conditioning under the guidance of a doctor, and the effect of more targeted conditioning is better. more thorough treatment.