Sixty-year-old uncle, dialysis three times a week, doctor: 2 things are harmful, many elderly people have

Uncle Li is 62 this year, and his health has not been very good. He retired early and stayed at home. He likes to go to a square dance when he has nothing to do all day, and he is very happy with a group of old friends. of.

Last June, Uncle Li suddenly began to have edema in his feet. When he pressed it with his hands, a depression would appear, especially when he got up in the morning.

Uncle Li’s old friends said it was fine, just come out and dance more. Uncle Li didn’t think much about it and continued to dance square dance every day. This situation lasted for about the same time. A month later, until Uncle Li’s shoes couldn’t fit in, he went to the hospital to check.

I don’t know if I don’t check it, but I’m startled when I check it. Uncle Li has many problems: high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis… which leads to Uncle Li edema Yes, or kidney disease.

Uncle Li’s kidney index “exploded” and was finally diagnosed with chronic kidney disease stage 5, which is often referred to as “uremia”. After dialysis, anti-infection and other treatments, Uncle Li’s edema disappeared, but the doctor repeatedly instructed: “Be sure to review and take medicine on time.”

Uncle Li hummed and agreed, but he didn’t take it to heart. He heard that Uncle Zhang, who danced with him, also had uremia, and he had been fine all the time. When I go to the hospital again, I remember to take some medicine, but if I can’t remember it, forget it.

It lasted like this for half a year, and Uncle Li started to get swollen again. This time, Uncle Li was not in a hurry. Just order the medicine, and increase the dose privately.

After one operation, Uncle Li became more and more ill. Not long ago, when Uncle Li was dancing the square dance, he suddenly felt like the world was spinning and vomited wildly. The family rushed Uncle Li to the hospital.

As expected, Uncle Li’s kidney disease-related indicators were abnormal, such as proteinuria, creatinine, electrolytes… Due to the combination of hypertension and other diseases, Uncle Li was arranged Hospitalization and daily dialysis.

After 10 days, Uncle Li finally turned the corner, but the doctor said that Uncle Li’s kidney function has almost disappeared, and he will need dialysis three times a week to maintain his life.

For Uncle Li’s situation, the doctor is very sorry and very emotional. Many elderly people are actually just like Uncle Li. They don’t listen to the doctor’s advice, don’t pay attention to the underlying diseases, and take medicine without permission. , and this is the root cause of the rapid deterioration of Uncle Li’s condition.

Regardless of chronic diseases, kidneys can’t stand it

It is not uncommon for the elderly like Uncle Li , I usually don’t pay much attention to my health, and I don’t like to go to the hospital when I’m sick. It is said that “everyone has problems when they get old”, and they don’t take anything seriously.

Uremia is not an acute disease, it is the gradual evolution of a variety of chronic diseases. Hypertension, diabetes, high uric acid, etc. are the fuses of uremia.

Taking medicine indiscriminately, the kidneys will not improve

Many elderly people are sick and do not like to see a doctor, but like themselves Suffer yourself from the disease, and then give yourself medication. The amount of medication is always large. The result of this is to damage the kidneys.

With age, the kidneysfunctionnaturally and become more sensitive to drugs. Drugs are excreted through the kidneys. Some drugs may affect the kidneys. cause a lot of damage.

Strengthen your kidneys, do 4 things, and your kidneys will slowly get better

One: Eat more black

Five colors nourish the five internal organs, black enters the kidneys , can nourish the kidneys.

Black sesame is a good product to nourish the liver and kidney. Black sesame itself is also very nutritious. It is rich in vitamin E, trace elements zinc, iron, The content is twice as high as that of white sesame seeds. At the same time, the calcium content is more than 8 times more than that of milk.

Black beans are also commonly used to nourish the kidneys, and they are rich in high-quality protein, so they are made into soy milk, tofu , bean curd skin, etc., adults eat once a day, or natural blood-enriching food.

In addition, black dates, black currants, black rice, black Lycium barbarum, black fungus, black peanuts, etc., can also play a role in nourishing the kidney and nourishing the kidney, and you may wish to take it in rotation every day.

II : Drink plenty of water

Water is the source of life. Adequate hydration is very important for the normal functioning of the human body. Only Only when you have enough water can you promote the metabolism of the body and help eliminate toxins and waste in the body.

Do not use beverages instead of boiled water every day. If you really don’t like drinking boiled water, you can Drink some herbal tea for your kidneys.

Puxu thorn rose tea: Mix dandelion, corn silk, Polygonatum and dried thorn rose, and make water instead of tea to promote kidney detoxification , relieve nephritis, kidney stones, and is very beneficial to kidney health.

Among them, dandelion can diuretic and relieve stranguria, can help kidney detoxification, its anti-inflammatory effect is good, and it has a good anti-inflammatory effect. Nephritis, urethritis, etc., are beneficial. Corn silk can improve nephritis Edema, urinary tract infection, etc., can also reduce or subside edema, reduce or eliminate urinary protein and so on.

Yinzhu can nourish yin and promote body fluid, quench thirst, replenish the five fatigues and seven injuries, and reduce waist and foot pain. immunity. Dried thorn roses are mild in nature and play a role in neutralization and regulation. It is neither cold nor dry. Drink it in water to promote kidney health.

Third: more feet

If you want your kidneys to be healthy, you must get a good night’s sleep. Get rid of the habit of staying up late, and soak your feet more before going to bed, which can not only promote sleep, but also be beneficial to the maintenance of the kidneys.

Bubbling feet with hot water can stimulate the acupoints on the soles of the feet, speed up the blood circulation of the body, accelerate the metabolism, and excrete excess metabolites in the body, thus reducing the workload of the kidneys , so that the burden on the kidneys is relieved, thereby playing the role of invigorating the kidneys;

However, there are certain precautions for soaking feet in hot water. First, the temperature of the foot soaking water is not suitable More than 40 degrees Celsius, and secondly, the daily soaking time should not exceed half an hour.

Four: Less heavy mouth, less urination

Fast-paced fast food food culture , Takeaways, snacks, fried chicken, happy fat house water, etc. are all essential dietary components in modern life, and behind these delicacies are a lot of high salt, high fat, and high protein. The kidneys are most afraid of these.

Excessive intake of salt by the human body will increase the metabolic burden on the kidneys, which will lead to increased blood pressure, while high blood pressure will adversely affect the kidneys, increasing their blood flow and damaging the kidneys. A high-fat and high-protein diet also increases the burden on the kidneys and makes them work too hard, which can lead to lesions for a long time.

Holding urine for a long time will cause the kidneys and bladder to be under high pressure, resulting in bilateral hydronephrosis. If not treated in time, it may develop into kidney disease or even uremia.

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