Sixty-year-old man suffers from three types of cancer, he has this eating habit

Wenzhou Net News 63-year-old Uncle Wu lives in the urban area. A few years ago, he switched from a truck driver to a small shop. He thought that he would not be as tired as before, but he did not expect to go to the hospital once he was unwell. Giving him a bolt from the blue, he was diagnosed with three types of cancer. Recently, the reporter learned from the Central Hospital that Uncle Wu is currently receiving treatment.

In August last year, Uncle Wu suddenly felt a dull pain in his stomach. He was always in good health, but he didn’t care at first. However, he slowly found that his appetite was getting worse and he was even a little feverish. After struggling for a while, Uncle Wu decided to go to the hospital. He came to Wenzhou Central Hospital for an examination. Abdominal CT showed that the intestinal wall of the small intestine in the lower abdomen of Uncle Wu was significantly thickened, and multiple lymph nodes in the retroperitoneal space and intra-abdominal cavity were swollen, some of which were fused into a mass. Doctors initially diagnosed him with lymphoma. Subsequently, Uncle Wu was transferred to the Department of Hematology for treatment.

To the surprise of the doctors, after further examination, it was found that Uncle Wu’s bladder and lung were also abnormal, and there were nodules on the left wall of the bladder and the lingual segment of the upper lobe of the left lung. Biopsy of the lesions showed primary malignant tumors.

Lymphoma, bladder cancer, lung cancer, three kinds of cancer coexist, the patient’s situation is complicated and difficult. After a multidisciplinary joint consultation in the hospital, the doctors decided to first remove the bladder tumor, then treat Mr. Wu’s lymphoma, and finally remove the lung lobe.

“It is very rare for the same patient to have two or more primary malignancies at the same time. Multiple primary malignancies refer to independent and Malignant tumors.” Wu Shenghao, chief physician of the Department of Hematology and Chemotherapy at the Central Hospital, said that as for the cause, it may be related to genetic mutations, or it may be related to factors such as the body’s immune system and dysfunction. During the conversation with Uncle Wu, the doctor found that he may be able to find some “signs” from Uncle Wu’s eating habits. Uncle Wu does not like to eat vegetables and fruits, and sometimes his family will force him to eat some. His favorite is fried food, especially fried dough sticks. Moreover, Uncle Wu has always felt that he is in good health and has not had a physical examination for a long time.

Fortunately, Uncle Wu’s lung cancer and bladder cancer are both in the early stage and have a high probability of radical cure. At present, Mr. Wu is in the late stage of lymphoma treatment, and he can enter the follow-up observation period after completing the last cycle of chemotherapy.

Source: Wenzhou Evening News

Original title: Sixty-year-old man suffers from three types of cancer. He has this eating habit. The doctor said that the patient does not like vegetables and fruits, and likes fried food , and no physical examination for a long time

Reporter Xue Xiangyang