Since March, there have been more than 10,000 local infections! The epidemic spread to 27 provinces, showing these characteristics

On the 13th, at the nucleic acid testing site in Dongmen Square, Luohu District, Shenzhen, volunteers were guiding residents. Xinhua|

What is the overall situation of this round of the epidemic?

Lei Zhenglong, deputy director of the National Health and Medical Commission’s Bureau of Disease Control and first-level inspector, introduced that the fourth wave of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in the world In particular, the epidemic situation in my country’s neighboring countries and regions is at a high level, and my country’s overseas import pressure is constantly increasing. As of 24:00 on March 13, there were 8,531 confirmed local cases. Recently, the epidemic situation in Jilin, Shanghai, Guangdong and other places is still developing, and the epidemic situation in some areas is rising rapidly, and the epidemic situation in Inner Mongolia is in the final stage. Experts have comprehensively judged that, in general, the current epidemic prevention and control in my country, the general strategy of “foreign defense import, internal defense rebound”, and the general policy of “dynamic clearing” are completely effective to deal with the Omikron variant strain epidemic, but Omik The characteristics of Rong mutant strains spreading faster and being concealed require our prevention and control measures to be earlier, faster, stricter and more effective.

Why does it affect 27 provinces?

According to data released by the National Health and Medical Commission, from March 1 to 13, the cumulative number of infected people in the local epidemic has exceeded 10,000, affecting 27 provinces across the country.

Wu Zunyou, chief epidemiologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, explained: Due to the strong contagiousness and concealment of Omicron, the symptoms are relatively Light, it is more difficult to find, which makes it more difficult for us to find the earliest cases at the first time, which also causes this round of epidemics to appear in multiple locations, multiple provinces, and multiple outbreaks at the same time.

The National Working Group went to many places to guide the disposal

Lei Zhenglong introduced that in response to the recent epidemic situation, the comprehensive group of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council quickly formed a national working group to go to Inner Mongolia, Yunnan, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shandong, Guangdong and other provinces to guide the epidemic disposal work, and jointly analyze and judge with the local area. The epidemic situation, study epidemic prevention and control measures, carry out daily supervision and inspection, put forward questions and suggestions in a timely manner, and urge local rectification and implementation.

Source Beijing Evening News according to CCTV

Process Editor Wu Yue