Sichuan reported 14 new local confirmed cases yesterday and 74 local asymptomatic infections

Update on Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic in Sichuan Province

(Published on May 16)

May 15 From 0:00 to 24:00, Sichuan 14 new local confirmed cases (in Guang’an), 74 new local asymptomatic infections (1 in Bazhong, 1 in Leshan) 1 case, 3 cases in Dazhou, 69 cases in Guang’an), no new imported confirmed cases, 1 new imported asymptomatic infection (in Chengdu), new cured and discharged cases 4 cases, no new suspected cases, no new deaths.

As of 24:00 on May 15, the province has reported a total of 2,106 confirmed cases of novel coronavirus pneumonia (including 1,321 imported from abroad), a total of 2,053 cases have been cured and discharged, and 3 cases have died. They are currently being treated in isolation in the hospital. There are 50 confirmed cases; 528 asymptomatic infections are still under medical observation, and 7,861 close contacts are under management.

As of 24:00 on May 15, there are 3 medium-risk areas in the province (as shown in the figure below), and the rest of the province are low-risk areas.

The details are as follows:

< p>14 new local confirmed cases (in Guang’an):

All of them were found by screening in Guang’an closure and control personnel, and were diagnosed on May 15.

74 new cases of local asymptomatic infections (1 in Bazhong, 1 in Leshan, 3 in Dazhou, and 69 in Guang’an):

1 One case was a returnee from outside the province, who was found in centralized isolation and had no social activity track;

1 case was a close contact of a previously reported asymptomatic infected person in Leshan;

3 cases were returned to Dazhou from Guang’an and were found in isolation;

69 cases were found by screening in Guang’an closed and controlled personnel;

All were diagnosed as asymptomatic infection on May 15 By.

1 new case of asymptomatic infection imported from abroad (in Chengdu):

I took a flight from Hong Kong, China to Chengdu on May 13 for isolation. Diagnosed with asymptomatic infection on May 15.

(The specific situation of confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections will be notified by the relevant city (state) health commission)

Source: Healthy Sichuan Official Weibo