Sichuan: Build high ground, build thick bottom, and weave dense net

From this newspaper (Reporter Yu Wensu) Recently, the Sichuan Provincial Health and Health Commission held a 2022 provincial health and health work video conference. Jing Jing, secretary of the party group and director of the committee, proposed that “building high ground, building a thick bottom, and weaving a dense network” is the goal path for the high-quality development of health care.

The committee proposed that Sichuan should be built into a highland for medical and health services in the west, and promote the expansion and balanced distribution of high-quality medical resources; Medical centers and national regional medical centers, accelerate the construction of provincial medical centers and regional medical centers; strive to create national key clinical specialties, and build 75, 125 and 250 provincial, municipal and county-level key clinical specialties respectively; make overall arrangements for the second level and above public hospital performance assessment; build a national comprehensive reform demonstration area of ​​traditional Chinese medicine, and strengthen the construction of provincial-level traditional Chinese medicine specialist alliances.

In terms of “building a solid foundation”, the province will consolidate and deepen the achievements of medical reform, continue to promote the experience of Sanming medical reform, and expand the scope of the close-knit county medical community. , select 2 to 3 cities with districts to carry out pilot projects of compact urban medical groups; promote the sinking of high-quality resources, comprehensively promote the construction of “five centers for clinical services” and “five centers for emergency and first aid” in county hospitals, and build 150 county-level medical and health services In the center, a number of community hospitals and grass-roots clinical specialty departments have been built; the effectiveness of health poverty alleviation has been consolidated and the rural revitalization has been linked, and the second round of the ten-year action plan for health development in ethnic minority areas has been implemented, as well as east-west collaboration and counterpart support.

In terms of “weaving a dense web”, the province should implement the Healthy Sichuan Action in depth, promote the legislation of the Healthy Sichuan Action Promotion Regulations; strengthen the emergency response capacity of health , to promote the construction of a comprehensive national emergency medical rescue base.

[Source: Health News]

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