Sichuan added local 49+152 of which Guang’an 48+148

Cover reporter Wang Renhong

On May 18, the Sichuan Provincial Health and Health Commission reported the latest situation of the new type of coronavirus pneumonia in the province: From 0:00 to 24:00 on May 17, Sichuan added new local confirmed cases 49 cases (1 case in Bazhong, a previously reported asymptomatic infection was confirmed; 48 cases in Guang’an, of which 1 case was a previously reported asymptomatic infection), and 152 new local asymptomatic infections (Leshan 4 148 cases in Guang’an), no new confirmed cases imported from abroad, 11 new cases of asymptomatic infections imported from abroad (in Chengdu), 2 new cured and discharged cases, no new suspected cases, and no new deaths.

As of 24:00 on May 17, there are 3 medium-risk areas in the province (as shown in the figure below), and the rest of the province are low-risk areas.

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