Should you measure your blood pressure on your left arm or your right arm? Doctor’s tip: If you don’t understand this knowledge, it may be equivalent to a blank test

Academician Wang Longde of the Chinese Academy of Engineering analyzed: According to international statistics, there are nearly 900 million people with blood pressure values ​​higher than normal in the world, and China accounts for one-third. 270 million people have higher than normal blood pressure, which means 3 out of 10 adults have high blood pressure.

Clinical medicine adopts the best treatment method for the symptoms of hypertensive disease is stable drug use, and has not yet found a thorough Radical treatment methods can only be accurately diagnosed according to the patient’s own symptoms and the spread of blood clots.

The Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in China clearly stipulates that the systolic blood pressure is 120~139mmhg and the diastolic blood pressure is 80 under the condition of human health. ~89mmhg, accurately measured according to age and environmental factors.

Symptoms of high blood pressure vary from person to person, but common symptoms include:

1. Early stage of hypertension: the patient has no symptoms or no obvious symptoms, the common symptoms are dizziness, headache, neck stiffness, palpitations etc., the patient’s mental stress and mood swings can cause the blood pressure to rise, which can return to normal after rest;

2. Late stage of hypertension: the clinical manifestations of patients are increased nocturia, proteinuria, cast urine, etc.;

3. Complications of hypertension: Heart, brain, kidney, and large blood vessel damage are common. The clinical manifestations of heart damage are heart failure, myocardial infarction, etc. The clinical manifestations of brain damage are cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage. The clinical manifestations of kidney damage are chronic kidney disease, such as Hypertensive nephropathy.

Is blood pressure measured on the left or right arm?

If the patient is taking blood pressure for the first time, it should be measured over both arms, i.e. The brachial artery location of the arm, generally speaking, if blood pressure is measured, it is usually in the right arm. This is because most people have different blood pressure levels between their arms.

If you compare the two data, you will find that the value of the right brachial artery is about 10-20mmHg higher. In the actual application of blood pressure, a higher value is generally selected as the judgment standard to confirm whether the patient suffers from hypertension.

Everyone’s situation is different. Many people find that their left arm is significantly higher when measuring blood pressure , at this time, they can lock the daily measurement work on the left arm, but some people have arteritis in their arms, and the possibility of paralysis cannot be ruled out. To be analyzed on a case-by-case basis.

The blood pressure generated by different blood vessels during the blood flow is different, because the blood vessels of the human body are divided into veins and arteries And capillaries, arterial blood pressure is often mentioned as the main blood pressure.

In clinical medicine, it generally refers to the blood pressure measured on the arm by the aorta of the upper extremity, which should be as close as possible to the human aortic blood pressure. If the limbs are healthy, if you want to compare the blood pressure on both sides, you will find that the value measured on the right side is slightly different from the aortic pressure data, so when people measure blood pressure independently in daily life, the right arm should be the first choice.

Doctor’s Tip: If you don’t know this knowledge, it may be equal to a white test

—time to measure blood pressure

Blood pressure has two peaks and one trough, two peaks refer to 6-10 am and 4-6 pm, and one trough refers to evening After going to bed, blood pressure is generally measured once in the morning, once in the afternoon, once before going to bed, and measured in the morning to see if there is a morning peak phenomenon, which is convenient for the use of antihypertensive drugs and the judgment of blood pressure.

If there is no measurement condition or it is a new diagnosis, it is recommended to do ambulatory blood pressure to understand that the overall 24-hour blood pressure is spoon-shaped , inverted spoon type, non-spoon type or super spoon type, so 8-10 am and 4-6 pm, blood pressure should be measured before going to bed, and make a record.

—Position when measuring blood pressure span>

You can choose a seat or a lying position to measure blood pressure. When choosing a sitting position, be sure to be in a quiet state and choose a stool with the right height. The back can be gently leaned on the back of the chair, your feet should be flat on the ground, do not hang up the phone or cross your legs, and the blood pressure monitor should be at the level of your heart.

< p data-track="20">When measuring blood pressure, place your arms up on the table, relax, do not make fists, and keep your arms at heart level.

—adjust mood

Be sure to control your emotions within 35 minutes before measuring blood pressure. Only in a stable state can you get a clear blood pressure level, don’t be too nervous or anxious.

If you are in a state of excessive tension and irritability before measuring blood pressure, it is easy to make blood pressure soar, which is not conducive to the numerical judgment of your own condition, resulting in The instrument reports an error.

Avoid urinating, smoking, and drinking within the first 25 minutes to stabilize your mood and blood circulation. Good choice.

—avoid taking medication before measurement< /p>

Although the current level of medical technology has reached the advanced level, there is no cure for the symptoms of hypertension. Symptoms and the degree of blood pressure surge to achieve the purpose of anticoagulation and suppression.

The best time to measure blood pressure in hypertensive patients is around 6:00~7:30 in the morning, so be sure to Pay attention to the measurement before taking the medicine to avoid the influence of the drug components on the standard level of human blood pressure.