Should you avoid eating when you are old? It is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people to “eat 3 more and 3 not”, it is healthier to keep your mouth shut

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Introduction: Should you avoid food when you are old? It is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people to “eat 3 more and 3 not”, it is healthier to keep your mouth shut!

I believe everyone knows that the weather is getting warmer and warmer every year at the current season, but the temperature difference between day and night is still very large. At this time, Many friends are still in a situation of dry mouth, poor appetite, and bad condition. So, the editor recommends that you must remember to eat more vegetables and fruits with high nutritional value and some fresh meat products for yourself and your family at the moment. Because these kinds of ingredients are rich in a large amount of high-quality protein, calcium, zinc, iron minerals, amino acids and trace elements, they can help us increase appetite, promote gastrointestinal motility, enhance immunity, and supplement the nutrients and water needed by the body. Play a certain nourishing effect.

Especially some middle-aged and elderly friends should eat more of these ingredients, because most of the middle-aged and elderly friends are friends after the age of 50. At this time, we must have a good body, so we must remember to start from the diet. So today, the editor will share with you three kinds of foods that are especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly friends to eat more and three kinds of foods that we should not eat. If you don’t know it, please follow the editor to learn about it. I hope you are right. Everyone has a certain reference.

“3 eat more”

The first one refers to Middle-aged and elderly friends should eat more high-protein foods.

This kind of high-protein food is also more common in life, and it is the most common, such as some fish, shrimp, beef , egg food and some soy products, everyone can eat more appropriately. These ingredients are rich in a lot of high-quality protein. Whether it is plant protein or animal protein, everyone should try to eat as much as possible, and there are more ways to eat them. They are also relatively common in the market. I bought some more for myself and put them at home to eat slowly.

Second, middle-aged and elderly friends should eat more seasonal vegetables.

At the moment, more than half of spring has passed. At this time, there are a lot of vegetables, such as some asparagus, spinach, Chrysanthemum, etc., are the current seasonal vegetables. These vegetables are rich in a lot of sun elements and dietary fiber, as well as a lot of vitamins and a lot of water. Eating more can help us promote gastrointestinal motility and improve immunity. , It is also beneficial to the body, and the price is relatively cheap. The method is very simple. Generally, it is only used for stir-frying. Friends who like it can buy some and eat it at home.

Third, middle-aged and elderly friends should eat more whole grains and other foods.

This type of food is also the most common in life, such as some oatmeal, black beans, red beans, soybeans, millet, black rice and lotus seeds Wait, everyone can eat more. These ingredients are basically a kind of whole grains. Whether we use it directly to make soy milk, or use it to make brown rice, it is very good. Friends who like it can prepare more and eat it at home, and their price is relatively cheap. Most of my friends are also acceptable.

“3 do not eat”

First, middle-aged and elderly friends must not eat heavy-tasting seasonings and some sauces.

Sauce of this type, There are also many in life, such as some hot pot base or dry pot and other ingredients, everyone should eat less, because the content of salt in it is seriously exceeding the standard, if you eat too much salt, it will only give Our bodies cause some unnecessary burdens, so we must remember to keep things light.

Second, middle-aged and elderly friends must not eat some pickles.

This type of pickles is also the most common in life, like some sauerkraut, pickles or some pickled peppers, etc. It is not recommended for middle-aged and elderly friends to eat more, because these kinds of ingredients are rich in sodium and nitrite, so it is not recommended for everyone to eat, especially some middle-aged and elderly friends eat such pickles If not, it’s even worse.

Third, middle-aged and elderly friends must not eat leftovers, or some overnight meals.

These kinds of ingredients are mostly because people are reluctant to throw them away, or they put them on the next time they are not eaten the first time. In fact, if the overnight meal or leftovers are left for too long, it is easy to breed a lot of bacteria and some nitrite, which also has a certain impact on our stomach, so do not eat such leftovers or overnight vegetable.

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