Should the blood pressure be measured lying down or sitting? The doctor reminds: If you do not know the knowledge of blood pressure measurement, it is also “white test”

Many patients and friends may often measure blood pressure, and everyone thinks blood pressure measurement is very simple, but will you measure blood pressure accurately? I believe that many people may not be able to measure accurately.

Don’t be unconvinced, I will first ask you three questions to see if you can answer them clearly!

The first question: Is it accurate to measure blood pressure in the hospital, or is it accurate to measure blood pressure at home?

The second question: Is the mercury sphygmomanometer accurate or the electronic sphygmomanometer?

The third question: Is it accurate to lie down or sit down?

In fact, these are three common misunderstandings when measuring blood pressure.

Next, I will tell you about the knowledge of blood pressure measurement.

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How to measure blood pressure correctly? Doctor’s reminder: If you don’t know these knowledge, the test is equal to “white test”

1. Is it accurate in the hospital or at home?

Actually, self-measurement of blood pressure at home should be accurate, because in the hospital, we will be affected by many factors. Among them, it is most prominently affected by the environment. For example, we sit down and start measuring blood pressure after activities. The blood pressure measured at this time is inaccurate.

In addition, there are some people who have white coat-type hypertension, which means that the blood pressure is too high even when they go to the hospital to measure it, and then it is low when they measure it at home. Because, after these patients see the doctor, there will be sympathetic nervous excitement, unconscious tension, resulting in increased blood pressure.

But what is the standard for diagnosing hypertension by measuring blood pressure at home? The blood pressure measured in the clinic has different criteria for diagnosing hypertension. If you measure your blood pressure at home, the high pressure is greater than 135 mmHg, the low pressure is greater than 85 mmHg, and the result is the same three times on different days, then you are high blood pressure. The blood pressure measured in the clinic should be greater than 135 mm Hg, which is high blood pressure.

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2. Blood pressure is accurate with mercury sphygmomanometer, Or is the electronic sphygmomanometer accurate?

Actually both types of sphygmomanometers are fine, some electronic sphygmomanometers of very accurate quality are actually more accurate. This is mainly because the mercury sphygmomanometer is relatively complicated to operate personally, so the electronic sphygmomanometer is relatively simple to operate, and the more complex the operation, the easier it is to have errors.

3. Is it accurate to measure blood pressure lying down or sitting down?

In fact, the major guidelines for measuring blood pressure also require us to take a seated position.

4. How do we measure blood pressure correctly?

First we empty our bladders and pee before we measure our blood pressure, then we sit down and rest for more than five minutes to measure our blood pressure. The sphygmomanometer must be placed at the same level as the heart.

When taking the seated position, put the sphygmomanometer on the table and try to keep it at the same level as the heart. The sphygmomanometer must choose the arm type, not the wrist type. The arm type sphygmomanometer is relatively accurate. Then the cuff is wrapped around the elbow socket, and the tightness of the cuff must be appropriate. After the cuff is tight, two fingers can be inserted. This tightness is the best.

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If it is the first time to measure blood pressure, we have left and right Both arms need to be measured, and which side of the limb has the highest blood pressure in the future, then which side should be measured.

When measuring blood pressure, it is generally necessary to measure at least two times, with an interval of one minute between each time, and take the average value. If the deviation between the two blood pressure measurements is relatively large, with a difference of more than 20 mmHg, then we need to measure the third time, discard the blood pressure value that is more different from the other two, and then take the average value.

In addition, when we measure blood pressure, it is recommended that you measure at 6:00 in the morning to 10:00 in the morning and 16:00 to 20:00 in the evening, because these two time periods are 90% of the time. The moment of high blood pressure.

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After talking about blood pressure measurement, let me share with you a few Methods to lower blood pressure without medication

First, eat less than six grams of sodium per day. In this way, blood pressure can be lowered by two to eight millimeters of mercury;

Second, 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking and jogging, three to five times a week, such as brisk walking and jogging, can reduce blood pressure by four to five nine millimeters of mercury.

Third, balanced nutrition and combination of meat and vegetables can reduce 8 to 14 mm Hg.

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Fourth, you might as well drink Qingqian Liu burdock Tea for conditioning is very beneficial to control blood pressure.

This is a classic traditional Chinese medicine tea recipe, mainly using Qingqian Liu, burdock root, mulberry leaf, cassia seed, pueraria root, chrysanthemum, lotus leaf, sea buckthorn, hawthorn, corn silk

strong>The ingredients of the same origin of medicine and food, combined according to the formula, are not only good for lowering blood pressure, but also lowering blood sugar, lowering lipids, and maintaining cardiovascular health.

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< p>Fifth, control body weight, body fat index is less than 24, can reduce 5 to 20 millimeters of mercury.

Sixth, it is best to stop drinking, blood pressure can be reduced by 2 to 4 millimeters of mercury.