Should diabetics drink more or less water? Dry mouth after drinking water, is it a disease warning?

Ms. Liang has been feeling dry and dry for the past six months. She drank a few glasses of water and could not quench her thirst. She drank too much and urinated a lot, especially at night, which also affected her sleep.

At first, she thought it was caused by diabetes. She chatted with a few old sisters, and her friend reminded her of the possibility of diabetes. When Ms. Liang heard it, she immediately made an appointment at the hospital for consultation. Sure enough, she went to the hospital for a check.Ms. Liang’s fasting blood sugar reached 20mmol/L.

Although her blood sugar has stabilized after taking hypoglycemic drugs, Ms. Liang still has symptoms of dry mouth from time to time. aggravates diabetes. So I control the amount of water I drink every day. Although I feel dry mouth, I still endure it.

As a result, she went for a re-examination 2 months later, and the blood sugar did not drop but rose, which made Ms. Liang very incomprehensible.

I. I have diabetes, should I drink more or less water?

After being diagnosed with diabetes, some patients may reduce the amount of water they drink because they are worried that drinking too much water will aggravate the condition of diabetes, but in fact this view is completely a misunderstanding.

Professor Yu Kang, Department of Clinical Nutrition, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, said that it is the “polyuria” caused by high blood sugar that can easily lead to a lack of water in the body.< strong>Therefore, diabetic patients need to pay more attention to water supplementation.

For diabetic patients who are already dehydrated, if they control water intake, it will aggravate the condition, cause ketoacidosis or hyperosmolar coma.

When you feel dry mouth, water is the first choice for diabetic patients. Water is not harmful to the body and will not cause any side effects. Drinking more water can increase the patient’s urine. Helps expel excess sugar from the urine.

So diabetic patients don’t need to worry that drinking more water will increase the burden on the body, but drinking more water will help improve the condition.

Second, drink a lot of water, or what is the matter with dry mouth?

In daily life, many people only drink water when they feel thirsty and dry mouth, but sometimes they drink a lot of water, but still feel What’s with the dry mouth?

The salivary glands in the human mouth secrete about 1000ml-1500ml of saliva every day.The composition of salivary glands is relatively fixed< /span>, if the composition changes, or the amount of saliva decreases, a person can experience dry mouth.

If you have dry mouth, you should first consider physiological factors, such as heavy food taste, reduced water intake, or aging, salivary gland atrophy, long-term strenuous exercise, Not replenishing water in time.

But after excluding the influence of the above physiological factors, it is necessary to be vigilant that it may be a disease

1. Diabetes

The typical symptoms of diabetes are One less”, i.e., more drinking, eating more, urinating more, and losing weight.

When you find that you often feel thirsty, your urine volume increases for no reason, you lose weight for no reason, and you often feel fatigued, you should check as soon as possible to rule out the possibility of diabetes.

2. Sjögren’s syndrome

Due to immune cells attacking and destroying their own secretory glands, It can cause the secretion of glands to decline, resulting in all kinds of dryness in the body. If you feel dry eyes, dry mouth, dry and itchy skin, etc. for 3 months, it may be caused by disease.

3. Anemia

The lack of hematopoietic raw materials in patients with anemia affects the reduction of saliva secretion Or atrophic glossitis, dry mouth can also occur.

4. Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism, abnormal metabolism of the body, oxygen content in the body With the increase of heat dissipation, the demand for water will also increase. If there is a slight shortage of water supply, dry mouth will occur.

3. Does drinking more water nourish or damage the kidneys? Two kinds of “water” drink less

There is a saying that “drink more water for the cause of the disease”, but for kidney disease patients, drinking too much water is not conducive to the development of the disease.

Does drinking a lot of water nourish or damage the kidneys? In fact, it needs to be based on the specific situation:

If the kidney stone has not yet formed, or is less than 1 cm, drinking more water can avoid kidney stones The emergence of , and promote the natural discharge of stones.

However, once the stone has formed, even more than 1 cm, drinking water alone may On the contrary, it is easy to cause kidney stones to block the renal tubules, thereby causing renal colic.

In addition, there are two ways to drink water that will actually damage the kidneys, try to avoid:< /span>

  • Drink salt water in the morning

First cup in the morning Water is used to dilute the blood and is “healthy water”, but if you add salt to the water, the body does not need to add additional salt at this time. Burden, adding unnecessary salt to the body.

  • Drinking too much water

The human body can drink water Tolerance, once drinking too much water, it can cause excess water in the kidneys and electrolyte imbalance in the body, which may cause hyponatremia and excessive fluid load, aggravating the burden on the heart and kidneys.

In fact, the seemingly simple drinking water is actually very particular. Be careful, don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink, it’s best to take two sips when you have something to do to moisten your lips. Adult water intake should be controlled at about 1500ml, if it is in a high temperature environment, more water can be added appropriately.

Diabetes patients do not need to strictly limit drinking water. Even drink some sugar-free or low-sugar juice. Rather than focusing on water control, it is more important to reasonably control total calories, avoid irregular eating, and focus on dietary diversification.


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[3] “Two behaviors when drinking water hurt the kidneys, and three habits when eating hurt the liver! There are too many recruits, hurry to see if you have any”. Family Doctor. 2021-09-30

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