“Shhhh” and found that the urine turned black, did you have some serious illness?

Many people find their urine turns yellow when they go to the toilet after taking B vitamins. Group B is fake, or has great side effects. It is normal for the urine to turn yellow after taking the B vitamins. There is no need to worry, in fact, many drugs will make the urine change color.

Why does my urine turn yellow after taking B vitamins?

Normal urine color is very light, pale yellow. The important components of these urine pigments are uroflavin and trace amounts of erythropoietin and urobilin, which are all products of metabolism.

However, the color of urine is not abnormally constant. It is affected by many factors. If you drink more water, the color of urine will be lighter, and you drink less water. , the color of the urine will deepen, in addition to the influence of drugs.

Vitamin B2 is also called riboflavin. Riboflavin is slightly soluble in water and will not be soluble in water. Absorbed by the human body, it will be filtered into the urine through the kidneys and excreted with the urine, so the urine will be yellower than before.

Which medicines can make urine discolored?

1. Medicines that cause red urine

Some medicines can cause urine turns reddish brown. For example, rifamycin drugs, which can make urine, sweat, tears and other secretions change after taking them. Red. For example levodopa and methyldopa , it will also make the urine turn red after taking it. Let the urine stand for a while at room temperature, and the urine will be dark black.

2. Drugs that cause powdered urine< /strong>

There is also a drug that turns urine pink when taken. For example, imipenem-cilastatin, which is a broad-spectrum antibiotic especially suitable for mixed infections , the urine will turn pink after taking it. There are also Chinese herbal rhubarbandsenna /span>, if the urine is alkaline, a pinkish-purple urine color will appear.

3. Medicines that cause orange urine

If you notice your urine It turns orange-red, and you can recall whether you have taken three drugs. The first is sulfasalazine and the second is phenazopyridine, the third isphenolphthalein tablets .

4. Drugs that cause brown urine< /strong>

Chloroquine, primaquine, nitrofurantoin and other drugs, after taking Let the urine turn brown, or rust-yellow, for a darker color.

5. Drugs that cause green or blue urine

Lymph node contrast agentUrine color will change to green or blue within a day after the drug is given. And the diuretic triamterene, which makes the urine blue and fluoresces .

6. Drugs that cause urine to turn black

takingironAfterwards, the urine will darken and turn black. and levodopa, methyl Drugs such as dopa turn urine into a dark color, usually brown or black, after a period of time.

Excluding drug factors, other colors in urine may signal what diseases?

1. Strong tea color urine

After excluding drugs and other factors, the urine color is like strong tea , to go to the hospital as soon as possible, it is likely to be a signal of liver disease. Problems with liver function, increased bilirubin in the blood, and jaundice.

2, hematuria

Hematuria is red urine, which is a more dangerous sign. It may be diseases of the urinary tract, bladder, kidney and other parts. Common urinary tract stones, kidney stones, chronic glomerulonephritis, kidney tumors, etc.

3. Green urine

How green urine is abnormal, this is a sign of infection. In particular, certain bacterial infections, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, can turn urine green. To go to the hospital as soon as possible to check, after the check out to actively treat.

4. Soy sauce color urine

If you find that your urine is dark in color, like soy sauce, it may be related to kidney inflammation, especially acute nephritis. If acute nephritis is ruled out, it is necessary to consider that it is caused by excessive exercise.

If your urine is unusual in color, find out why. Drug factors are one of them, many drugs can change the color of urine, such as B vitamins, iron. In addition to drug factors, disease factors cannot be ignored, and some diseases are very serious.

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