Shaoyang Municipal Health and Health Commission organized to listen and watch the Provincial Health and Health Commission’s 2022 Science and Education Work TV and Telephone Conference

On May 18th, the Municipal Health Commission organized a teleconference on the provincial health science and education work. Relevant persons in charge of the Municipal Health Commission and representatives of relevant departments, leaders and persons in charge of science and education work in hospitals directly under the Commission and in charge, from standardized training bases for resident physicians, general practitioner transfer training bases, assistant general practitioner training bases and medical schools, etc. The person in charge, and the relevant responsible comrades of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau and the Municipal Education Bureau are invited to attend the meeting.

The conference communicated and implemented the provincial health science and education work conference Spirit, comprehensively summarize the province’s health, science and education work in 2021, and plan and deploy key tasks for 2022. Informed about the training, examination and inspection of scientific and educational work. Awarded the license for the newly awarded national key professional base for standardized training of resident physicians. Hengyang Medical College of South China University, Xiangya Hospital of Central South University and other 6 units exchanged experience.

After the meeting, the Municipal Health Commission conscientiously implemented the The spirit of the teleconference deeply analyzed the new situation and challenges faced by the health science and education work in the new era, took the initiative to take responsibility, pay close attention to the implementation of the work, and ensure the high-quality, efficient and orderly progress of the health science and education work in our city in 2022. All departments at all levels should intensify efforts to promote the innovation and development of health science and technology; coordinate medical education to improve the quality of medical personnel training; strengthen supervision to ensure laboratory biosafety, and take the implementation of the Biosafety Law as an opportunity to raise awareness of the rule of law.

[Source: Shaoyang Municipal Health Commission]

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