Shanghai women’s community quarantine actually infected with the new crown, the reason lies in the details, the virus is really hard to prevent

As 2019 draws to a close, hundreds of millions of people are preparing for the new year, and everyone is doing their own thing without knowing that an infection will The plague of tens of thousands of people came quietly.

The speed of infection of the new crown pneumonia is horrifying. Looking back at the SARS epidemic in 2003, although I was still a few years old Child, but its influence can be felt in the mouths of the predecessors.

But present-day history is always strikingly similar, about the same time, and about the same pathology. But in terms of the number of reported infections, it has already exceeded SARS by more than 10 times, and it is even worse than SARS.

The new coronavirus appeared in people’s lives. At first people didn’t know about it, but later they saw so much Many people are afraid of the painful appearance of the diagnosed patients, and they attach great importance to it in thought and action.

Recently, the situation of domestic new crown epidemic prevention and control has been severe, and many places have broken defenses, among which the most serious It is Jilin and Shanghai, and Shanghai, once a national model student of anti-epidemic, especially famous for its precise epidemic prevention, has now become one of the most severely affected areas!

Next, I would like to introduce a woman from Shanghai: She told everyone through her personal experience that the virus is really around us. The video tells about her diagnosis process!

Shanghai women’s community quarantine was actually infected with the new crown, the reason lies in the details, the virus is really hard to prevent< /h1>

The woman said she was the second confirmed patient in 120 consultations.

The community where she lived after get off work on the 18th entered a state of lockdown, and the woman was very cooperative and stayed there. She did not go out in the community, but no one thought that on the 28th, she was diagnosed as positive only 10 days apart.

Of course, the woman is very strange, she has been staying in the community without going out, from the 19th to the 23rd for the five days For a period of time, I have been actively cooperating with nucleic acid testing, and the test results are all negative. Why is it suddenly positive?

Later, the woman recalled: the situation at that time was like this, the weather in Shanghai has been for two consecutive days I was bored at home for several days, and suddenly the weather on the 23rd was very sunny. The weather was good, so I naturally wanted to go out for a walk.

I thought that the weather was suitable for going out for a walk, so I made this wrong decision. came a huge loss.

She recalled that after going out, she kept walking towards the South Gate, but there were many people outside the South Gate. The hawker was selling things, and the scene was so lively, she picked up her phone and took a small video.

I don’t know that at this time period, the outbreak of the new crown occurred. Of course, on the 20th, that is to say The next day, the woman did not feel any discomfort, nor did she have any symptoms.

After the 21st, another day has passed, I always feel a sore throat when I wake up in the morning, and I still feel a little sore, maybe because I feel The throat was inflamed, so I found a little anti-inflammatory medicine to deal with it.

However, after taking anti-inflammatory drugs, he did not get any relief, and he developed fever in the afternoon. It was as high as 39 degrees, and later, until the 26th, another nucleic acid test was done. After a day, on the 27th, someone started calling to notify that there was a problem with the nucleic acid test.

in the cell The public security personnel instructed everyone not to go out. Soon, medical staff in protective clothing will come to the door to carry out nucleic acid testing. Then, the nucleic acid test was carried out again, and it was confirmed that the test reagent showed positive.< /span>

When she found out that she had the new crown, the woman was still in a state of ignorance. Later, she was taken to the isolation point by 120 and quarantined. .

In retrospect, the virus is really hard to guard against, and we are all around us, we must not relax our vigilance .

The woman clearly told everyone that she became a new crown because she made a wrong decision Infected!

The woman used her own experience to summarize three suggestions for everyone, everyone needs to know< /h1>

First: Far Away from the crowd

The woman recalled the scene of going out for a walk that day, expressing that she must not touch the crowd, but also Staying away from groups will avoid infection. In the current epidemic, even when doing nucleic acid testing, you must keep a distance of 1.5 meters.

We should treat everyone as an infected person, so as to avoid the possibility of infection. We must pay attention to it , must not have a fluke mentality!

Second: Wear a mask, wash your hands frequently

The woman said that she did not strictly wear a mask when she was walking that day. Therefore, everyone must know the importance of wearing a mask. And after the nucleic acid test, the masks you wear must be thrown into the trash for disposal.

No matter how long you wear the mask, you must not use it again to avoid virus infection.

In addition, after going out and going home, be sure to wash your hands frequently, disinfect and then disinfect, wash your hands and then wash your hands, everyone must be careful. .

Third: Thinking must pay attention to the major event of the new crown

The woman didn’t pay attention to the new crown because she didn’t pay attention to the big event, maybe because she had a fluke and did not infect the new crown. Take this seriousness to heart.

But everyone must understand that the virus will not give you an opportunity, it will only take advantage of it. Enter, so everyone must pay attention to it, so as to safely pass the dangerous period.


< p data-track="33">In the face of the epidemic, I hope that we can all have a sound psychological defense mechanism, a good psychological state, and a correct attitude towards life, so that we will not be disturbed, and we will be more united and united. , to win this battle against the epidemic.