Shanghai: State-aided Shanghai medical team will be enriched in designated hospitals to improve the ability to treat critically ill patients

China Youth Daily Client Shanghai, May 16th (China Youth Daily, China Youth Daily reporter Wei Qimeng) in Shanghai this morning At the press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Wu Jinglei, director of the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, introduced that as of yesterday, 261 severe patients and 65 critically ill patients had been treated in designated medical institutions in the city.

He said that the elderly patients with severe disease accounted for the vast majority, and most of them were combined with a variety of underlying diseases. Shanghai has always attached great importance to the treatment of severe cases, adhered to the principle of “paying equal attention to the treatment of new crowns and basic diseases, preventing mild to severe cases and treating severe cases, and paying equal attention to the treatment of Chinese and Western medicine”, and strived to improve the cure rate and reduce the severe rate and mortality rate.

Specifically, the first is to improve the treatment system in designated hospitals. At present, Shanghai has established a treatment system of designated hospitals at the city and district levels. Each hospital is equipped with medical personnel and medical equipment from various departments and medical equipment required for the treatment of the elderly, so as to achieve early monitoring, early warning and early warning of critically ill patients. judgment and early intervention.

The second is to optimize the collaboration mechanism of designated hospitals. Strengthen the overall planning of the municipal and district governments, promote the division of labor and cooperation between the city and district designated hospitals, and establish a work system for municipal experts to enter the district designated hospitals. The district-level designated hospitals provide on-site guidance for critically ill treatment, strengthen professional technical support, and promptly propose treatment and referral plans.

The third is to enrich the treatment capacity of designated hospitals. Coordinate the city’s medical resources, establish a multidisciplinary comprehensive treatment expert group and a Chinese medicine expert group to sink designated hospitals. On this basis, the medical staff of the National Aid Shanghai Medical Team will be enriched in designated hospitals at the city and district levels, strengthening the coordinated treatment of critically ill patients with traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and continuously improving the treatment and service capabilities of critically ill patients.

Source: China Youth Daily Client