Shanghai old man was cremated without dying, many problems are difficult to explain

Without the results of the investigation, is it appropriate to deal with “heavy and quick”?

Writing | Ji Guangwei

Source | “Medical Community” Public Account

On the afternoon of May 1, it was reported on the Internet that the Shanghai New Long March Welfare Institute was transporting the “dead” old man when the funeral home staff found that the old man was still alive. The Civil Affairs Bureau of Putuo District confirmed that this was true, initiated the administrative punishment procedure for the new Long March Welfare Institute, and dispatched a working group to the orphanage to carry out follow-up work.

Currently, the elderly’s vital signs are stable. Five people including Zhang Jiandong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Putuo District, Shanghai, were held accountable for further investigation.

As a senior surgeon and a practitioner of elderly care and palliative care, the author is very cautious and careful in judging death during long-term clinical work. I was surprised to see that the Civil Affairs Bureau of Putuo District of Shanghai released the results of the investigation seriously and quickly without releasing the results of the investigation. I have been thinking for the past two days: why is this?

We need to know the truth

Many of the above events are difficult to explain:

First, death must be judged by a clinician and declared clinically dead. Whether the doctor involved, Tian Moumou, has seen the patient, is the crux of the issue. If he saw the patient and performed his duties conscientiously, then this incident may be due to his level of problems, and he should have limited liability and can be suspended from practice. There is nothing wrong with revoking a doctor’s license if the doctor doesn’t see it at all, or is even involved in a criminal offense.

Secondly, is there any evidence such as an electrocardiogram left when the elderly person died? If there is, the doctor can reduce the responsibility.

Again, after the death of the elderly, the family members should be notified. Are the family members present? It takes time for family members to arrive at the scene. Moreover, after the death of the old man, whether to clean and change the body of the body, when the funeral home personnel carry the body, it is necessary to put it in a body bag. With so many links and such a long period of time, why did no abnormality be found, but only when I got on the bus. And why the video was shot so accurately, these questions need to be explored.

In my opinion, there are three scenarios for this incident: a criminal case, negligence, and technical error. As for which one it is, we have to wait for the findings of the authoritative department.

“Not Dead by Funeral Home,”

This is the second case I know of

In my nearly 40-year history of practicing medicine, I have heard of a case of such appalling incidents that the elderly were sent to the funeral home car.

It was in the 1980s, when a funeral home in a certain district of Wuhan was pushing the deceased into a cremation furnace and found the body moving. The funeral home urgently stopped the cremation. After calling the police, after investigation by the police, it was the old man’s son who found a doctor in a certain hospital through a relationship, falsely claiming that his mother had died. The doctor issued a death certificate out of trust in his friend… In the end, both the old man’s son and the doctor were sentenced. Since there was no medical qualification at that time, there was no such thing as revocation of the license.

Many people don’t remember this now.

For decades, no matter what the relationship, I have insisted on not seeing the patient, confirming the death, and never issuing a death certificate. For those who died at home and we were unable to come to the house for inspection, we insisted on following the norms and must see the proof of the neighborhood committee before issuing a death certificate.

Shanghai is one of the cities with the best retirement environment

Shanghai is one of the most aging cities in the country, and the government attaches great importance to elderly care services. The relevant experience is known as the “Shanghai Plan” for elderly care services in big cities.

At the same time, Shanghai vigorously promoted palliative care work, and twice listed this work as one of the “Ten Practical Things for the Citizens”. All 246 community health service centers in Shanghai have palliative care wards, making it one of the best cities in the country to carry out palliative care.

Cities like this should be a haven for the elderly. The elderly should be able to enjoy the best elderly care services, and the dignity of life can be well maintained.

The result of the investigation is not yet available, and it will be dealt with quickly

After the above incident, it caused a great uproar in public opinion. People unanimously blame the elderly care institutions, which is undoubtedly worse for Shanghai, which is deeply mired in the epidemic. Relevant departments will take the following measures seriously and promptly:

First, put a case on Zhang Jiandong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Shanghai Putuo District, for further investigation; Liu Yinghua, chief of the Elderly Care Service Section, and Wu Youcheng, director of the Changzheng Town Social Development Office, were dismissed, and the party discipline case was filed for further investigation.

Secondly, Shanghai Putuo District Health and Health Commission revoked the doctor Tian Moumou’s doctor’s practice certificate in accordance with the “Physician Law of the People’s Republic of China”. The public security organ opened a case for investigation. If other personnel are involved, they will be dealt with in accordance with laws and regulations.

Thirdly, Shanghai Putuo District Civil Affairs Bureau initiated the administrative punishment procedure for the new Long March Welfare Institute, and dispatched a working group to the orphanage to carry out follow-up work.

This reminds me that the 120 drivers in Shanghai during the epidemic were suspended because they did not lend their defibrillators to other family members who needed to rescue patients during the first aid mission.

In my opinion,It would be imprudent to do so without investigating the truth of the incident. The reasons are as follows:

Party discipline filing is debatable. Party discipline filing refers to the procedure of further investigation as a case for the party members and their organizations who, after preliminary verification and understanding, have violated the discipline and need to be held accountable for party discipline.

In this event, these leaders should not be direct participants. Their responsibility is leadership responsibility, not breaking the law. If “direct instigation” really matters, then it can be directly detained.

This also involves dismissal if there is a problem, which is not conducive to the development of the work. During the epidemic, the author tweeted many times to put forward ideas on the practice of dismissal as soon as the epidemic occurred. If you neglect your duty in epidemic prevention and control, quit your job, drink alcohol, etc., you should be dismissed. If you are conscientious in prevention and control, and positive cases occur, you will be dismissed from office.

In terms of the doctor’s treatment, has the doctor seen the patient and issued a death certificate? There is no legal basis for revoking the doctor’s practice certificate during the period of investigation by the public security organ.

The author believes that the above incident is not complicated, and the truth should be investigated as soon as possible to give a reasonable explanation to the society.

But regardless of the survey results, it exposes huge problems in the senior care industry:

The retirement industry has low barriers to entry. For a long time, the elderly care industry has been at a low level, which has a certain impact on the survival of the industry. It is manifested in the low management level, and some simple management methods are often used, which is not conducive to the progress of the industry; the income of employees is low, and the quality of personnel is uneven, which restricts the development of the industry; patients and their families have limited tolerance, which restricts the industry. development of.

Shanghai, as a city with better elderly care services, will have such problems. There may be more problems in other places, which should be paid attention to.

Insufficient policy support. The status quo of the elderly care industry determines that the fees cannot be too high, which forms a contradiction with the increase in personnel costs. To solve this problem, the government should increase investment and improve the service and technical capabilities of elderly care institutions.

Pandemic impact. The impact of the new crown epidemic on the elderly care industry is higher than that of other industries. As soon as there is an epidemic, it will be closed and controlled, which has brought a great impact on the survival and development of the elderly care industry.

This incident is undoubtedly a “worst event” for the elderly care industry, which the public does not trust. To salvage this impact, we need meticulous work, rather than “heavy and quick” treatment. Haste is not enough.

Source: Medicine

Editor in charge: Xu Liyan

Proofreading: Zang Hengjia