Shanghai debut! Ottomenology Hospital Internet Hospital Opens Cross-hospital Follow-up Service in the City

From now on, the Affiliated Eye and ENT Hospital of Fudan University (Internet Hospital of Shanghai Otolaryngology Hospital) will expand the scope of referral patients, including Patients with ENT-related diseases who have medical records and medication records in this hospital or other medical institutions in the city within 6 months can use the cross-hospital follow-up and dispensing services in the hospital’s Internet hospital. That is to say, patients with ENT-related diseases have a medical record in any hospital in Shanghai within 6 months, and they can have a follow-up consultation and prescription in the Shanghai ENT Hospital Internet Hospital.

In response to the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission’s “Notice on Further Promoting Medical Dispensing in Internet Hospitals”, Fudan University Affiliated Eye and Ear Nose and Throat Hospital has become a It is the first medical institution in the city to offer “inter-hospital follow-up service”.

Since the current round of the epidemic in Shanghai, the Eye and Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital of Fudan University has actively participated in the fight against the epidemic, and has comprehensively solved the difficulty in seeking medical treatment and dispensing medicines for returning patients during the epidemic. In order to provide more convenient services for patients, the hospital will continue to adhere to the “patient-centered” concept, continuously optimize Internet hospital services, and help patients seek medical treatment conveniently.

[Operation process of cross-hospital follow-up visit of ENT Hospital Internet Hospital]

Follow Shanghai ENT Hospital Internet Hospital or Fudan University Affiliated Eye and ENT Hospital WeChat Official account, enter the “Internet Hospital” for follow-up consultation and dispensing.

Affiliated Eye and ENT Hospital of Fudan University has launched a number of convenient facilities since March 2022 Medical services solve the “last mile” problem of patients’ dispensing of medicines, especially the “trilogy” of taking medicines from Internet hospitals.

I. Simple Outpatient Clinic for Quick Dispensing

Fenyang Campus has added a simple outpatient clinic for quick dispensing at the entrance of the outpatient clinic. If patients need to dispense medicines offline, they can go to the “Quick Dispensing Simple Clinic” at the outpatient entrance of the Fenyang Campus. Patients do not need to hold a negative nucleic acid report within 48 hours, and do not need to enter the outpatient hall to complete the procedures such as registration, dispensing, taking medicine, printing medical records and invoices.

II. Special Window for Taking Medicine in Internet Hospitals

A “contactless” special window for taking medicine in Internet hospitals has been set up at the entrance of outpatient clinics in both Fenyang and Pujiang campuses. Patients do not need to enter the outpatient hall or present a nucleic acid report within 48 hours. They only need to place an order in the Internet hospital in a few easy steps to get the medicine.

III. Internet hospital medicine code

Shanghai Otolaryngology Hospital’s Internet hospital has opened the “medicine code”, and the “medicine code” will be generated by the patient himself or a third party for payment. Hold the code to get the medicine, scan the code to get the medicine. Patients do not need to use the QR code of the medical card to take medicines, which avoids the problem of information leakage when a third party takes medicines, which is safe and efficient.

Warm tips for drug issuance and delivery

1. After completing the online consultation, the doctor will issue a prescription to complete the dispensing.

2. Due to the obstruction of logistics and delivery, it is recommended that patients choose to pick up at the hospital. Patients only need to provide the “medication code” to get the medicine.

Working hours of the Internet hospital for medicine collection:

Fenyang Campus: 8:00—11:30, 12:00—16:30

Pujiang Campus: 13:00—15:30

At other times, patients need to be admitted to the hospital through flow transfer to get medicine.

3. It is temporarily impossible to prescribe medicines for non-local patients, and non-local patients can go to the Internet for medical treatment and consultation.

Author: Tang Wenjia

Editor: Tang Wenjia


Responsible editor: Fan Liping

*Wenhui’s exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source for reprinting.