Shanghai added 1,292+9,330 new local deaths and 47 new local deaths

From 0 to 24:00 on April 27, Shanghai added 1,292 new confirmed cases of local new coronary pneumonia (including 858 confirmed cases of previously asymptomatic infections) and 9,330 asymptomatic infections. The actual new local positive infection 9,764 cases, 432 confirmed cases and 9,140 asymptomatic infections were found in isolation and control, and the rest were found in the investigation of relevant risk groups.

47 new local deaths. The average age is 84.7 years old, the youngest is 67 years old, and the oldest is 101 years old. 47 patients with various primary underlying diseases, including cardiac insufficiency grade IV, myocardial infarction, hypertension grade 3 (very high risk), sequelae of cerebral hemorrhage, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease , uremia, sigmoid colon cancer, etc.

Source: @CCTV News

Process Editor: TF016